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2Louisiana Believes 3 Instructional shifts affecting all content areas –Addressing literacy standards outside of ELA classes –Changes in statewide assessments.

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2 2Louisiana Believes

3 3

4 Instructional shifts affecting all content areas –Addressing literacy standards outside of ELA classes –Changes in statewide assessments Few nuances for Science and Social Studies expressed or discussed- focus has been on Math and ELA Link to Survival Guide: on+Core+Survival+Guide

5 Intended to assist science and social studies teachers with addressing the literacy strand of the CCSS Full of ready-to-use templates and planning guides Designed to complement and enhance content standards, not replace them

6 A fix-all for addressing content and literacy standards Mandatory in any way, shape, or form A fix-all for addressing content and literacy standards Mandatory in any way, shape, or form

7 Created for science, social studies, ELA, and technical subjects CCSS reading and writing standards are built-in to the framework

8 Recommended by the DOE as a useful tool for literacy implementation, even in the content areas FLEXIBLE-framework can be adapted to suite the needs of content area teachers Essays, lab reports, design proposals, research projects, project based learning, ect. Teacher chooses most everything that goes into an LDC module

9 FREE (did I mention FREE??)- requires no purchases, including the program used to create the modules Exemplar modules- ready to teach complete modules on the website Teacher chooses how to integrate content standards: mini- tasks (lessons) are literally whatever the teacher chooses Can even be used to create interdisciplinary units FREE (did I mention FREE??)- requires no purchases, including the program used to create the modules Exemplar modules- ready to teach complete modules on the website Teacher chooses how to integrate content standards: mini- tasks (lessons) are literally whatever the teacher chooses Can even be used to create interdisciplinary units Literacy+Content Maximized Learning

10 All materials needed to build a module are available on Modules consist of 4 major parts: –The task –The Skills –The instruction –The results Complete unit plan with a culminating writing task- resembles the performance tasks seen on statewide assessments

11 Free online program to build modules Sign up for an account Collaboration settings- work with other teachers on the same module June 2014-stand alone mini-task option Let’s take a look at Core Tools!

12 Foster independent thought in students Engage students actively in discourse surrounding content Encourage deep dives into text Promote deep understanding by providing students with open ended questions Promote social awareness and norms of a civilized discussion

13 Addresses 12 standards altogether 7 Reading 1 writing 4 Speaking & Listening Flexible- teachers/students choose content, texts, focus (handout)

14 In groups of 4-5, discuss the following: –Where within the scope of your course could you implement a Socratic seminar? –What sorts of text could you use as an anchor for a Socratic seminar? –How would S.S. complement your content standards?

15 Standards for researching in the CCSS social studies literacy standards But isn’t research for natural sciences? “Science”-using protocols to execute a study –Survey groups of people –Use informational texts as the method of gathering data Pose an answerable question, then answer it

16 Step I: Create the Central Research Question Step II: Describe the Significance of the research question Step III: Form a Hypothesis Step IV: Test the Hypothesis Step V: Analyze the results Step VI: Draw conclusions, including implications for society

17 Handout

18 In groups of 4-5, discuss the following: –What are some possible topics in social studies that could warrant a small study?


20 Address discipline- specific literacy –Meaningful tasks: things that scientists do Background research Building on the ideas of others Investigations There should be a specific purpose for reading in a science classroom-not just reading for the sake of reading

21 Lab reports are central to science classroom Has been a vehicle for literacy for decades, esp. since inquiry is a best practice in science Template for formal lab reports (handout)

22 In groups of 4-5, discuss the following: –How can you see teachers using template-based approaches to literacy in science and social studies classrooms? –What advice would you give a science or social studies teacher?

23 Choose one of the templates/frameworks discussed today Move to the area of the room with the sign displaying your choice Use this time to begin creating a viable lesson for your classroom. Remember to address “big ideas” in your discipline

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