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LtCol J. D. Fleming 30 Sept 2014.  Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics,

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1 LtCol J. D. Fleming 30 Sept 2014

2  Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics, like integrity, dedication of purpose, selflessness, knowledge, skill, implacability, as well as determination not to accept failure. ~Admiral Arleigh A. Burke

3  The Great Man Theory attempted to prove that leaders and followers are fundamentally different.  Conclusions of the research: ◦ Leaders were not qualitatively different than followers. ◦ Intelligence, initiative, stress tolerance, responsibility, friendliness, and dominance, were moderately related to leadership success.

4  Personality ◦ The impression a person makes on others which includes a person’s social reputation ◦ The underlying, unseen structures and processes inside a person that explain an individual’s behavior  Traits: Refer to recurring regularities or trends in a person’s behavior  The trait approach addresses the relationship between personality and leadership success. ◦ Theory maintains that people behave the way they do because of the strengths of the traits they possess.

5  Personality traits are useful for explaining why people act fairly consistently in different situations.  Knowing differences in personality traits can help predict more accurately how people will tend to act in different situations.  Leader behavior reflects an interaction between personality traits and various situational factors: ◦ Weak situations- unfamiliar, ambiguous ◦ Strong situations- governed by specified rules, demands, or policies

6  Surgency- Referred to as dominance, self-confidence, the need for power ◦ Involves behavior patterns exhibited in group settings and with getting ahead in life ◦ Those high in surgency come across as outgoing, decisive, and impactful ◦ Willing to take risks and make decisions  Agreeableness- Known as empathy, friendliness, interpersonal sensitivity, and the need for affiliation ◦ Concerned with how one gets along with others ◦ Those high in agreeableness are charming, diplomatic, warm, empathetic, approachable, and optimistic ◦ Tend to be better at building teams  Dependability-Known as conscientiousness or prudence ◦ Concerns behavioral patterns related to people’s work approach ◦ Those high in dependability tend to be planful, organized, earnest, take commitments seriously, and rarely get in trouble ◦ Prefer structure but are also risk averse, uncreative, somewhat boring, and dislike change

7  Adjustment- Known as neuroticism, emotional stability, or self control ◦ How people react to stress, failure, personal criticism ◦ Those high in adjustment tend to be thick-skinned, calm, optimistic, and hide their emotions ◦ Differences in emotional volatility can affect a person’s ability to build teams and get results  Openness to experience- Known as curiosity, inquisitiveness, and learning approach ◦ How one approaches problems, learns new info, and reacts to new experiences ◦ Those high in openness tend to be imaginative, broad- minded, curious, and big picture thinkers ◦ Important leadership component for high level leaders

8 Big 5 (OCEAN)

9  Provides an explanation for leaders’ and followers’ tendencies to act in consistent ways over time.  Behavioral manifestations of personality traits are often exhibited automatically and unconsciously.  Personality: ◦ Can be categorized into the five major dimensions of the FFM ◦ Good measures of leadership potential for a given situation ◦ Can be used to make predictions about typical behavior at work ◦ Tends to be difficult to change quickly ◦ Applicable to predict leadership success across cultures ◦ People tend to describe others using trait like terms ◦ Insight into personality traits provides useful information about one’s leadership potential, strengths, and development needs

10  Reasons for high level of incompetence include: ◦ Invalid selection and succession planning systems ◦ Ill-defined performance expectations ◦ Poorly designed leadership development programs ◦ Dark-side personality traits

11  Dark-side personality traits: Irritating, counter- productive behavioral tendencies that interfere with a leader’s ability to build cohesive teams. ◦ Everyone has at least one even if not present all the time ◦ Emerge during crises or high periods of stress and are coping mechanisms ◦ Bigger impact with leaders than followers ◦ Difficult to detect ◦ Usually only apparent when leaders are not attending to public image ◦ Tend to be related to extreme FFM scores but not always accurate ◦ Can occur at all leadership levels and tolerated unnecessarily ◦ Leading cause of managerial incompetence


13  Intelligence: A person’s all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought.  Intelligent leaders: ◦ Faster learners ◦ Make better assumptions, deductions, and inferences ◦ Better at creating a compelling vision and strategizing to make their vision a reality ◦ Can develop better solutions to problems ◦ Can see more of the primary and secondary implications of their decisions. ◦ Are quicker on their feet than leaders who are less intelligent

14  The theory focuses on what a leader does when solving complex mental problems.  The Triarchic Theory of Intelligence consists of: ◦ Analytic intelligence ◦ Practical intelligence ◦ Creative intelligence

15  Leadership effectiveness is positively correlated with analytic intelligence.  When differences in analytic intelligence are too great, communication can be impaired.  Smart but inexperienced leaders were less effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders.  Systematically improving leadership skills through education and experience is important for leaders.  When members of a group judge ideas as soon as they are offered, two dysfunctional things can happen. ◦ Censorship ◦ Prematurely reject others’ ideas


17  Leaders should be mindful that: ◦ Incentives or rewards can have various effects on creativity. ◦ The ability to create can be hindered if ideas will be evaluated. ◦ In order to develop new products and services, the level of turnover should be low and goals should be clear. ◦ Creeping elegance is a concept used to describe leaders not having a clear vision of what a final project should look like and results with a failure to meet customers needs or not solve original problem.

18  Cognitive resources theory: A conceptual scheme for explaining how leader behavior changes under stress levels to impact group performance.  Key concepts of theory include: ◦ Intelligence, experience, stress, group performance.  Theory predictions include: ◦ Greater experience but lower intelligence may account for higher-performing groups in high stress conditions. ◦ High levels of experience may account for usage of old solutions when creative solutions are more apt

19  Experienced leaders overly rely on tried and true when faced with new problems.  Experience is helpful when one is under stress.  The best leaders are often smart and experienced.  Leaders may be unaware of the degree to which they are causing stress in their followers.  Level of stress demanded of the position needs to be understood before selection of leaders.

20  Emotional intelligence is described as the group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others.  The ability model of EI explains four separate but related abilities ◦ Ability to accurately perceive one’s own and others’ emotions ◦ Ability to generate emotions to facilitate thought and action ◦ Ability to accurately understand the causes of emotions and the meanings they convey ◦ Ability to regulate one’s emotions


22  Most researchers agree that EI can be developed.  People can be extremely ineffective when their thoughts, feelings, and actions are misaligned.  Human emotions are very important aspects of one-on-one interactions and teamwork.  Research indicates that EI moderates employees’ reactions to job insecurity and their coping ability toward job related stress.  Military leaders are expected to use EI to best lead their personnel – when it makes sense. At times, a non-EI approach may be required.  The non-military stereotype can be that the military only conducts work in a non-EI fashion.

23  Five Factor Model of Personality includes surgency, agreeableness, dependability, adjustment, and openness to experience.  The term personality has many different meanings but we use the term to describe one’s characteristic patterns of behavior.  Must be aware of your dark-side personality traits which are irritating, counter-productive behavioral tendencies.  Analytic intelligence, practical intelligence, and creative intelligence are part of the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence and help in understanding intelligence.  Emotional intelligence in leaders will make them more effective.

24  Read Mr. Rogers Article  Watch Mr. Rogers video  Write a 1-2 page paper describing: ◦ A subject you feel strongly about ◦ Someone you would need to convince concerning that subject’s importance ◦ At least two emotional intelligence skills you would use in the convincing process, and why you feel they would be effective on that person. ◦ **25 points towards your quiz grade**  Full credit = Do it, be creative, be original ◦ Due at the beginning of class on 7 Oct.

25  Read: ◦ Leadership, Chapter 8 (Leadership Behavior) ◦ AFO, Chapter 3

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