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1 WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labelling Meeting of Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labelling Meeting of Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labelling Meeting of Partners 10-11 July 2003

2 2 What is the GHS? A new global system for classifying chemical hazards and communicating hazard information through labels and safety data sheets Target audience includes workers, consumers, and emergency responders. Covers chemicals in (1) industrial production, (2) transport, (3) consumer chemicals and (4) agricultural chemicals Provides the basic foundation for a chemical safety programs

3 3 Background GHS adopted by the UN ECOSOC Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (SCEGHS) in December 2002 UNITAR/ILO GHS Training and Capacity Building Pilot Programme initiated in 2001 WSSD Partnerships - 2002

4 4 WSSD Partnerships to make a concrete and contribution to the outcomes of the WSSD More than 200 in existence

5 5 Background to the GHS Partnership April 2002: UNITAR, ILO, OECD, initiate the WSSD Global Partnership for Capacity Building to Implement the GHS –Over 25 governments, international organizations and NGOs responded with an interest to participate in the Partnership –Partnership was mainly initiated through and built around the work-plan of the UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme Formal launch in Johannesburg, 30 August 2002

6 6 Reference Points for the GHS Partnership Implementation goal of 2008: IFCS and WSSD Documented need for GHS capacity building activities

7 7 Country Responses to a 2002 UNITAR/ILO survey hazardous chemicals are not adequately labelled or safety data sheets are available (~50%) existing labels or safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals are easily comprehensible (~40%) labelling difficulties, mislabelling, or lack of comprehension caused human or environmental health problems (~70%) awareness of the GHS is low or non-existent (~66%) capacity building activities on chemical hazard communication is a high priority (~66%)

8 8 Partnership Goal to mobilize support and catalyze partnerships for concrete activities at the global, regional and national levels to strengthen capacities in developing countries and countries in transition towards effective implementation of the GHS for industrial chemicals, agricultural chemicals, chemicals in transport and consumer chemicals

9 9 Initial Partnership Targets 1.Regional and sub-regional GHS capacity needs assessments and GHS implementation scenarios prepared by 2004. 2.Regional GHS Awareness Raising Workshops organized in major regions by 2005. 3.Regional partner organizations identified and train-the- trainer workshops completed by 2005. 4.Pilot projects on GHS Action Plan Development completed in four countries by 2004.

10 10 Initial Partnership Targets (2) 4.Two pilot projects for National GHS Action Plan Development per UN region completed and evaluated by 2005. 5.National GHS Action Plan projects initiated in the greatest possible number of countries, subject to the availability of resources (2005 - 2008). 6.GHS and hazard communication awareness raising materials prepared, peer-reviewed and widely disseminated by 2003. 7.GHS capacity building guidance and training package prepared, pilot tested, and adapted by 2004/2005.

11 11 Programme Areas 1.GHS Capacity Development at the Regional Level 2.GHS Capacity Development at the National Level 3.Development of Awareness Raising, Guidance and Training Documents 4.Supporting Activities and Services

12 12 Implementation and Monitoring Partnership activities should be target oriented and contribute to one of the four Partnership Programme Areas Activities are implemented by UNITAR/ILO or independently by Partner Activities are technically reviewed by Programme Advisory Group of UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme Projects initiated in Senegal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Zambia with support of the Governments of Switzerland and The Netherlands

13 13 Development of the Partnership in 2002/2003 2002 Progress Report Development of a Framework Proposal for the UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme Partnership Update (UNITAR, Switzerland, Zambia, ICCA) at CSD 11) Meeting of Partners (10-11 July 2003) Initial financial support from Government of Switzerland and ICCA

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