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The Properties of Water & The Water Cycle Elizabeth Bilfinger Nicole Sagullo.

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Presentation on theme: "The Properties of Water & The Water Cycle Elizabeth Bilfinger Nicole Sagullo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Properties of Water & The Water Cycle Elizabeth Bilfinger Nicole Sagullo

2 Context third grade classroom 16-24 students large proportions of Hispanic and African American student 5 school days

3 Objectives Students will be able to identify stages of the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing). Students will be able to compare and contrast the properties of solids, liquids and gases.

4 Objectives Students will be able to teach their peers through oral presentations. Students will work on interpersonal skills through working in teams.

5 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Objectives Activities Students will be able to compare and contrast the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students will fill in worksheets as the teacher presents. Students will draw their "favorite" state of matter on notecards. Students will develop their interpersonal skills through working in teams. Students will organize information using a chart. Students will create a mini- water cycle. Students will be able to identify the different stages of water. Students will observe their experiments and the stages of the water cycle that occured. Students will work cooperatively work on worksheets that reinforce concepts of stages of the water cycle. Students will work cooperatively to make a presentation. Students will use data and terms learned through the week and make a poster. Students will cooperatively to create a creative visual. Students will be able to teach their peers through oral presentation. Students will present their understanding of specific concepts using the visual aid of the poster. Students will ask thoughtful questions and answer peer questions.

6 Tuesday Making charts Demo on SmartBoard Handouts

7 Tuesday Creating Water cycle Combining teams Provide materials Guide students

8 Evaluation Rubric: Understanding of concept (property/stage) Articulation Visual Participation Asking and answering questions Oral presentation Invite other classes Poster (visual)

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