HOW TO PLANT A CHURCH By George Thomasson, NAMB. FOUR KEY QUESTIONS A Guide to Cooperative Efforts Toward Healthy NEW CHURCH Development.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO PLANT A CHURCH By George Thomasson, NAMB. FOUR KEY QUESTIONS A Guide to Cooperative Efforts Toward Healthy NEW CHURCH Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO PLANT A CHURCH By George Thomasson, NAMB

2 FOUR KEY QUESTIONS A Guide to Cooperative Efforts Toward Healthy NEW CHURCH Development

3 Four Key Questions ¶ Just how important is Church Planting? · What is involved in Church Planting? ¸ Why does a NEW CHURCH have different needs than an existing church? ¹What are the needs of the NEW CHURCH?

4 Question 1: Just How Important is Church Planting? “ The single most effective methodology under heaven is planting new churches.” C. Peter Wagner

5 Rick Warren says... “ The planting of new churches is the single most effective way to fulfill the Great Commission. It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people, so thousands of new churches must be started in the days ahead. New churches are essential to reaching every new generation. My prayer is that existing churches will consider birthing a daughter church as we begin the 21st century.”

6 Question 2: What is Involved in Church Planting? There are 14 Steps to a successful Church Start. 1. Pray for: STarget Area SPartner Church SChurch Planter SCore Group

7 Fourteen Steps to a Successful Church Start, cont. 2. Collect demographic data and Turner Survey information. 3. Confirm God’s leadership. 4. Develop preliminary prospectus. 5. Enlist partner church(es). 6. Call church planter/pastor. 7. Conduct community survey.

8 Fourteen Steps to a Successful Start, cont. 8. Develop a community profile. 9. Determine type of church needed. 10. Formulate a purpose statement, core values, vision, and strategy plan. 11. Discover community needs. 12. Secure an appropriate meeting place. 13. Train Core group. 14. START the CHURCH!

9 Question 3: Why does a NEW church have different needs than an existing church? SLimited resources SMany new Christians SSmall leadership base SInadequate facilities

10 Question 4: What are the needs of a NEW church?

11 Needs of a NEW CHURCH S A called pastor with passion who “fits” the target community. S A partner church committed to the success of the new church. S The mentoring by a church planting consultant. S Outside funding resources to supplement the financial needs.

12 Needs of a NEW CHURCH S Adequate, well-located facilities. S Well articulated purpose, core values, and vision statement to provide continued focus. S A clear strategy plan for the first 100 days and beyond. S A plan for core group development through multiple Bible studies. S A relevant worship service.

13 Needs of a NEW CHURCH  An awareness of and a plan to address the needs in the target community. S A simple plan to involve the church in evangelism. S A systematic plan for stewardship development. S An awareness of mission involvement. S A practical and workable path for new member assimilation.

14 Working together is the key to developing strong churches!

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