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Essentials of managing a project team Olga Maiorova 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Essentials of managing a project team Olga Maiorova 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essentials of managing a project team Olga Maiorova 2014


3 What is a team? Group of individuals, with different personalities, backgrounds, skill levels, needs and motivations Same goals Dependence

4 Manage project team Process of tracking team member performance Providing feedback Resolving issues Managing changes to optimize project performance

5 Management Challenging Leader/champion Cross-functional

6 1:1 To function as the team champion, the manager has to learn about each team member Arranging of one-on-one meetings Weekly or biweekly

7 1:1 Regular one-on-ones help to see system problems Easier to understand the business – not the strategy, but how the teams build the products to implement the strategy

8 Feedback Providing feedback is a necessary part of management As close to the event as possible In private Describing the behavior or result No labels!

9 Meta- Managers provide team members meta-feedback = feedback about how to give feedback and meta-coaching = coaching about how to coach

10 Private problems One-on-ones to manage private issues Responsibilities outside of work Everyone needs private time with a responsible manager Prevention of possible conflicts within a team

11 Career development Feedback about strengths Manager as a mentor Suggestion on different responsibilities Helps people manage their careers and increases people’s capabilities, thereby increasing organizational capacity.

12 Motivation Project’s benefits Potential benefits for each project team member New skills, new contacts, new career perspectives Intermediate milestones

13 Conflicts Challenging but not necessarily bad Can lead to new ideas and approaches Listen, acknowledge, respond, resolve differences Managing well – conflict as a tool to generate revitalized team engagement and innovation

14 Rewarding Effort and attainment to achieve desired results Recognition and appreciation

15 Conclusion Managing a team could be quite an issue and a project in and of itself It is about creating an evironment in which everyone can do their best work

16 Thank you!

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