Cougar Ridge Assessment Results 2012 Debra Hawkins Director, Assessment and Research Teaching and Learning Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Cougar Ridge Assessment Results 2012 Debra Hawkins Director, Assessment and Research Teaching and Learning Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cougar Ridge Assessment Results 2012 Debra Hawkins Director, Assessment and Research Teaching and Learning Division

2 Goals for Tonight  Provide an Overview of the Assessments given K-5 and Recent Results from these assessments  Explain the rationale behind recent assessment changes  Discuss the impact of WA State ESEA Waiver  Review District Position on Practice tests  Identify What is Coming in the World of Assessment

3 State/Federal Level Testing Requirements  Washington English Language Proficiency (WELPA)/Placement and Annual Test  Second Grade Reading Assessment  Measurements of Student Progress (MSP)  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)  Classroom Based Assessment/Civics

4 Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Results  AMAO Target 1-MET  Measures the annual increase in the number or percentage of children making progress in learning English  AMAO Target 2-MET  Measures the number or percentage of children attaining English proficiency.  AMAO Target 3-MET  Measures the number or percentage of students learning English who reach academic standards in reading and math based on the state’s assessments.

5 Second Grade Reading Assessment  Mandates that every student in the state of Washington be assessed at the beginning of the second grade using a grade-level equivalent oral reading passage. Students whose performance is found to be substantially below grade level must be provided an intervention plan that involves the student, parents, and school.

6 Measurements of Student Progress  Third grade-Reading and Math  Fourth grade- Reading, Math and Writing  Fifth grade Reading, Math, and Science

7 What is a good score on the MSP?  Advanced (Level 4)  Proficient (Level 3)  Basic (Level 2)  Below Basic (Level 1) Students generally have to achieve a score that represents approximately 60-65% of the points possible on each test to pass. That score or above means they have met the required standard for proficiency in that subject.









16 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)  An essential measurement of student achievement in the United States  Required by federal government for all states receiving Title I funding  National results are reported for grades 4, 8, and 12  In the ISD Cascade Ridge and Maywood Middle School will participate this year

17 Classroom-based Assessment- Civics  State mandated assessment are multi- stepped tasks or projects aligned to specific state standards which target skill and knowledge necessary for engaged, informed citizenship  Most of the assessments ask students to develop a position on an issue, event, or question, include background on the issue, event, or question, provide reasons for the position and cite the sources used to develop and support the position

18 District Required Assessments  Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment  Everyday Math Assessment  Stanford 10 Achievement Test  Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)  Structure of the Intellect (SOI)

19 Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment  Spring 2011-Fountas and Pinnell Reading assessment was selected by the Reading scope and sequence committee  Determines 3 reading levels for each student  Independent, Instructional, Hard  Provides placement level for guided reading instruction  Allows teachers to tailor their reading program more accurately to a wide range of reading abilities

20 Stanford 10 Achievement  Nationally standardized, norm-referenced achievement test  Group administered  Collects achievement data from a nationally representative group of students so that others have a current norm group against which to compare their scores  Given at 1, 2, and 5 th grade

21 CogAT/SOI  Group-administered ability test battery and creativity measured  CogAT-Used to assess students’ abilities in reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal symbols  SOI-Used to assess creativity (figural-spatial, symbolic and verbal abilities are measured)  Used as part of the identification process for Gifted/Talented students eligibility

22 Rationale behind Assessment Changes  WASL to MSP  Stanford 10 Achievement K-12, to Stanford 10 Achievement administration only at 1, 2, and 5

23 WA State ESEA Flexibility Waiver  Superintendent Dorn announces ESEA Waiver approval July 6, 2012  Effective immediately Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) rules are replaced by Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO)calculations




27 What’s Coming in Assessment?  Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium  Common Core State Standards  On-line Testing  Teacher-Principal Evaluation Pilot  Common Assessments



30 The Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project  The Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project (TPEP) is part of a broad education reform bill (E2SSB 6696) passed by the Washington State Legislature in 2010.  Traditional evaluation systems have a two-level ranking of “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”. The legislation calls for a four-level rating system and eight minimum criterion

31 Links for additional information    

32 Need help with Assessment Issues?  Debra Hawkins  Director of Assessment and Research 

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