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United Nations Afghanistan Disability Support Programme The Role of Mine Action Programmes Within the Broader Disability Sector.

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1 United Nations Afghanistan Disability Support Programme The Role of Mine Action Programmes Within the Broader Disability Sector

2 History of Disability Actions in Afghanistan Comprehensive Disabled Afghans Programme from 1995 until 2005 UNDP National Programme for Action on Disability 2005 - 2008 Mine Action Coordination Centre of Afghanistan VA/Disability Programme from 2002 to 2010. Afghanistan Disability Support Programme 2011. The goal of all of these programmes has been to build the institutional capacities within government, with the support of the UN, NGOs and donors to provide the necessary services for persons with disability including landmine and ERW victims.

3 Obligations to the Mine Ban Treaty Nairobi Action Plan: At the First Review Conference States Parties adopted a clear understanding of principles to guide their efforts, including: that victim assistance efforts should not exclude any person injured or disabled in another manner; that assistance should be viewed as a part of a country’s overall public health and social services systems and human rights frameworks; and, that providing assistance should be seen in a broader context of development and underdevelopment. Cartagena Action Plan: The full and effective participation and inclusion of mine survivors, and the families of those killed or injured, in the social, cultural, economic and political life of their communities is the ultimate aim and principal focus of the States Parties’ victim assistance efforts. The pursuit of this aim calls for a process with specific objectives for all aspects of victim assistance that is integrated into broader frameworks, such as disability, development and human rights, to ensure that high standards are met, that services are available and accessible, and that rights are guaranteed. 3

4 Supporting the Disability Sector through Mine Action in Afghanistan Afghanistan has always seen its VA component of mine action to be supportive of all persons with disability regardless of how a disability has been acquired. Mine Action has supported the government’s developmental aspirations Mine Action has provided a technical capacity across the disability sector that includes education, health and social supports. Utilized the obligations of the mine ban treaty to further the development of the disability sector and provide guidance within the sector. Mine action has advocated for the rights of persons with disability and promoted inclusion and equity in services and government support

5 Pros and Cons of VA Projects Pros: Awareness and Advocacy Helping countries who have few resources to begin learning, thinking, planning and doing Utilizing limited resources through work with Government (MBT obligations, systems building) Cons: Short term interventions Discriminatory in nature (only landmine victims) Work may not support government priorities Lack of coordination within the disability sector 5

6 Out Comes of Mine Action Support to Government Afghanistan National Disability Action Plan Inter-Ministerial Board on Disability Disability Stakeholders Consultative Group New Disability Legislation National Disability Federation of Afghanistan CRPD pending ratification Technical capacity increased Mental Health and Disability Departments established at MoPH to integrate disability services into public health mechanisms. Disability Department 4 year strategy developed Mental Health 4 year strategy approved Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disability strategy under development.

7 Challenges Funding Money Cash

8 Risks and Challenges: Implementing VA or Disability Specific Activities Bang for the buck and what is needed vs. what is funded Sustainability Setting priorities Advocating for funding Educating Mine Action Donors

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