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Mining in Canada.

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1 Mining in Canada

2 Types of Minerals Metallic Minerals Fossil Fuels Industrial Minerals
Rare minerals: gold, silver and platinum Strength: iron Human need: copper, nickel (rust proof), uranium. Fossil Fuels In the 1800’s coal was the important fuel Now, oil and gas power our nation. Industrial Minerals Asbestos, potash, diamond, gravel

3 Importance of Mining in Canada
Canada is one of the largest exporters of minerals. Mining has played a huge role in Canada’s transportation systems Tax holidays for companies.

4 1) Strip mining remove top of land Blast with dynamite
Material is shipped to market or processed.

5 2) Open pit can delve deep into the earth
Holes are drilled and filled with explosives Transported to market.

6 Underground Mining Miners dig deep into the earth.
b) explosives are used to blast rock apart c) Miners set up supports to stop the ceiling from caving in d) They then clear the good minerals and the muck away. Great Big Sea, Chemical worker’s song

7 Issues in Canadian Mining
Negative impact on the environment Waste Harmful emissions Acid precipitation Abandoned mines Vulnerable industry Current economic crisis Mining towns are totally dependant on their mines. (see movie)

8 Task: Rehabilitation project
You are a rehabilitation company. A mining company has defaulted on their loan. You are assigned the task of making the space beautiful again. Past rehabilitation projects include: Tender fruit orchards and grape vineyards Naturalization and wildlife habitat Wetlands, floodplain habitat development Recreational parks and lakes, trails and conservation lands

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