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Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians Presented to the Participants of the 2 nd Conference on the Teaching of Library and.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians Presented to the Participants of the 2 nd Conference on the Teaching of Library and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians Presented to the Participants of the 2 nd Conference on the Teaching of Library and Information Science Sponsored by the Mindanao Alliance of Educators in Library and Information Science (MAELIS) May 15-16, AVR, GET 2 Building, Matina Campus University of Mindanao, Davao City by DR. BRICCIO M. MERCED, JR. University Librarian University of the Philippines Mindanao, Davao City

2 Contents  Introduction  Definitions  The Competencies  Access  Knowledge Base  Marketing/Awareness/Informing  Collaboration  Evaluation and Assessment of Resources and Services  Implications to MAELIS

3 Definitions  Reference and User Services Librarians: Librarians that assist, advise, and instruct users in accessing all forms of recorded knowledge. The assistance, advice, and instruction include both direct and indirect service to patrons.  Competencies: Behaviors that excellent performers exhibit more consistently and effectively than average performers  Strategies:Specific plans of action that excellent performers typically employ to achieve competency goals.

4 Access  Responsiveness  Organization and Design of Services  Critical Thinking and Analysis

5 Knowledge Base  Environmental Scanning  Application of Knowledge  Dissemination of Knowledge  Active Learning

6 Marketing/Awareness /Informing  Assessment  Communication and Outreach  Evaluation

7 Collaboration  Relationships with Users  Relationships with Colleagues  Relationships Within the Profession  Relationships beyond the Library and the Profession

8 Evaluation and Assessment of Resources and Services  User Needs  Information Services  Information Resources  Service Delivery  Information Interfaces  Information Service Providers

9 Responsiveness  Goal: A librarian provides services that are responsive to user needs.  Strategies:  Determines the situational context of the individual information needs of users  Analyzes information sources recommended  Suggests specific works  Utilizes the Behavioral Standards for Reference Librarians on Approachability, Interest, and Listening/Inquiring  Engages users in discussions about experiences related to their information needs  Respects the right of users to determine the direction of their research

10 Organization and Design of Services  Goal: A librarian effectively designs and organizes reference and user services to meet the needs of the primary community.  Strategies:  Organizes presentation of information resources to match the process users typically use in seeking information to meet their needs  Creates bibliographies, book talks, displays, tutorials, electronic documents, and other special tools to increase access  Organizes and effectively displays information  Utilizes Guidelines for Behavioral Performance on Searching  Designs services to meet the special access needs of primary users, including those with disabilities  Compiles and maintains information about community resources of interest to primary user groups

11 Critical Thinking and Analysis  Goal: A librarian provides high quality services by carefully analyzing both information sources and services.  Strategies:  Uses electronic and printed media to connect users with highly recommended, carefully selected sources  Synthesizes a variety of information sources  Evaluates information use patterns based on data collected as a result of information service operations  Applies knowledge about the process of information seeking to structure information services for users  Utilizes Guidelines for Behavioral Performance on Follow-up

12 Environmental Scanning  Goal: A librarian monitors the most relevant information sources to routinely update knowledge of current developments in reference and user services.  Strategies:  Reads, views, and listens to media to keep current  Attends exhibits at local, regional, or national professional conferences at least once a year  Scans the environment for emerging technologies  Keeps current on new information resources by consulting a wide variety of reviewing sources and publishers catalogs  Reads reviews in both print and online media concerning works in all formats

13 Application of Knowledge  Goal: A librarian effectively utilizes new knowledge to enhance reference and user services practices.  Strategies:  Reads the reference and research literature in user services and applies the knowledge gained  Integrates use of latest technology and tools  Explores available technologies and their application to reference and user services.  Experiments with latest available innovations to assist users in meeting their information needs

14 Dissemination of Knowledge  Goal: A librarian shares expertise with colleagues and mentors newer staff.  Strategies:  Teaches classes in areas of expertise.  Prepares presentations in areas of expertise.  Creates Web pages in areas of expertise.  Discusses issues with colleagues.  Mentors colleagues through listening, coaching, and serving as a role model.  Reviews draft manuscripts for colleagues.  Participates in professional discussions through meetings, videoconferences, mail lists via email and others

15 Active Learning  Goal: A librarian actively contributes to improving professional practice through engaging in projects with colleagues and enhancing individual skills through independent learning.  Strategies:  Participates actively in professional organizations and works with librarians from a wide range of organizations.  Acquires skills through technology-based learning modules when available and appropriate.

16 Assessment  Goal: A librarian conducts research to determine what types of reference services to provide and to what types of users these services will be provided.  Strategies:  Conducts surveys, within and beyond the library building, to address the needs of users  Conducts focus groups to meet and interact with users  Consults with other libraries to network and brainstorm concerning the programs and services  Meets with community leaders to bridge the gap between the library reference service and the individuals and groups  Evaluates information gathered from the research and background preparation  Determines the user focus and reference service  Implements the reference and user services program that meets the information needs of users

17 Communication and Outreach  Goal: A librarian effectively communicates the nature of the reference and information services that are provided to users being served.  Strategies:  Develops a written marketing plan as part of a strategic plan of services and operations  Develops a public relations plan for staff that trains individuals and addresses the importance of publicity and promotion of reference services  Creates a physical environment that encourages users to visit the physical library setting or utilize the virtual library  Utilizes electronic media such as homepages, e-mail, mail lists, radio and television to promote reference services  Uses print media such as newspapers, brochures, newsletters, displays, and posters to communicate the reference services  Determines community relationships and develops partnering models of services with groups within the community  Engages users through lectures, programs, tours, school visits, departmental addresses, and press conferences to promote the reference services offered.

18 Evaluation  Goal: A librarian consistently and systematically evaluates the effectiveness of the marketing of reference and information services.  Strategies:  Conducts in-house meetings and training sessions to gather feedback from reference librarians  Engages users in focus groups, surveys, and feedback forms as a user follow-up for reaction and perception of reference services  Evaluates the current and changing trends in reference and information services and adjusts the services being provided  Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the products being offered  Identifies new methods of service, new products and potential new users by participating in conferences, workshops, and professional associations.  Decides what reference services and products will be retained and what changes will be implemented  Continues the evaluation process as a periodic review that is set in a timeline for all reference service providers to participate in

19 Relationships with Users  Goal: A librarian treats the user as a collaborator and partner in the information seeking process.  Strategies:  Utilizes the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Services Professionals on Listening/Inquiring, Searching, and Follow-up.  Asks user's opinion and advice while working through the information transaction.  Involves the user in the process and in making decisions  Acknowledges the knowledge brought by the user to the interaction.  Acknowledges the limits of local resources and refers to an appropriate resource base.

20 Relationships with Colleagues  Goal: A librarian works closely with colleagues to provide quality service to users.  Strategies:  Recognizes that colleagues have unique knowledge, skills, and strengths  Elicits assistance from a colleague when appropriate  Seeks opportunities to share knowledge and expertise with colleagues  Facilitates and participates with colleagues in team development efforts to improve user service  Works effectively as part of a team  Models effective team process behavior, including listening, discussing, and trust  Develops with colleagues shared goals and values for excellent user services

21 Relationships Within the Profession  Goal: A librarian develops collaborative relationships within the profession to enhance service to users.  Strategies:  Takes advantage of the networking opportunities provided by active participation in local, regional, state, national, and international professional organizations.  Identifies and seeks out possible partners in order to expand services to users.  Volunteers for and participates in state and national collaborative efforts that will benefit local users.  Utilizes the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Services Professionals on Follow-up.

22 Relationships Beyond the Library and the Profession  Goal: A librarian develops and maintains partnerships beyond the library and the profession to strengthen services to users  Strategies:  Identifies partners who have knowledge and expertise of value to the library's users  Communicates effectively with partners to ensure mutual understanding of goals, objectives, and values.  Forms partnerships to improve existing systems and to develop new products and services.

23 User Needs  Goal: A librarian effectively uses tools and techniques to survey users and their information needs.  Strategies:  Identifies the user population and the potential user population.  Plans and conducts regular assessments of information needs  Translates user needs into a plan for services.

24 Information Services  Goal: A librarian assesses the effectiveness of information services provided to users.  Strategies:  Develops and incorporates measures of evaluation into any new information service.  Develops service standards for new and existing information services.  Creates an organizational climate in which all existing and proposed services are measured consistently against a standard.  Analyzes the resources available and utilizes the human and fiscal resources for service programs

25 Information Resources  Goal: A librarian assesses and evaluates resources in all formats in terms of objective standards and how well it meets the library's user needs.  Strategies:  Assesses the content of resources in the print and virtual collections for accuracy and currency  Determines the authority of these resources.  Identifies any bias or point of view in an information resource.  Evaluates new information sources appropriate for the primary users.  Reads reviews of new information resources to complement the librarian's own judgment.  Writes and publishes reviews of new information resources.

26 Service Delivery  Goal: A librarian evaluates new or existing services for a match between user capabilities and service technological requirements.  Strategies:  Determines the appropriate mix of technologies and delivery channels  Assesses new technologies to see if they can meet the service needs more effectively than current methods  Experiments with and evaluates changes in services to users.  Assesses the distribution of human and fiscal resources to ensure that resources are not tied to services or delivery methods that are no longer needed.

27 Information Interfaces  Goal: A librarian evaluates the format, access, and presentation aspects of resources as part of the overall assessment of the value of tools.  Strategies:  Identifies any factors that impede the use of the resource.  Determines if there are alternative information resources that have better user interfaces.  Communicates with the information resource designers concerns about usability.

28 Information Service Providers  Goal: A librarian effectively identifies and employs evaluation techniques that measure staff performance.  Strategies:  Identifies and uses those measures that have been developed by the profession  Works with the information service staff to develop a consensus of service standards.  Develops measures that will be useful in assessing whether or not service standards are being met.  Supports and encourages an esprit de corps that will work to evaluate and improve service behaviors.

29 Some Implications to MAELIS  Revise LIS curriculum to reflect RUSA standards  Organize / create a RUSA Committee  Spearhead efforts at formulating / standardizing RUSA in Mindanao colleges and universities  Coalesce / ally with existing library network and librarians associations for adaptation / modification  Incorporate items applicable for inclusion in current library accreditation requirements  Encourage / urge / lead Mindanao librarians associations to reorient / redirect their philosophy, goals, objectives, strategies towards more professional outlook and undertaking

30 Thank You


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