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Teen Culture-Technology By: Justin and Anson Division 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Teen Culture-Technology By: Justin and Anson Division 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teen Culture-Technology By: Justin and Anson Division 7

2 Why it’s teen culture? Part of teen everyday life Used since birth for teens Teens rarely use other means replacing technology Part of teen everyday life Used since birth for teens Teens rarely use other means replacing technology

3 Definition of technology “Technology-Scientific knowledge applied to practical uses ; applied science” –Gage Canadian Dictionary


5 Constructive uses Can communicate with others with ease ex)cell phone, text message Faster productivity ex)printing, typing Alleviates stress ex)less work, games Convenient ex)transportation, e-mail, electronic transactions, social network Can communicate with others with ease ex)cell phone, text message Faster productivity ex)printing, typing Alleviates stress ex)less work, games Convenient ex)transportation, e-mail, electronic transactions, social network

6 Destructive uses Unreliable, can break over time Damages eye and brain from excessive usage Distraction from work or education Addictive videogames Stranger danger ex)Facebook, Twitter, My Space, MSN Unreliable, can break over time Damages eye and brain from excessive usage Distraction from work or education Addictive videogames Stranger danger ex)Facebook, Twitter, My Space, MSN

7 Explanation by Pittsburgh Professor

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