PowerPoint 2007 ©: The Power of Presentations How can Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 help you convey your message?

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1 PowerPoint 2007 ©: The Power of Presentations How can Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 help you convey your message?

2 Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate PowerPoint presentations help you to convey your message through visual tools such as graphics, charts, and diagrams.

3 How do I use themes? How do I promote and demote text? How do I create diagrams, tables, and, charts? How do I insert Clip Art, pictures, shapes, and WordArt? How do I use the Spelling Checker and Thesaurus? How do I insert comments? What vocabulary words should I review? Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate View This Presentation to Answer the Following Questions:

4 Themes make it easy to create professional-looking presentations. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate A theme is a set of colors, fonts, and graphics designed to work together throughout a presentation.

5 PowerPoint provides text boxes (also called placeholders) to make it easy for you to enter text. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate The first slide of a presentatio n also has a subtitle text box. Use the title text box for the slide titles.

6 When a text box or other object is selected, one or more contextual tabs will appear on the Ribbon. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate A contextual tab contains commands that can be used only with the selected object.

7 PowerPoint allows you to import, or bring in, text from different sources into your presentation. PowerPoint allows you to import, or bring in, text from different sources into your presentation. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate When you insert an outline, PowerPoint automatically creates slide titles, subtitles, and bulleted lists.

8 To import an outline into a presentation, use the Insert Outline dialog box. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

9 If text is not in the proper order, you can easily move it into the correct position. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate If you cut a word or words, you can move it from one place and paste it into another position. To use the same text in more than one place, copy the text and paste it into the new location.

10 An outline is effective for organizing ideas in a presentation. On the Outline pane, text for each slide is organized in levels. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate The slide title appears on the first level. Subtitles or main bullet points appear on the second level, and supporting points are on the third level.

11 To emphasize the importance of an item, promote it and make it a main point. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate If you decide an item should be subordinate, or below, another main point, demote it to make it a supporting point.

12 Academic Skills Check What is an effective method of organizing ideas in a presentation? Answers may include: Outlines are effective for organizing ideas in a presentation. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

13 Academic Skills Check How can you emphasize the importance of an item in an outline? Answers may include: To emphasize the importance of an item in an outline, promote it and make it a main point. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

14 Tech Check How can themes create professional- looking presentations? Answers may include: Themes create professional-looking presentations by using colors, fonts, and graphics designed to work together throughout a presentation. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

15 A table organizes your information into rows and columns. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate Use tables when you want to compare information side by side, as when comparing team responsibilities on a large project.

16 The area where a row and a column intersect is called a cell. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate Key text into cells like you do into a text box. Press the Tab key to move from cell to cell.

17 Use Quick Styles to change the overall look of a table. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate The Quick Styles gallery on the Table Styles drop-down arrow contains a variety of choices that are based on the color scheme of the slide’s theme.

18 Images help make your presentation visually interesting. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate You can use PowerPoint to locate premade graphics known as Clip Art. The Clip Art task pane helps you search for the image that best fits your presentation.

19 A diagram is a graphic that organizes information visually. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate PowerPoint provides many different types of diagrams that can be easily inserted into a presentation.

20 To change the color and style of a SmartArt diagram, use Quick Styles. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate Apply Quick Styles to change the effects of the diagram.

21 Like a diagram, a chart displays information in a visual way. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate When you insert a chart into PowerPoint, an Excel worksheet containing default data automatically opens. Once you replace the data with your own data it is shown in the form of a chart.

22 To insert a chart into a presentation, use the Insert Chart dialog box. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

23 As with SmartArt diagrams and tables, you can apply Quick Styles to charts as well. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

24 Insert pictures from your own scanned images, digital camera, or picture CD-ROM.

25 To insert a picture into a presentation, use the Insert Picture dialog box. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

26 Adding Clip Art and pictures is not the only way you can add interest to your presentation. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate You can also use PowerPoint’s Shapes, which are pre-designed shapes such as rectangles, ovals, and stars.

27 WordArt allows you to turn text into artwork. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate Use WordArt to make your presentation more effective.

28 PowerPoint contains important language tools to help you choose the correct word and spell it correctly. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate The Thesaurus contains words with similar meanings, also known as synonyms, allowing you to pick the exact word you need.

29 Use the Spelling Checker to make sure every word in your presentation is spelled correctly. PowerPoint automatically checks words against its built-in dictionary as you create each slide. PowerPoint automatically checks words against its built-in dictionary as you create each slide. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

30 Before you deliver a presentation, have classmates or coworkers review it. Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate Comments are like sticky notes that appear as small boxes on the slide. To look at a presentation without the comments showing, you can hide the extra text, called markup.

31 Academic Skills Check Answers may include : When deciding which chart to use for a presentation, think about what information you need to convey. What should you consider when deciding which chart to use for a presentation? Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

32 TechCheck Answer: Use Quick Styles to change the overall look or effects of a diagram. How can you change the overall look of a diagram in a presentation? Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

33 TechCheck Answer: To insert a picture into a presentation, use the Insert Picture dialog box. How do you insert a picture into a presentation? Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

34 TechCheck Answer: Use the Thesaurus to find synonyms for words in a presentation. Which tool can you use to find synonyms for words in a presentation? Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

35 Vocabulary Review A collection of design elements, graphics, and colors that help items such as documents, presentations, and Web pages maintain a consistent image. theme Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

36 Vocabulary Review A tab that appears on the Ribbon that contains commands that can only be used with a selected object. contextual tab Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

37 Vocabulary Review In outlines, changes selected text to the next higher heading level (up one level, to the left). promote Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

38 Vocabulary Review In an outline, to change selected text to a lower heading level. demote Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

39 Vocabulary Review A set of rows and columns used to organize information. table Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

40 Vocabulary Review Images or pre-made graphics that can be inserted into a document or presentation. Clip Art Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

41 Vocabulary Review A graphic that represents or illustrates a concept or process. Diagrams can be used to organize and present information visually. diagram Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

42 Vocabulary Review A graphic that organizes data visually. Common charts are pie charts, bar charts, and line charts. chart Lesson 2: Create Content and Collaborate

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