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Chapter 4.  This river has been the 1)lifeline of civilization in Egypt since the 2)Stone Age.  3)Climate change at the end of the most recent 4)ice.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4.  This river has been the 1)lifeline of civilization in Egypt since the 2)Stone Age.  3)Climate change at the end of the most recent 4)ice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4

2  This river has been the 1)lifeline of civilization in Egypt since the 2)Stone Age.  3)Climate change at the end of the most recent 4)ice age led to the formation of the 5)Sahara desert

3  The Ancient 6)Egyptians cultivated and traded: 7) Wheat 8) Flax  Wheat was a crucial crop in the 9)Middle East.  Their 10)trading system secured Egypt's 11)diplomatic relationships with other countries.  It helped to create economic 12)stability.

4  The 13)Greek historian Herodotus wrote that "Egypt was the 14)gift of the Nile".  It provided a 15)crucial role in the development of Egyptian 16)civilization.

5  The Nile was an important part of ancient Egyptian 17)spiritual life.  The Nile was considered to be a 18)passageway from life to death and the 19)afterlife.  The 20)east was thought of as a place of 21)birth and growth.  The 22)west was considered the place of 23)death.

6  Your Topic is The Nile  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures  BrainPop-Pharaohs BrainPop-Pharaohs

7  24)Upper and 25)Lower Egypt were ruled by different kings from its birth to around 26)3100 B.C..  In this year 27)Menes came to power in Upper 28)Egypt.  He was able to 29)combine both upper and lower Egypt into one 30)nation by using his 31) army to complete unification.

8  He then took a 32)princess from lower Egypt as his wife.  During his rule he wore both the 33)white crown (upper) and 34)red crown (lower).  This later was combined into a 35)double crown.

9  Menes became the First 36)Pharaoh of Egypt  The word Pharaoh means “37)Great House”  The Menes 38)family would rule after his death creating the first 39)dynasty of Egypt.

10  Menes Created his 40)capital city at Memphis on the southern tip of the 41)Nile Delta.  This 42)first Dynasty lasted for about 43)200 years.

11  Your Topic is Menes  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures  King Menes King Menes

12  This time included the 44)3 rd through 45)6 th dynasties. (2700 BC- 2200BC)  46)Pharaohs duties grew during this period.  He hired 47)people to help him complete his 48)duties.  Most of these people came from his 49)family.

13  50)Khufu was the most famous of the 51)Pharaohs from the Old Kingdom.  He 52)reigned from 2589 to 2566 BC.  He was the 53)second pharaoh of the 54)Fourth Dynasty.  He is generally accepted as being the builder of the 55)Great Pyramid of Giza.

14  Your Topic is The Old Kingdom  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

15  The Great Pyramid of 56)Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza 57)Necropolis  It is the oldest of the 58)Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.  59)Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for Egyptian Pharaoh 60)Khufu.

16  It was the 61)tallest man-made structure in the world for over 62)3,800 years,  It 63)believed that the pyramid was built by moving huge 64)stones from a quarry and dragging and 65)lifting them into place.

17  Your Topic is Pyramid of Giza  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures  BrainPop-Seven Wonders BrainPop-Seven Wonders

18  Egyptian’s practiced 66)Polytheism (many gods)  They built 67)temples to the Gods all over Egypt.  There were over 68)2,000 names of gods in Ancient Egypt.

19  Some 69)images of gods and goddesses show them with a 70)human body and the head of a 71)bird or an animal.  72)Animals were chosen to represent the 73)powers of the god.

20  Their 74)religion is focused on the 75)afterlife.  Considered to be a “76)happy place.”  This focused on the “77)Ka” or life force.  Upon death the Ka left the 78)body.

21  This 79)spirit however could not leave the 80)burial site.  The Ka has the same 81)needs as the person did in 82)life.

22  83)Tombs were filled with what they considered 84)necessary for the Ka to live its 85)afterlife.  Some of the objects included: 86)Furniture 87)Clothing 88)Tools 89)Jewelry 90)Weapons

23  The 91)family of the dead were expected to bring 92)food and 93)drink to the tomb so the Ka would not be 94)hungry or 95)thirsty.

24  The 96)journey to the afterlife was thought to be 97)difficult trip.  Families would bury 98)maps and other things necessary to make the 99)journey.

25  Your Topic is Egyptian Afterlife  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

26  Egyptians 100)belief that the body needed to be 101)preserved to avoid decay lead to 102)embalming and 103)mummification.  Only 104)royalty and other members of the elite could 105)afford this process.

27  The 106)mummification process has two stages.  The first one is called 107)embalming. This process cleans the body for the wrapping  The second stage is 108)wrapping This part has a number of special steps, that must be followed.

28  Your Topic is Burial Practices  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

29  Step 1: The body is washed with 109) palm wine.  Step 2: The body is rinsed with water from the 110)Nile.  Step 3: A small 111)cut is made in the left side of the body.  Step 4: The internal organs are removed: 112)Liver 113)Lungs 114)Small intestines 115)large intestines

30  Step 5: The 116)brains are removed. A long 117)hook inserted through the nose will pull the brains 118)out.  Step 6: The 119)body is covered and stuffed with 120)natron. This is known as the 121)drying stage.

31  Step 7: Wait 122)forty days for the body to dry.  Step 8: The 123)body is washed with water from the Nile.  Step 9: The body is covered with 124)sweet smelling oils.

32  Step 10: The body is 125)stuffed with dry things, such as: 126)Sawdust 127)Leaves 128)Cloth  Step 11: The body is covered with more 129)oils.  Step 12: The internal 130)organs are put into the 131)canopic jars.

33  Your Topic is Embalming  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

34  Step 1: The head and 132)neck are wrapped.  Step 2: The 133)fingers and toes are wrapped.  Step 3: The 134)arms and legs are wrapped.  Step 4: The sacred 135)amulets are placed 136)The Isis knot 137)The Plummet

35  Step 5: The 138)spells from the book of the dead are read.  Step 6: The arms and legs are 139)tied together.  Step 7: A 140)scroll is placed between the hands of the deceased.  Step 8: The full 141)body is wrapped.  Step 9: The body is 142)painted with liquid resin as glue.

36  Step 10: A cloth with 143)Osiris painted on it is wrapped around the body.  Step 11: A large 144)cloth is wrapped around the body.  Step 12: 145)Linen stripes are wrapped around the body to hold the cloth in place.  Step 13: The mummy is put in the first 146)coffin.  Step 14: The 147)mummy is put in the second coffin.

37  Step 15: The 148)funeral is held.  Step 16: The opening of the 149)mouth ceremony is performed.  Step 17: The mummy is put in the 150)sarcophagus.  Step 18: The mummy is put in its 151)final resting place, the 152)tomb.

38  Your Topic is Wrapping  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures  BrainPop-Mummies BrainPop-Mummies

39  Around 2050 BC 153)Mentuhotep II came to power.  This 154)began the period known as the 155)Middle Kingdom.  This was a time of 156)stability for the region.

40  This time period lasted until 157)1750 BC.  The fall of the kingdom was due to 158)internal disorder within the 159)nobles.  Also a group known as the 160)Hyksos from Asia had invaded parts of Egypt.

41  The Hyksos were able to 161)capture the lower region and occupy it for 162)200 years.  This 163)ended the Middle Kingdom.

42  Your Topic is Mentuhotep  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

43  164)Ahmose of the city of 165)Thebes expelled the Hyksos and took control of the 166)region.  This marks the beginning of the 167)18 th Dynasty.  This is the time of Egypt’s greatest 168)power.

44  During this time 169)Egyptian leaders wanted to avoid being 170)invaded ever again.  They 171)wanted to take control of any 172)invasion route in the region.

45  They 173)army of Egypt would take control of the following regions: 174)Hyksos Homeland 175)Syria 176)Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea  This made Egypt the leading 177)military power in the region.

46  Military 178)conquest provided Egypt with great 179)wealth.  180)Kings from the conquered regions would send items to the 181)Pharaoh to maintain good relations with him.

47  The growth of the 182)empire through military force also opened up new 183)trade routes.  Many regions that were 184)unknown to the kingdom were now 185)part of the empire.

48  186)Trade became a major part of the economy.  When 187)Queen Hatshepsut came to power she 188)promoted trade.  Under her 189)rule the trading routes opened: 190)Red Sea 191)Asia Minor 192)Greece

49  She would use 193)money made in the trade to support the growth of 194)arts and 195)architecture.  She had impressive 196)monuments and temples built during her 197)reign.

50  Your Topic is The New Kingdom  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

51  198)Ramses II also known as Ramses the Great  The 199)third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the 200)Nineteenth dynasty  He is often regarded as the 201)greatest, most celebrated, and most 202)powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire.

52  His 203)successors and later Egyptians called him the “204)Great Ancestor".  He led several 205)military expeditions that showed off his power.

53  At age 206)fourteen, he was appointed Prince 207)Regent by his father.  He is believed to have taken the 208)throne in his late teens.  He ruled Egypt from 1279 BC to 1213 BC for 209)66 years and 2 months.

54  The early part of his 210)reign was focused on building: 211)Cities 212)Temples 213)Monuments  He established the city of 214)Pi- Ramses in the Nile Delta

55  He 215)died at just over 90 years old.  He had 216)outlived many of his wives and children and left great 217)memorials all over Egypt

56  Your Topic is Ramses The Great  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

57  218)Cleopatra VII was the last pharaoh of 219)Ancient Egypt.  She was a member of the 220)Ptolemaic Dynasty  Her family was of 221)Greek origin

58  She 222)originally ruled jointly with her 223)father Ptolemy XII  Later she would rule along side her 224)brothers  Eventually she became 225)sole ruler.  As pharaoh, she had a relationship with 226)Julius Caesar

59  She was a 227)quick- witted woman who was fluent in 228)nine languages  She was a 229)mathematician and a very good businesswoman

60  Her 230)death (suicide) was the mark of the end of the Egyptian 231)Monarchs.  The 232)Roman Emperors were left to rule the region.  Cleopatra was the last 233)Pharaoh of Egypt.  BrainPoP-Cleopatra BrainPoP-Cleopatra

61  Your Topic is Cleopatra  Fill in all 6 bubbles  Make sure to use 4 or less words or pictures

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