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Hsin Wang, MD  Grew Up in Ann Arbor, MI  University of Michigan  Wayne State University School of Medicine  Oakwood HealthCare Medical Center  In.

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Presentation on theme: "Hsin Wang, MD  Grew Up in Ann Arbor, MI  University of Michigan  Wayne State University School of Medicine  Oakwood HealthCare Medical Center  In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hsin Wang, MD  Grew Up in Ann Arbor, MI  University of Michigan  Wayne State University School of Medicine  Oakwood HealthCare Medical Center  In private practice since 2003

2 Urinary Incontinence Is it just a part of getting older? Hsin Wang, M.D. January 26, 2010

3 Definition  Involuntary loss of urine.  Daytime or Night time.  Daily or occasionally.

4 Three Types  Stress Urinary Incontinence: activity induced loss of urine. Commonly while coughing, laughing, running, lifting.  Urge Urinary Incontinence (Overactive Bladder): Loss of urine associated with spasming of the detrussor muscle.  Mixed (stress and urge): involuntary loss of urine due to both activity and spasming of the detrussor muscle.  30% of women have a mixed component.

5 Normal Female Anatomy Detrussor Urethra (Bladder neck) B U C Vagina Rectum

6 Stress Urinary Incontinence  Weak muscle Surrounding Urethral result in Leaking of urine with activity

7 Urge Urinary Incontinence (Overactive Bladder) Spasming of the Detrussor Muscle Leads to urine Leakage.

8 How is Urinary Incontinence Related to Getting Older?  Risk Factors for Stress Urinary Incontinence  Multiple Vaginal Births  Big Babies  Use of Forceps during vaginal births  Perimenopause/Menopause status  Lifestyle

9 How is Urinary Incontinence Related to Getting Older?  Perimenopause/menopause status:  Declining Estrogen levels weaken pelvic muscles that are designed for bladder and urethra support. Pelvic Floor Muscles Are Estrogen Dependent

10 Is Urinary Incontinence Only due to Getting Older?  NO!  Lifestyle is a big risk factor:  Overweight.  Repetitive heavy lifting, stooping, squatting.  Chronic cough due to lung condition  Nicotine use

11 Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence  History  Voiding Diary  Urodynamic Study  Physical Exam

12 Treatments for Urinary Incontinence  Stress Urinary Incontinence  Kegel Exercises  Lifestyle Modifications  Surgery  Urge Urinary Incontinence  Medications  Lifestyle Modifications: cut down on caffeine intake.

13 Treatments for Stress Urinary Incontinence  Kegel Exercises: Tighten vaginal/pelvic muscles and hold 10-15 seconds, repeat 5 times. Do 8-10 times a day.  Reminders: Traffic light, washing dishes, car commercial  Physical Therapists available to teach these exercises!  Midurethral Sling Procedures  Outpatient Surgery  Quick Recovery  95-98% Effectiveness with long-term efficacy (greater than 10 years)

14 Midurethral Sling Procedure  Designed to support urethra to prevent urine leakage.  Outpatient surgery. Takes 20-30 minutes  Small vaginal incision (2- 2.5 cm)  Back to daily activities within 1-2 days.  Activity restrictions for 4 weeks after procedure.  No sex, no tampons, nothing in the vagina.  No heavy lifting, pulling or pushing over 20 pounds.

15 Lifestyle Modifications that May Improve Stress Urinary Incontinence  Break up tasks into smaller and lighter tasks  Loose Weight  Quit Smoking

16 Treatments for Urge Urinary Incontinence  Medication  Anticholinergics : relaxes the detrussor muscle, reduces detrussor spasms.  Examples: Oxybutynin, Ditropan, Detrol LA, Vesicare, Enablex  Lifestyle Modifications  Decrease caffeine intake  Bladder retraining.

17 Conclusion So is Urinary Leaking just a part of getting older?  Yes  Some factors are age related  Perimenopause/menopause  No  Some factors are due to lifestyle and therefore can be modified.

18 Conclusion. Do you have to just deal with Urinary leaking?  NO  Talk to you doctor about possible interventions.  Change your lifestyle

19 Obstetrics Gynecology Associated Physicians, PC (OBGAP)  T. Eduardo Garcia MD, Charles Gonik MD  Hsin Wang, MD,  Julie Mladic, DO,  Ethan Goldstein, MD  Commerce Office  248-366-0100  Corner of Union Lake and Commerce Rd  Bloomfield Hills Office 248-335-9207  Corner of Telegraph and Square Lake Rd.





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