Eating disorders are extreme and dangerous..   Liquid diets- liquid diet only, which can be extremely dangerous.  Diet pills- claim they suppress your.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating disorders are extreme and dangerous..   Liquid diets- liquid diet only, which can be extremely dangerous.  Diet pills- claim they suppress your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating disorders are extreme and dangerous.

2   Liquid diets- liquid diet only, which can be extremely dangerous.  Diet pills- claim they suppress your appetite.  Fasting- fasting deprives the body of nutrients and a result of dehydration.  Supplements- The FDA does not regulate supplements so BE CAREFUL! Fad diets

3   Eating disorders- extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death.  Eating disorders are classified as an mental illness and they are often linked to depression, low self- esteem, or troubled personal relationships.  Anorexia nervosa- is an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves. Stay Healthy

4   Avoiding food and meals  Eating only a few kinds of food  Weighing or counting the calories  Exercising excessively  Weighing themselves repeatedly CONSEQUENCES: Malnutrition which is starvation. Body temperature Heart rate Bones becoming brittle Anorexia behaviors

5   Bulimia Nervosa- Is an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food.  Extreme binge and then guilt follows and they will take a laxatives or try to vomit.  CONSEQUENCES  Stomach acid damages teeth, throat, kidneys, and intestines. Bulimia Nervosa

6   Binge eating – is an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively.  Most common in males.  Binge eating disorders are not as frequent as they are in bulimia disorders.  CONSEQUENCES  Overweight and obesity  High blood pressure  Type 2 diabetes  Cardiovascular disease Binge eating

7   Eating disorders are dangerous and serious illnesses. People with these disorders need help to overcome them. Medical help may involve counseling, nutritional guidance, a doctor’s care, and in extreme case, a hospital stay. Seek help

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