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1- Ahmed Aly 2- Loay Mohmed 3- Rasha Ebrahim 4- Ragaa Saad 5-Saad Ahmed 6- Mona Hassan 7- Soha Sameer.

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Presentation on theme: "1- Ahmed Aly 2- Loay Mohmed 3- Rasha Ebrahim 4- Ragaa Saad 5-Saad Ahmed 6- Mona Hassan 7- Soha Sameer."— Presentation transcript:

1 1- Ahmed Aly 2- Loay Mohmed 3- Rasha Ebrahim 4- Ragaa Saad 5-Saad Ahmed 6- Mona Hassan 7- Soha Sameer


3 Giant Panda Panda bears are big black and white bears that like to keep to themselves. Pandas don’t produce many babies and sometimes only produce one in there lifetime. Survival for young baby pandas rare and the number of birth isn’t high enough for them not to be endangered. According to, “The great and giant panda bears have been listed as endangered in the 1980s, and the population of the panda bears have decreased to about 1,600 in the wild.” In todays societey, people are getting together to help deal with these endangered pandas, and finding a way to help them from becoming extinct. Many key factors have lead these symbolic bears to almost extinction. Many things are the cause of decrease in panda population. Things that we humans do also greatly affects the giant pandas.

4 Right now there are still lots of threats that hurt panda bears. On May 12, 2008 an earthquake occured in China, and caused a lot of trouble for the pandas. Many pandas got hurt from the destruction and even some got killed. There are so many factors in the world that contribute to the decrease in panda population. Sometimes people that go hunting might accidentally hurt a panda without realizing. When people first found out about pandas being endangered a lot took action. People realized what terrible destruction they have been doing to the poor panda bears. All around the world there are endangered animals that have a small chance of survival, and are approaching extinction.

5 WHY THE TOPIC IS A PROBLEM: Not many pandas are left in the wild and that is mainly because of us humans. Approximately 1,600 are left in the wild, and that isn’t nearly enough to not take action. There are still people who harm pandas without caring about them at all. If this trend keeps on occuring then the pandas will have to face the end that they never wished for. These giant creatures are respectly greatly in China and they are very symbolic animals that a lot of people look up to.The problem of endangered animals is still currently going on but if more people rise into action then we can save many lives.

6 SOLUTIONS: There many are many ways to help the endangered pandas, and some people are already in action and doing too things to help. The is helping other people see the problem of endangered animals, and get them to realize how bad this is. Since pandas can’t tell people that they are endagered and need help, we can help them do that by spreading the word for them. Building organizations and creating awareness is another way to help solve the problem of the endangered animals. By getting together and helping the pandas, their population will start to increase. If everyone can get together and do this then the panda can finally be taken off the endagered list. In your community, you can help create a fundraiser to earn money, and give to the pandas in need of help and supplies.

7 The Lion The lion is a big, powerful cat that is probably the most famous member of the cat family. The lion is known for it's big, silencing roar, which puts fear in their prey's eyes. Lions can live in cool temperatures, while also being able to live in the heat of desert areas. They don't like to live in big forests, such as rain forest. Most of them live woodlands, grassy plains, and areas with thorny scrub trees. Lions tend to live where they find food, mainly antelope, deer, zebra, etc., and they also live where they have a place to drink, like streams and nearby rivers. Back in the earlier days, lions lived in Europe, the Middle East, India, and most of Africa. Because of humans, thousands of lions were killed when the people in those regions settled in1 now there are no more lions left in the Middle East or North Africa. Only 200 lions live in Asia today, and in India they live in the Gir Forest. Lions still live in the eastern part of central Africa and in southern Africa, but most of these lions live in national parks and areas called reserves. There, they are protected from hunters. Hundreds of lions also live in custody of zoos throughout the world. And trained lions are popular in circuses.3 The lion and the tiger are the largest members of the "cat family." Lions are mainly built for strength, but unfortunately not speed. A male lion usually weighs 350 to 400 pounds, but some can get up to 500 pounds. Most males get about 9 feet long from the nose to the end of the tail. Lionesses, or females, are smaller than males. They weigh only 250 to 300 pounds, and they are about a foot shorter.4 Male lions are the only "cats" with manes. The mane covers the head and the neck, down to the shoulder and the chest area. It is a long, thick, bushy type of hair, kind of like a beard that surrounds the head. The mane gives the opposition an illusion that the male is even bigger and stronger then he really

8 Sources المصادر pupil’s Book الكتاب المدرسى http://endangeredpandasassociation.weebly.c om/endangered-panda-essay.html http://endangeredpandasassociation.weebly.c om/endangered-panda-essay.html wpaper/60875.html

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