Stellar Industrial Technologies Your source for all your Safety and Pressure Relief Valve Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Stellar Industrial Technologies Your source for all your Safety and Pressure Relief Valve Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stellar Industrial Technologies Your source for all your Safety and Pressure Relief Valve Needs.

2 LARGE INVENTORY Our source has more than 18,000 valves in stock in over 4,000 varieties. Our source has more than 18,000 valves in stock in over 4,000 varieties. Our source carries valves from 27 different manufacturers. Our source carries valves from 27 different manufacturers. Stellar Industrial Technologies

3 LARGE INVENTORY Most Extensive Kunkle Valve Stock in the industry. Most Extensive Kunkle Valve Stock in the industry. Stellar Industrial Technologies

4 LARGE INVENTORY Other Brands We Carry: Conbraco Conbraco Kingston Kingston Aquatrol Aquatrol Crosby Crosby Farris Farris Anderson Greenwood Anderson Greenwood Consolidated Fulflo Lonergan Crane Lunkenheimer And more! Stellar Industrial Technologies

5 LARGE INVENTORY Surplus Sales We buy up new valves that are no longer being made whenever available, so when you need an extinct model, there is no need to re-pipe. We buy up new valves that are no longer being made whenever available, so when you need an extinct model, there is no need to re-pipe. Stellar Industrial Technologies

6 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves

7 We carry a large and varied selection of Remanufactured Safety Valves with two tremendous benefits We carry a large and varied selection of Remanufactured Safety Valves with two tremendous benefits 1. Lower Price—Remanufactured valves save 40-60 percent over new. Stellar Industrial Technologies

8 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves 2. Longer Warranty—All Valves remanufactured by our source carry a TWO-YEAR WARRANTY. This is double the warranty of new valves. Stellar Industrial Technologies

9 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves All Remanufactured Valves go through a thorough process to ensure they meet and/or exceed manufacturer specifications Stellar Industrial Technologies

10 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves Clean, Sandblast and inspect all parts to ensure they meet manufacturers tolerances. Clean, Sandblast and inspect all parts to ensure they meet manufacturers tolerances. Stellar Industrial Technologies

11 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves Machine flanges and seating surfaces to manufacturer specification Machine flanges and seating surfaces to manufacturer specification

12 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves Replace all gaskets, bolts and nuts Replace all gaskets, bolts and nuts Stellar Industrial Technologies

13 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves Submit to New Valve testing standards Submit to New Valve testing standards Stellar Industrial Technologies

14 LARGE INVENTORY Remanufactured Valves BeforeAfter Stellar Industrial Technologies

15 SHIPPING Stellar ‘s source prides itself on shipping most customer orders the same day. Stellar ‘s source prides itself on shipping most customer orders the same day. Stellar Industrial Technologies

16 Fastest Shipping in the Business The boiler is on every day for testing and shipping steam valves. The boiler is on every day for testing and shipping steam valves. Stellar Industrial Technologies

17 REPAIRS Our source is National Board approved for all VR repairs of Safety Valves. Our source is National Board approved for all VR repairs of Safety Valves. Our source has a repair capacity of 50 valves per week Our source has a repair capacity of 50 valves per week We can turnaround most repairs in three days. We can turnaround most repairs in three days.

18 The spring pushes down on the disc to create a seal with the nozzle that lifts at the valve set point. SpringDiscNozzle How does a Safety Valve work? Stellar Industrial Technologies

19 How does a Safety Valve work? A Safety Valve is a very simple device. Two pieces of metal are squeezed together by force provided by a spring. When the counter pressure from below exceeds the spring pressure, the disc lifts, relieving pressure from the system. A Safety Valve is a very simple device. Two pieces of metal are squeezed together by force provided by a spring. When the counter pressure from below exceeds the spring pressure, the disc lifts, relieving pressure from the system. Stellar Industrial Technologies

20 SPRING The spring is used to hold the The spring is used to hold the nozzle and Disc together until the desired set point, at which the disc will lift off the nozzle and the valve will relieve. Stellar Industrial Technologies

21 Disc & Nozzle The disc is held tight against The disc is held tight against the nozzle by the spring to create a tight seating service. A common cause of valve leakage is debris or grit in the end users system scratching the nozzle or disc. Stellar Industrial Technologies

22 Operation Warn Warn Valve is ready to open Valve is ready to open Pop Pop Valve opens Valve opens Blowdown Blowdown System Pressure has System Pressure has receded to below set receded to below set pressure pressure Reseat Reseat Stellar Industrial Technologies

23 Safety Valve Codes ASME ASME Section I– Boilers Section I– Boilers Section VIII—Tanks, Lines, Reducing Stations Section VIII—Tanks, Lines, Reducing Stations Section IV---Hot Water Boilers/Low Pressure Boilers Section IV---Hot Water Boilers/Low Pressure Boilers VR--- Valve Repair Code VR--- Valve Repair Code National Board (NB) National Board (NB) Stellar Industrial Technologies

24 Valve Selection Step 1—Media LiquidAirGasSteam Stellar Industrial Technologies

25 Valve Selection Step 2----- Set Pressure Step 2----- Set Pressure Popping Pressure Relieving Pressure Stellar Industrial Technologies

26 Valve Selection Step 3---Required Capacity Step 3---Required CapacityLBS/HRSCFMGPM Stellar Industrial Technologies

27 Valve Selection Other Factors Other Factors Temperature Temperature Corrosive media or environment Corrosive media or environment Back Pressure Back Pressure Connections Connections Stellar Industrial Technologies

28 Trouble Shooting #1 reason– System operating pressure is too close to the valve’s set pressure. Safety valves require a 5 psi or 10% difference between the operating and set pressure (whichever is greater) for the valve to work properly. #1 reason– System operating pressure is too close to the valve’s set pressure. Safety valves require a 5 psi or 10% difference between the operating and set pressure (whichever is greater) for the valve to work properly. Stellar Industrial Technologies

29 Trouble Shooting EXAMPLE EXAMPLE A reducing valve reducing from 100 to 10 PSI A reducing valve reducing from 100 to 10 PSI The Safety Valve cannot be set any lower than 15 PSI. It would be better to set it at 20 or 25, depending on the pressure that the downstream vessels could handle. The Safety Valve cannot be set any lower than 15 PSI. It would be better to set it at 20 or 25, depending on the pressure that the downstream vessels could handle. Stellar Industrial Technologies

30 Trouble Shooting Is the valve mounted correctly? Most safety valves are designed to operate in a vertical position only. A valve mounted horizontally or upside down can not operate as intended. Stellar Industrial Technologies

31 Trouble Shooting Is the valve mounted correctly? Outlet piping should be supported by something other than the valve itself. If the piping is not supported it can strain the valve and cause the internals to align improperly Stellar Industrial Technologies

32 Troubleshooting Pipe dope or Teflon tape is often the culprit in leaking valves. When installed, care should be taken to ensure that it is not too low on the threads. If this gets into the valve, it can stick on the seating surface and cause a constant leak. Pipe dope or Teflon tape is often the culprit in leaking valves. When installed, care should be taken to ensure that it is not too low on the threads. If this gets into the valve, it can stick on the seating surface and cause a constant leak. Stellar Industrial Technologies


34 Troubleshooting Seating surface scratches Seating surface scratches Dirt/grit/debris from the system is most commonly the culprit in leaks if all other questions are answered. Dirt/grit/debris from the system is most commonly the culprit in leaks if all other questions are answered. This grit goes through the valve and scratches the nozzle, disc or both, causing an incomplete seal and the valve leakage. This grit goes through the valve and scratches the nozzle, disc or both, causing an incomplete seal and the valve leakage. Stellar Industrial Technologies

35 STELLAR INDUSTRIAL TECNOLOGIES Thank you for your Business. Thank you for your Business. Any Questions. Any Questions. End of Show End of Show

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