Scientific Farming Methods. Why do the farmers use scientific farming methods? To increase the productivity To solve the farming problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Farming Methods. Why do the farmers use scientific farming methods? To increase the productivity To solve the farming problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Farming Methods

2 Why do the farmers use scientific farming methods? To increase the productivity To solve the farming problems

3 Scientific farming methods need: Money Technology Educated farmers

4 What are the scientific farming methods shown in the following slides?

5 Using machines To replace labour But it causes unemployment

6 Using irrigation To ensure water supply But irrigation without a good drainage system may make the soil salty

7 Adding chemical fertilizers To improve the soil fertility But it may cause food poisoning

8 Using pesticides To kill harmful pests But it may cause water pollution if overuse

9 Cutting terraces on hillslopes Reclamation To increase production  a danger of over-cultivation & overgrazing  soil erosion

10 Growing crops in a greenhouse To protect the crops from bad weather

11 How to avoid the negative impacts of scientific farming methods?

12 Do not overuse farmland Do not open up poor land Control population  less demand for food

13 Practice organic farming Do not use chemical fertilizers & pesticides Grow chillies & spring onions

14 Use a scarecrow to keep away birds Practise soil conservation by fallowing, crop rotation

15 Support organic farming Buy more green products Though they’re more expensive

16 Moo… Bye!

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