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Periodic Trends: 3. Ionization Energy 4. Electronegativity

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Trends: 3. Ionization Energy 4. Electronegativity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Trends: 3. Ionization Energy 4. Electronegativity
What is ionization energy? What is electronegativity?

2 IONIZATION ENERGY Ionization Energy is energy needed to remove an outer valence electron. 1st IE energy required to remove 1st e- 2nd IE energy required to remove 2 e- 3rd IE energy required to remove 3 e-

3 Ionization Energy Before: Neutral Na Atom
After: 1st valence e- is removed 11p+ 11 e- Overall Net Charge = 0 Result: 11p+ 10e- Overall Net Charge = +1

4 What is the trend and why?
In groups = as you go down WHY? Increased shielding effect,  distance between e- and nucleus In rows = as you move across WHY? Increased positive nuclear charge, as nucleus becomes more +,  nuclear charge, holds e- closer More difficult to remove e- as they are located closer to nucleus.

5 What is the shielding effect?
Shielding of outer electrons by inner electrons Prevents outer electrons from “feeling” effective nuclear charge

6 What is the shielding effect?

7 What is electronegativity?
Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons Used as a prediction of the type of bond that will form FLOURINE is the MOST ELECTRONEGATIVE CESIUM is the LEAST ELECTRONEGATIVE

8 What is the trend?

9 What is the periodic trend?
In groups = as you go down WHY? Atom has higher number of energy levels, more inner electrons, less ability to attract e- In rows = as you move across WHY? Increased valence e- on outer energy level


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