Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

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1 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

2 Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide An Appeal Dear User…. This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, change fonts, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. P LEASE U SE A S I S.

3 Origins L. James Gibson Principal Contributor

4 1 Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth 2 Creation: Forming the World 3 The Creation Completed 4 Creation, a Biblical Theme 5 Creation and Morality 6 Creation and the Fall 7 Through a Glass, Darkly 8 Jesus, Provider and Sustainer 9 Marriage: A Gift From Eden 10 Stewardship and the Environment 11 Sabbath: A Gift From Eden 12 Creation and the Gospel 13 Creation, Again Origins Contents

5 Origins Our Goal {5} As we go through this quarter, we’ll see even more reasons why a literal six-day creation is essential to all that we believe and why to compromise on Creation is to undermine the basis of the gospel and the teachings that make us what we are.

6 Origins Lesson 7, February 16 Origins Lesson 7, February 16 Through a Glass, Darkly

7 Key Text 1 Corinthians 3:19 NIV “The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: ‘He catches the wise in their craftiness’.”

8 Through a Glass, Darkly Initial Words {79} God created and therefore owns the entire universe, the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them. More so, we are God’s not only by creation but, even more important, by redemption. Thus, we are Christ’s by creation and by redemption.

9 Through a Glass, Darkly Quick Look 1. A Fallen World (Genesis 3:17; 4:12; 5:29) 2. The Ruler of This World (Job 1:7) 3. The “Wisdom” of this World (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19a)

10 Through a Glass, Darkly 1. A Fallen World Genesis NKJV 3:17, 18 “Cursed is the ground…. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth….” [Adam] 4:12 “The ground…shall no longer yield its strength….” [Cain] 5:29 “The ground which the Lord has cursed.” [Ungodly, Noah’s time]

11 1. A Fallen World Vastly Different {81} The world in which we now live is vastly different from the one that came forth from the Lord at the end of the Creation week. “In the days of Noah a double curse was resting upon the earth in consequence of Adam’s transgres- sion and of the murder committed by Cain.” —Conflict and Courage 32

12 1. A Fallen World Vastly Different {81} The world faced another curse, which greatly damaged it. That, of course, was the worldwide Flood. The Flood disrupted the system of watering that God had established at Creation, stripping the soil from parts of the earth and depositing it in other parts.

13 Through a Glass, Darkly 2. The Ruler of this World Job 1:7 NKJV “And the Lord said to Satan, ‘From where do you come?’ So Satan answered the Lord and said, ‘From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.’ ”

14 2. The Ruler of This World “As a Roaring Lion” {82} Don’t forget the reality of Satan, of the great controversy, and of his attempt to wrest control over all that he possibly can. Even though, the Cross made his defeat certain, he’s not going down quietly or gently. His wrath and destructive power must never be underestimated.

15 2. The Ruler of This World “As a Roaring Lion” {82} Don’t forget that however often issues may come to us in shades of gray, the ultimate battle boils down to only two forces: Christ and Satan. There is no middle ground. So much of this world falls under the banner of the wrong side. Is it any wonder then that the world is so damaged?

16 2. The Ruler of This World “As a Roaring Lion” {82} In the book of Job, we can see that Satan does have the ability to cause great destruction in the natural world. This truth gives us all the more reason to realize that the natural world has been greatly damaged, and we need to be very careful about the lessons that we draw from it regarding God.

17 Through a Glass, Darkly 3. The “Wisdom” of the World 1 Corinthians 3:18, 19a NKJV “Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”

18 3. The “Wisdom” of the World When is It “Foolishness”? {83} We have gained an incredible amount of knowledge and information, especially in the last two hundred years. Knowledge and information, however, are not necessarily the same thing as wisdom.

19 3. The “Wisdom” of the World When is It “Foolishness”? {83} We have also gained a much greater understanding of the natural world than our forefathers ever had. A greater understanding, however, isn’t the same thing as wisdom either.

20 3. The “Wisdom” of the World When is It “Foolishness”? {83} There is so much in human thought that challenges God’s Word. Whether the issue is the resurrection of Jesus, the creation itself, or any miracle, human “wisdom” (even when buttressed with the “facts” of science) must be deemed “foolishness” when it contradicts the Word of the Lord.

21 3. The “Wisdom” of the World When is It “Foolishness”? {83} Even though many of history’s greatest scientific geniuses— Newton, Kepler, Galileo—were believers in God and saw their work as helping to explain the work of God in creation such sentiments today are often mocked by segments of the scientific community.

22 To the believer, the creation truly speaks of God’s care, even amid the evil introduced by Satan. Yet, even as powerful of a testimony and witness that the created world is, the revelation is incomplete, especially due to the results of the Fall and the curses that it has brought. Through a Glass, Darkly Final Words {84}

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