Computer Integrated assessment. Computer integrated assessment Measurement, testing, assessment and evaluation What is the difference?

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1 Computer Integrated assessment

2 Computer integrated assessment Measurement, testing, assessment and evaluation What is the difference?

3 Measurement The determination of the size or magnitude of something using a measuring technique. The process of quantifying observations [or descriptions] about a quality or attribute of a thing or person.

4 Testing Process of measuring performance by means of a test as a device (measuring devices or techniques). Represents an attempt to provide objective data that can be used to make better, more defensible decisions.

5 Assessment Is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal. AssessmentAssessment refers to the collection of data to describe or better understand an issue Assessment Is the process of gathering, analyzing and reflecting on evidence to make informed judgments to improve future student learning.

6 Evaluation Refers to the comparison of data to a standard for the purpose of judging worth or quality. Uses assessment information to support decisions on maintaining, changing, or discarding instructional practices.

7 Computer integrated assessment The purpose of testing

8 Purpose of testing Instructional decisions: Spending more time, more money; Skipping review before a test; Sticking to instructional plan.

9 Purpose of testing Grading decisions: Decisions about who gets A’s, B’s and so on.

10 Purpose of testing Diagnostic decisions: Decisions about a student’s strengths and weaknesses and the reason(s) for them.

11 Purpose of testing Selection decisions: Using test data used for accepting or rejecting applicants for admission into a group, program or institution.

12 Purpose of testing Placement decisions: Decision made after an individual has been accepted in a program.

13 Purpose of testing Counseling and guidance decisions: Decisions involve using of test data to help recommend appropriate programs of study.

14 Purpose of testing Program or curriculum decisions: Decisions made after the evaluation of programs in order to compare the programs.

15 Purpose of testing Administrative policy decisions: –Decisions impacting on students: Promotion decisions: Decisions made relating to the promotion of learners to the next grade or level. Graduation decisions: Decisions made relating to the requirements for obtaining a qualification. –Decisions impacting on staff: Reconstitution decisions: Decisions made relating to the replacement of staff to break a pattern of low achievement. Recognition decisions: Decisions made relating to the allocation of incentives for exemplary performance.

16 Computer integrated assessment Types of objectives

17 Behavioral objectives: A precise statement of behavior to be exhibited. Expressive objectives: The experience or educational activity to be undertaken is expressed. The outcome of the activity is not detailed in specific terms but in general terms such as interpret or analyze.

18 Computer integrated assessment Major types of test

19 Norm referenced tests: Test used to determine a students rank or place in a group. A student’s performance is compared against a norm or average of performance. Criterion referenced tests: Test used to determine a students level of proficiency or mastery of some skill or set of skills. A students performance is compared against a standard of mastery called a criterion.

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