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Eng. Nouran Nawar.  SNMP Interaction  HP Products  HPOVNNM Installation  OUR LAB  Basic Component on NNM  Home Base  OVW  Home Base Vs. OVW.

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Presentation on theme: "Eng. Nouran Nawar.  SNMP Interaction  HP Products  HPOVNNM Installation  OUR LAB  Basic Component on NNM  Home Base  OVW  Home Base Vs. OVW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eng. Nouran Nawar

2  SNMP Interaction  HP Products  HPOVNNM Installation  OUR LAB  Basic Component on NNM  Home Base  OVW  Home Base Vs. OVW

3  Need to make control from single point.  OSI specific management functional Areas:  Fault Management.  Configuration Management.  Accounting Management.  Performance management.  Security management.

4  MS : Management Station.  MA : Management Agent.  MN : Management Node.

5  SNMP use a simplest command between Manager and Agent, using UDP/IP. “connection less”  Most of communication start by a manager.  Agent communication is response for manager.  SNMP Traps: Agent start communication when predetermined even occur. Polling

6 SNMP MANAGER AGENT MIB SNMP Get Response SNMP Set Response Traps MS MN  MIB : Management Information Base.  SNMP agent listen to port 161 UDP.  SNMP Manager listen to port 162 UDP “Traps”.

7 1.GET 2.GET_Next 3.Get_Bulk (v2) 4.Inform (v2) 5.Set 6.Response 7.Traps Msgs sent by MS to MN Msgs sent by MN to MS

8  SNMP v1  GET, Get Next, Set, Trap  SNMP V2  Get Bulk, Inform, SNMP V1  SNMP V3  Proxy Agent, Authentication, SNMP V1, SNMP V2  SNMP V2c

9  Access to device configuration  Standard Method to set or get data fro MN  MIB: piece of status or configuration  MIB object  NAME + Access + Type + Descr.  Access : read + write  MIB Tree

10 Management Sub Tree

11  =  Numeric.  Fully Qualified MIB object name = object ID dot notation(.) Instance ID

12  Community name to provide a level of security for SNMP.  By default: get community name is “public”  Set community name: modify configuration.

13  HP open view advanced security  HP open view Dynamic Net value analyzer  HP open view Glance plus  HP open view ISP  HP open view Internet usage  HP open view Network Node manager  HP open view Performance manager  HP open view performance insight

14  Map to your NW.  Discover layer#2 & layer#3 connectivity  Event Management and Alarm Browser  SNMP data collection, MIB graph for any variable  Data ware house, Archive NW data  Report  Web based GUI  Mange HSRP, MPLS “SPI” smart plug in

15  NNM Starter Edition “SE”  Small NW, 250 node  NNM Advanced Edition “AE”  Discover unlimited nodes, VLANs, MPLS, VPN, WAN  HP NNM-I Certificate  HP0-632

16  Your machine has a static IP  NOTE: “Changing IP Make the HP Stop working”  IIS windows Component  SNMP  Java  J2re “Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.4.2_06 ” min JPI  DNS Suffix and restart.

17  Delete switch configuration.  Enable SNMP on “our lab sw”.  Give the switch suitable name, IP, GW.  Enable SNMP, put community name, SNMP version, Traps,  All steps CH:26 Cisco_3560_Guide  Save your configuration




21   Dynamic views  Node status summary  Alarm browser  Dynamic summary  Discovery progress

22  Path view  Neighbors view  Internet view  Network view  Node view  Segment view

23  Cmd  ovw  Basic windows  Root  Internet  NW  Segment  Nodes.  “Ipmap”  service create IP sub-map hierarchy.  Relation between maps and sub-maps like parent and child.

24  Dark blue: unknown  Green: normal  Cyan: warning  Yellow: minor  Orange: major  Red: down  Unmanaged  Testing  Restricted  disabled

25 Green Cyan Yellow Orange Red

26  Help  Symbol legend  View  Zoom  View  Label  Map  Print “Unix only”  Edit  find  Location an object  Access object properties  capabilities  you can not change  general attributes  rarely changed  Map  Map snapshots  cmd  ovmapsnap

27  Edit  add to Quick navigator

28  Need OS login  Edit map  NNM be installed on machine  Snapshots  Background  Quick navigator  Edi  find  Remote administration  Tomcat alarm  Scaled well  View  find  File  print preview  Poster printing

29  MS discover itself, using IP, SM. DGW.  Discover DGW.  MS discover ARP cache.  SNMP community must be known.  Every 15 min, repeat polling.  “netmon” services run at background  use ICMP and SNMP over UDP to find nodes at network.

30  Loadhost command  Cmd  loadhosts –m 3560 nouran-pc  Useful commands:  Ovstart –c  Ovstart –v  Ovstop  Ovstatus –c

31  C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\bin\dvUsersManager.ovpl  It will edit in  C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat- 4.0.4\webapps\topology\WEB-INF\dynamicViewsUsers.xml  If it will not work,  C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat- 4.0.4\webapps\topology\WEB-INF  Uncheck section.


33  Launcher  Network Presenter  Monitor NW Activity  Discover your network with Netmon  Controlling Netmon discovery

34  View your network by Network Presenter “read only”.  Start launcher on windows:  Ovw  tools  hpopenview  launcher.   Start Launcher on Unix: 

35  Tasks: Access to task operation.  Configuration Event Correlation.  Configuration web reporting interface.  Information & Reports:  MIB Browser.  NNM Alarms.  Web Reporting interface.  Tools:  NW Presenter  Alarm Browser  Event corrleation  SNMP Data presenter  SNMP MIB Browser  Web Reporting

36  Access maps from network presenter.  Open a map other than the default map.  Network presenter needs ovw map is opened.  Any change in ovw reflect in the same time in Launcher_network presenter.

37  To chage IP address of your NNM server use the next procedure 1) Stop ovw 2) Stop all OpenView processes using ovstop 3) Change the IP Address of the system 4) Edit the $OV_DB/openview/ovserver file 5) Edit the $OV_CONF/ovwdb.auth and $OV_CONF/ovw.auth files to allow your local machine access to the database. 6) Execute the xnmsnmpconf -clearCache command to clear the SNMP configuration database. 7) Restart OpenView processes using ovstart 8) Restart ovw ?admit=109447626+1233660840876+28353475&threadId=6101 72 ?admit=109447626+1233660840876+28353475&threadId=6101 72

38 Scope Pane Control Area

39  There are features in NW presenter, and Not available in NNM- MS.  Scoping pane  Tabular View  Scroll bar in content area  Features in ovw and not in NW presenter:  Map description dialog box  Sub map and map snapshots

40 For example:  When you add symbol it will be added in NW presenter.  Mange/unmanage symbol it will be reflected.  Sub map in ovw, nothing happened.  Delete submap in OVW, reflected. Note: To make launcher open other than the default map: Jovw.exe is NW presenter

41 Ch:8

42  Check the network connectivity.  Check a node’s network configuration.  Check the amount of network activity.  Check for alarms.

43 1.Select a source node (click on the symbol). 2.Select a destination node (control-click on the symbol). 3.Invoke the Remote Ping dialog box from the Fault: Network Connectivity: Remote Ping menu item.

44  Select Node  Fault  Test IP/TCP/SNMP

45  Ovw  Fault  Network Connectivity  Poll Node

46  Shows the shortest path between any two nodes  Extremely useful for troubleshooting  It has Graph and table tab.

47  Status Poll  Trace Route  Capability Poll (Windows only)  Event Viewer (Windows only, ovw only)  Diagnostics (Windows only, ovw only)


49  Network Activity  System utilization such as CPU Load, Disk Space, or the Windows  Performance Monitor  Network Polling Statistics

50 Ch:15

51  Netmon Discovers network nodes.  Ovcapsd Checks for DMI and web capabilities (Windows only)  Ovtopmd Maintains the topology and object database.

52  ovstart starts ovspmd.  ovspmd starts netmon.  netmon queries the NNM management station’s SNMP agent for configuration information, which includes:  IP Address  Subnet mask  Default Route  ARP Cache  For each new IP address found in the ARP Cache or Default Route from the previous step, ping it to make sure it is alive, make an SNMP query to determine the SNMP version supported, then use SNMP to retrieve the configuration information noted in step 3

53  Tell netmon to discover more by managing nodes.  Edit  Manage Object  Loaclhosts command  Cmd  loadhosts –v –m –p -c  -v verify  -m subnetmask  -p ping host  -c start by tell next 99 IP  Cmd  loadhosts –m koko

54  Ovsuf file: file containing background process, stratup config.  Its location “C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\conf”  It is a notepad file, read-only file.  To modify LRF : Local Registration file:  Ovstop process  Backup netmon file  Edit netmon  Ovdelobj netmon.lrf  delete netmon entry from ovsuf  Ovaddobj netmon.lrf  add netmon entry from ovsuf  Ovstart netmon or  Ovtopfix –l -i

55  Giving netmon a seed file to speed up initial discovery. 1.Cmd  Ovstop netmon 2.Create a seed file, give MS the router and gateway, should be stored in “C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\conf\seed” 3.Modify LRF “netmon.lrf”  edit the file –s {pathOVs_YES_START:ovtopmd,pmd,ovwdb:-P -s c\:/seed:OVs_WELL_BEHAVED:15:PAUSE} 4.Cmd  cd C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\lrf 5.Ovdelobj netmon.lrf 6.Ovaddobj netmon.lrf 7.Optional Redo Initial Discovery 8.Restart netmon  cmd  ovstart netmon

56  Stop NNM  Cmd  ovstop –c  Remove folder content, “HP OpenView\databases\eventdb” and “HP OpenView\databases\openview”.  Start NNM  Cmd  ovstart –c

57  Viewing Alarms  Exploring and Using MIB Data

58 Ch: 10 Ch: 22

59  Trap : A specific message that is sent by an SNMP agent to UDP port 162 (the default) of the NNM management station is called a trap, or snmptrap. These messages always originate from outside the NNM process structure. They are received by ovtrapd for processing into NNM.  Event : An internal message format resulting from a trap which has NNM header information added to it, or a message that occurs between two NNM processes. It indicates an incident of interest, regardless of the source of the incident.  Alarm: After an event has been received, processing of the event occurs. The result of the processing is an alarm. Not all events result in alarms, but every alarm is the result of one or more vents.

60  When an incident does occur, the involved NNM process or SNMP agent generates and sends an event to NNM’s pmd process. Events sent by SNMP agents are called SNMP traps.  NNM services can request information from outside the management station. For example, netmon polls the network for discovery of objects.  Services can send events to each other. For example, the pmd service sends alarms to the ovalarmsrv process to display the alarms in the alarms browser.

61  If the event comes from outside the management station, it is received by ovtrapd.  ovtrapd sends the event on to the postmaster, pmd.  pmd sends all events, whether from ovtrapd or another process, through the Event Correlation System (ECS), where the events are processed.  Some of the events may be sent to processes that have subscribed to them. Other events may be correlated. Sometimes a new event, or alarm, is generated.


63  ovalarmsrv subscribes to all alarm events.  For example, netmon polls a device to see if it is up and running. When the device returns an event that says it is up, ovalarmsrv does not get the event. However, if the device does not respond, then an alarm results saying the device is unreachable. This alarm is sent to ovalarmsrv and appears in the alarms browser.  The ECS system correlates some events.  For example, netmon continues to poll the device that is not responding. Each time there is no response, an event occurs. After the first event, ECS correlates the events. In the alarms browser, you only see the first event.  Correlation of events can be turned on or off.

64  Action  Alarm Details  Action  Show Correlated Alarms  Select node  Alarm


66  ECS provides correlations for use with NNM which produce one of the following actions:  Pass Through - The event passes through ECS with no change.  Suppression - The event is suppressed within ECS. This event is not broadcasted to the NNM process.  Associated or correlated - The event is correlated with another event. A parent child relationship is set up with the events.  New event - A new event is generated as a result of the original event.

67  To change the Alarm Browser size;  ovalarmsrv:ovalarmsrv:  OVs_YES_START:pmd:700:OVs_WELL_BEHAVED:120:PAUSE  By default: 3500 events


69  BSE: Binary Event Store  Log event. By default, incoming events and correlated alarms are logged to the Binary Event Store. The maximum size of the binary event store can be changed by modifying pmd.lrf. To increase the size of the binary event store from the default of 16 MB to 32MB:  Edit pmd.lrf and add the option shown in the example below:  pmd:pmd:  OVs_YES_START_::- SOV_EVENT;b32:OVs_WELL_BEHAVED:15:PAUSE:  cd OV_LRF (on UNIX) or cd %OV_LRF% (on Windows)  ovaddobj pmd.lrf  ovstop pmd  ovstart -c






75 Ch:13 Ch:14

76  Describe the purpose and structure of a MIB.  Distinguish between MIB objects and instances.  Browse a node’s MIB from the GUI, web interfaces, or command line.  Graph a MIB object’s value as it changes.  Load additional MIBs for management.

77  Name. Uniquely defines the MIB object at the current level in the MIB hierarchy.  ACCESS:  read-only. The value of the object may be retrieved (for example, snmpget) but not changed.  read/write. The value of the object may be both retrieved and changed (for example, snmpset).


79 Symbolic Representation — used by people Numeric Representation — used by computers

80  Ovw  tools  SNMP MIB Browser  Launcher  Object View  IT Resource  SNMP MIB Browser

81 SNMPGET  Retrieve a single MIB object value (SNMPv1). SNMPWALK  Make multiple requests to retrieve all MIB object  values under a certain branch of the MIB hierarchy (SNMPv1). SNMPSET  Set the value of a single MIB object (SNMPv1).

82 MIB Browser:     Cmd  snmpget 2.system.sysName  2.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry  MIB Instance: 1  Cmd  snmpwalk target_node.  Cmd  snmpget target_Node.

83  Options  Load and Unload MIBs

84 1.Download MIBs from 2.Prerequisites MIB:  CISCO−SMI−  SNMPv2−TC−  CISCO−CONFIG−COPY−MIB−  CISCO−FLASH−

85 3.@ MS: cmd  snmpset −v 1 −c private ccCopyProtocol. integer 1 ccCopySourceFileType. integer 4 ccCopyDestFileType. integer 1 ccCopyServerAddress. ipaddress " " ccCopyFileName. octetstring " " ccCopyEntryRowStatus. integer 4 -v: version -c : community Name Integer 1 : TFTP protocol Integer 4 : Running-Config 4.Install TFTP server

86  snmpset -v 1 -c cisco ccCopyProtocol.12 integer 1 ccCopySourceFileType.12 integer 4 ccCopyDestFileType.12 integer 1 ccCopyServerAddress.12 ipaddress "" ccCopyFileName.12 octetstring "backup" ccCopyEntryRowStatus.12 integer 4









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