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KCrawford A Road Map to Success. KCrawford Goals are specific, realistic reminders of the accomplishments you visualize.

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Presentation on theme: "KCrawford A Road Map to Success. KCrawford Goals are specific, realistic reminders of the accomplishments you visualize."— Presentation transcript:

1 KCrawford A Road Map to Success

2 KCrawford Goals are specific, realistic reminders of the accomplishments you visualize.

3 KCrawford You can set: long-range goals intermediate goals short-range goals Example ….

4 KCrawford Goals are important in: academics student leadership personal affairs Apply your goals! Write goals down!


6 KCrawford Specific

7 KCrawford Measurable

8 KCrawford Action Oriented

9 KCrawford Realistic

10 KCrawford Timely

11 KCrawford Specific Measurable Action Oriented Realistic Timely

12 KCrawford

13 Data accuracy is essential...

14 KCrawford Measure what is important...

15 KCrawford Don’t measure what you can’t or won’t use...

16 KCrawford You can’t improve what you can’t - or won’t measure...

17 KCrawford

18 Awareness of weaknesses….. Responsible for yourself…. Real life actions….. Set priorities – limit distractions….. A path to follow…. Helps visualization and planning…. Accomplishments and motivation….. Awareness of strengths….. Serves as a guide…..

19 KCrawford Now you’re ready for a Goal & Action Plan

20 KCrawford My Goal: How I will obtain my goal (action plan): 1. 2. 3. My GOAL IS: realistic and attainable challenging target date for completion measurable results clear, specific and understandable meaningful and desirable beneficial action plan has at least two methods to help attainment of goal

21 KCrawford See your goal (visualize it) Understand obstacles Clear your mind of doubt Create a positive mental picture Embrace the challenge Stay on track Show the world you can do it! Be SMART – GOALs will help you be a success!!

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