Welcome to. FUNDRAISING Lets do some FUN-raising! Fundraising is a great way to use your Younique business to give back to your community and to grow.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to. FUNDRAISING Lets do some FUN-raising! Fundraising is a great way to use your Younique business to give back to your community and to grow."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome to

2 FUNDRAISING Lets do some FUN-raising! Fundraising is a great way to use your Younique business to give back to your community and to grow your customer base. This deck of info will get you started but this is YOUR BUSINESS to grow how you choose!

3 Fundraising 101 Ideas for groups to support Find a worthy cause that you want to support and NETWORK for a fundraising opportunity. Here are some groups to consider. ~Cheerleaders/gymnastics ~Sports teams (boys and girls) ~Charities ~Awareness groups (cancer, autism, health, social groups) ~Church groups ~Someone you personally know ~Schools/PTA’s ~Food bank ~Homeless programs (teens and adults) ~Visit this link for a list of monthly awareness causes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_commemorative_months

4 Fundraising 101 How much should I give? The amount you donate is a personal choice. Here are some thoughts on this topic.  Donate your total royalties received from all orders 20-36% depending on your status  Donate your total royalties less 5%  I would consider keeping 5% if I was Green status or higher and if I had expenses such as catalogs/travel etc.  Choose to donate a flat amount of your choice or any % of the money earned.  Maybe a cap on huge fundraisers or a minimum to protect smaller fundraisers  REMEMBER THAT YOUR DONATION IS A TAX DEDUCTION (advertising)

5 Fundraising 101 Its tax deductible? WHAT? At the end of your fundraiser you would simply write a check made payable to your cause. Consult your tax professional or your accountant but you may be eligible for tax benefits.  If you write a personal check to the organization and if it is a qualified “not for profit”, you can take the deduction on your personal taxes  Or, even if the donation isn’t to a “not for profit”, you can often take the deduction on your taxes under “advertising”

6 FUN-raising ideas! Team up with another Presenter in your area and choose opposing sports or cheer teams from two different high schools and have a FUN-raising SMACK DOWN! You’ll sell a ton of 3D lashes for PROM if you can get the local HS football players on board! Set up a table during lunch, sell cash and carry 3D. If the guys are fun and work it, they will sell TONS! Coordinate a 10 day VP on FB in combo with other fundraising activities. Start a group and add all the kids/mothers etc to that group. Set up the VP with YOU as the hostess then use the rewards as incentives for the group to SELL! Set your own sales goals. When working with cheerleaders or other female groups, set up a time to show and tell your products, do a drawing for someone to receive a free 3D right then and there! This will get them pumped up! SHARE your product knowledge (product training guide) Check the FILES tab in Haley’s group for the CHEERLEADER CHALLENGE and FUNDRAISING IDEA DOCUMENTS.

7 FUN-raising ideas!  You can set up a GROUP VP  Use the hostess rewards as incentives  Donate all the profits and keep the rewards  Set up individual VP’s with each player/cheerleader being their own hostess and earning their own rewards.  More work but they each receive their own party link and their personal sales can be tracked  ACKNOWLEDGE TOP SELLERS throughout the fundraiser  Give shout outs OFTEN in the group! Motivate and capitalize on the competitive nature of the team/group  Run for an entire month if you like with back to back 10 day parties

8 Why our program is GREAT! Younique is NEW! We are UNIQUE! Groups are often tired of the same-ole thing! How much wrapping paper do I need for crying out loud? Orders ship directly to their supporters! No handling/sorting/delivering of products Fundraising can be done virtually on FB/Email etc. Parents don’t have to send their kids door to door and it makes it easier on the Parents to support the fundraiser (lets face it.. They usually do all the work anyway) Younique Products cover a large demographic and are quality for the value. Be sure to promote this benefit! Its not candy/nuts or trinket/cheap stuff. High value or return 20-30% of every dollar sold with no expenses OPTIONS there are multiple ways to earn with Younique! VP, catalog, cash and carry, email, FB etc. See what works best for them!

9 Your GOALS! WHY DO WE DO FUNDRAISERS? Why do YOU want to do a fundraiser? Figure out your WHY and build a plan around that WHY!  To support your community by giving back  To build your client base and grow your business  To earn incentive trip points/company promotions  To build a relationship with the causes you support so they will want to use you again  To build your referral database

10 BOTTOM LINE!  You are a Network Marketing Professional. So, BE PROFESSIONAL!  Arrive with professional looking information, documents, samples etc  UNDERSTAND THEIR GOAL  Meet with the coach/person in charge in advance of the fundraiser so that you can develop a clear plan  HAVE A VERY CLEAR PLAN ON HOW YOU WILL HELP THEM ACHIEVE THEIR GOAL  Since you interviewed with them, you should know what their very specific goals are. SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE  BE PROFESSIONAL  In your dress, the way you speak, the way you present information. YOU ARE BUILDING A BUSINESS  Did I mention BE PROFESSIONAL?  DO IT!  When approaching a group about fundraising, have a very clear plan and QUANTIFY the potential value for them. For example, you might say something like… “When we met, I understood your goal is to buy new uniforms for your cheer squad. It’s my understanding that you would like to raise $1000. I have developed an easy plan for how we can get this done! Your group will receive 25% of every dollar sold during this fundraiser. Total fundraising sales will need to be $4000. You have 20 girls on your team. That means, each girl will need to sell $1000. That is only 100 sets of 3D lashes each or 10 collections!”

11 GET PAID Compensation 101

12 DREAM BIG This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity to GROW! Follow up PERSONALLY with each new customer! How big will you BUILD your business?! FIND YOUR WHY and work your business to achieve your personal goals.

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