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Common Name: Giant Panda Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca.

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2 Common Name: Giant Panda Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca

3 Broadleaf and Coniferous Forests Dense Understory of Bamboo Elevations of 5,000 to 10,000 feet Heavy cloud cover

4 Size of a Black Bear Weighs up to 250 pounds in the wild Females rarely reach 220 pounds

5 99% Bamboo Sugar cane and apples in zoos

6 Black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. Rest of the animal's coat is white. Although scientists do not know why these unusual bears are black and white, some speculate that the Bold coloring provides effective camouflage into their shade-dappled snowy and rocky surroundings. Thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat. Pandas have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo.

7 Reaches maturity between 4 and 8 years of age Stops reproducing at the age of 20 Female pandas ovulate once a year

8 Low reproductive rate Bamboo Shortages Habitat Destruction Hunting

9 Wild-1,000 In captivity, 100

10 Chinese government has set aside 12 nature preserves These are protected from development and construction.

11 1. Why is the Giant Panda endangered? 2. What is the current number for wild panda populations? 3. How often do female pandas ovulate? 4. Where do Giant Pandas live? 5. What does the panda’s diet consist of?

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