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Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces

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Presentation on theme: "Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces
Metal-Semiconductor contact Schottky Barrier/Diode Ohmic Contacts MESFET ECE 663

2 Device Building Blocks
Schottky (MS) p-n junction ECE 663 HBT MOS

3 Energy band diagram of an isolated metal adjacent to an isolated n-type semiconductor
q(fs-c) = EC – EF = kTln(NC/ND) for n-type = EG – kTln(Nv/NA) for p-type ECE 663

4 Energy band diagram of a metal-n semiconductor contact in thermal equilibrium.
qfBn = qfms + kTln(NC/ND) ECE 663

5 Measured barrier height fms for metal-Si and metal-GaAs contacts
ECE 663 Theory still evolving (see review article by Tung)

6 Energy band diagrams of metal n-type and p-type semiconductors under thermal equilibrium
ECE 663

7 Energy band diagrams of metal n-type and p-type semiconductors under forward bias
ECE 663

8 Energy band diagrams of metal n-type and p-type semiconductors under reverse bias
ECE 663

9 Vbi = fms (Doping does not matter!) fBn = fms + kTln(NC/ND)
Charge distribution Vbi = fms (Doping does not matter!) fBn = fms + kTln(NC/ND) electric-field distribution Em = qNDW/Kse0 E(x) = qND(x-W)/Kse0 W (Vbi-V) = - ∫E(x)dx = qNDW2/Kse0 ECE 663

10 Depletion Depletion width Charge per unit area q ECE 663

11 Capacitance Per unit area: Rearranging: Or: ECE 663

12 1/C2 versus applied voltage for W-Si and W-GaAs diodes
ECE 663

13 If straight line – constant doping profile –
1/C2 vs V If straight line – constant doping profile – slope = doping concentration If not straight line, can be used to find profile Intercept = Vbi can be used to find Bn ECE 663

14 Current transport by the thermionic emission process
Thermal equilibrium forward bias reverse bias J = Jsm(V) – Jms(V) Jms(V) = Jms(0) = Jsm(0) ECE 663

15 Note the difference with p-n junctions!!
In both cases, we’re modulating the population of backflowing electrons, hence the Shockley form, but… V > 0 V > 0 V < 0 V < 0 Barrier is not pinned Els with zero kinetic energy can slide down negative barrier to initiate current Current is limited by how fast minority carriers can be removed (diffusion rate) Both el and hole currents important (charges X-over and become min. carriers) Barrier from metal side is pinned Els from metal must jump over barrier Current is limited by speed of jumping electrons (that the ones jumping from the right cancel at equilibrium) Unipolar majority carrier device, since valence band is entirely inside metal band

16 Let’s roll up our sleeves and do the algebra !!
Jsm = 2qf(Ek-EF)vx dkxdkydkzvxe-(Ek-EF)/kT (2p)3/W = 2q vx > vmin,vy,vz Vbi - V V > 0 Ek-EF = (Ek-EC) + (EC -EF) EC - EF = q(fBn-Vbi) Ek - EC = m(vx2 + vy2 + vz2 )/2 m*vmin2/2 = q(Vbi – V) kx,y,z = m*vx,y,z/ħ ECE 663

17 This means… Jsm = q(m*)3W/4p3ħ3 dvye-m*vy2/2kT   ∞ -∞
dvze-m*vz2/2kT dvxvxe-m*vx2/2kT vmin (2pkT/m*) (kT/m*)e-m*vmin2/2kT = (kT/m*)e-q(Vbi-V)kT x e-q(fBn-Vbi)/kT dxe-x2/2s2 = s2p -∞ dx xe-x2/2s2 = s2e-A2/2s2 A = qm*k2T2/2p2ħ3e-q(fBn-V)kT = A*T2e-q(fBn-V)kT A* = 4pm*qk2/h3 = 120 A/cm2/K2 ECE 663

18 J = A*T2e-qfBN/kT(eqV/kT-1)

19 In regular pn junctions, charge needs to move through
drift-diffusion, and get whisked away by RG processes MS junctions are majority carrier devices, and RG is not as critical. Charges that go over a barrier already have high velocity, and these continue with those velocities to give the current

20 Forward current density vs applied voltage of W-Si and W-GaAs diodes
ECE 663

21 Thermionic Emission over the barrier – low doping
ECE 663

22 Tunneling through the barrier – high doping
Schottky barrier becomes Ohmic !! ECE 663

23 ECE 663

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