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Market-Based Management

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Presentation on theme: "Market-Based Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Market-Based Management
Chapters 14, 15, 16 Marketing Plans and Performance

2 Marketing Planning Process
Step 1: Situation Analysis Step 2: SWOT Analysis Step 3: Strategic Market Plan Step 4: Marketing Mix Strategy Adjust Marketing Plan as Necessary Step 7: Perform Review Step 6: Profit Plan Step 5: Marketing Budget

3 Figure 14-9 Components of a Market Strategy
Review Handout

4 Successful Plan Implementation
Owning the Marketing Plan Supporting the Marketing Plan Adapting the Marketing Plan Detailed Action Plans 2. Champion and Ownership Team 3. Compensation 4. Management Involvement Time to Succeed Resource Allocation Communication Required Skills Continuous Improvement Feedback Measures Persistence Adaptive Rollout

5 A Hierarchy of Performance
Strategic Performance Marketing Performance Financial Performance Program A Performance Program B Performance Program C Performance Task 1 Performance Task 2 Performance Task 3 Performance

6 Marketing Performance is the End Product of Marketing Plans and Marketing Actions
But, this model doesn’t account for all that can go wrong.

7 Marketing Plans Marketing Actions Marketing Performance Poor
Data Analysis and Planning Poor Communication of Objectives Poor Tracking of Performance Insufficient Resource Allocation Insufficient Training Changes in Customer Needs

8 This is Further Complicated by Difficulties in Problem Diagnosis

INAPPROPRIATE SUCCESS All that can be done to insure success has been done UNCERTAIN Good execution can mitigate poor strategy, forcing success. OR The same good execution can hasten failure I M P L E N T A O GOOD TROUBLE Poor execution hampers good strategy. Mgmt may never become aware of strategic soundness because of implementation inadequacies UNCERTAIN Very Difficult to diagnose because bad strategy is masked by poor execution. Difficult to fix because both strategy and execution are wrong. POOR

10 As with Corporate or Business Unit Performance, Marketing Performance Has Multiple Dimensions

11 Performance Relationships
Program Effectiveness Sales/Share Increases New Service Performance Profitability Customer Satisfaction Efficiency

12 Defining Marketing Effectiveness
The Achievement of Marketing Program Goals Sales growth/share growth Retention Profitability Awareness Positioning Cost reduction

13 Sub-dimensions of Performance

14 Performance Dimensions - Growth
Sales growth Share growth Increased sales to existing customers Sales to new customers Opening new markets

15 Performance Dimensions - Efficiency
Achieving goals with minimum resource invested. Productivity Outputs/Inputs Efficiency = Sales Mktg Exp.

16 Performance Dimensions - New Products Development
Trial rate Retention rate Time to market Revenue from new services

17 Performance Dimensions - Customer Satisfaction
Retention/Loyalty Perceived value received

18 Performance Dimensions - Profitability
ROA = Profits/Assets Cash Flow/Assets = CFROA Return on Sales (ROS) = Profits/Sales Meeting Margin or Contribution Goals

19 Conclusions: Evaluation of program effectiveness depends on the objectives set for the program. While profitability is one dimension, success will be determined by those variables which drive profitability. Many of these variables are marketing performance indicators.

20 Common Firm Goal Attainment Metrics
Awareness rates. Satisfaction and Loyalty Ratings Growth and Share targets. Hurdle rates for Project ROI NPV hurdles.

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