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Stress And The College Student Jordan Mullauer, Kim Gaffney, Rebecca Cavanagh

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Presentation on theme: "Stress And The College Student Jordan Mullauer, Kim Gaffney, Rebecca Cavanagh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress And The College Student Jordan Mullauer, Kim Gaffney, Rebecca Cavanagh

2 Demographic Data Male and Female Ages 18 - >35 Race Housing Enrolled in a community college or university Class standing

3 Cultural Descriptors Peer pressure to party Pressure to succeed Being involved in extracurricular activities Increased responsibility Exposure to new situations Social events

4 Bias Habitually Partying Sexual Promiscuity Lazy Drug Abuse

5 Health Risk Factors Exercise habits Sleep habits Nutrition habits

6 Social Factors Living on your own / responsibilities Substance abuse Financial responsibilities Peer pressure Relationships

7 Academic Factors Honors program / scholarships Program requirements Procrastination

8 Recognizing Stress – Short Term Symptoms Butterflies in stomach Elevated heart rate Tense muscles Cool, clammy skin Floating anxiety

9 Recognizing Stress – Long Term Symptoms Insomnia Aches and pains Frequent colds / illnesses Change in appetite Exhaustion Sexual disorders

10 Recognizing Stress – Behavioral Symptoms Talking too fast Irritability Defensive Overreacting Nail biting Grinding teeth Fidgety

11 Statistics 1 in 5 undergrad students feel stress all or most of the time 77% of students feel stress over academic concerns 67% of students feel stress about financial worries 53% of students feel stress about relationships 60% of students at some time have felt stress to the point of not being able to get work done 70% of students have never considered talking to a counselor about their stress 84% of students reach out to friends to help them with their stress 67% of students reach out to parents for help with stress

12 Health Promotion Theory General Adaptation Theory 3 Phases -Alarm Reaction -Adaptation -Exhaustion

13 Goals of Healthy People 2020 Prevent inappropriate weight gain in adolescents aged 12-19 years Increase the proportion of adults who meet current Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic physical activity and for muscle-strengthening activity Increase the proportion of adults who get sufficient sleep Reduce the proportion of persons engaging in binge drinking of alcoholic beverages

14 Stress Management Exercise Proper Diet Sleep Communication Go to class and stay on track with class work Keep your space organized Meditation

15 Counseling Center

16 References Maville, J. & Huerta, C. (2013). Health promotion in nursing. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning. Graf, H. M., & Welle, P. D. (2011). Effective lifestyle habits and coping strategies for stress tolerance among college students. American Journal of Health Education, 42(2), 96+. Retrieved from http://0- The Associated Press. (2008). 1 in 5 undergrads is constantly stressed. Retrieved from Womble, Laura P. (2010). Impact of Stress Factors on College Students Academic Performance. University of North Carolina, Psych. Department. Retrieved from Welle, P. D., & Graf, H. M. (2011). Effective Lifestyle Habits and Coping Strategies for Stress Tolerance among College Students. American Journal Of Health Education, 42(2), 96-105. Rafidah, K., Azizah, A., Norzaidi, M.D., Chong, S.C., Salwani, M.I., Noraini, I. (2009). International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Vol. 2(1), 13-26. United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from Dudek, S. (2010). Nutrition essentials for nursing practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hoverman, K. (2005, Sept 19). A look at the typical college student. Retrieved from Stress and the college student. (2006, January ). Retrieved from and the College Student.pdf Aselton, P. (2012). Sources of Stress and Coping in American College Students Who Have Been Diagnosed With Depression. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 25(3), 119-123. doi:10.1111/j.1744- 6171.2012.00341.x College Parents Of America. (2013). Is your college student stressed? probably. Retrieved from Haycock, L. A., McCarthy, P. and Skay, C. L. (1998), Procrastination in College Students: The Role of Self-Efficacy and Anxiety. Journal of Counseling & Development, 76: 317–324. doi: 10.1002/j.1556-6676.1998.tb02548.x

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