Have your say? about charging Social Care and Inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Have your say? about charging Social Care and Inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have your say? about charging Social Care and Inclusion

2 Should the Council decide who should and shouldn’t pay for community social care services? Your thoughts? Government wants councils to make people pay towards the community social services they have. The new laws gives councils the right to make choices whether to charge for these services. H=HH Charging for services

3 If we don’t charge we need to find the money from somewhere else, how can we do this? Your thoughts? There are different ways of paying for services, paying one payment / what you have. Which one will work better for you? H=HH

4 Council must allow you money to help you live with your disability before they charge you. All of the money or half the amount. Your thoughts? Guidance lets us take into account your partners money. Should we include this?

5 The Care Act says we should look at paying the maximum charge. What do you think? Your thoughts? If someone has enough money to pay for all their services should they? H=HH

6 Disability related expenditure Council must make sure you have enough money to live before they charge you. After being assessed should everyone pay the same amount Disability related expenditure Your thoughts? Financial Assessments When looking at what you pay towards care and support, someone from the council visits you at home looks at what money you have coming in and paying out. Care Act allows councils to let people assess themselves and send back by post or computer. Is this something the council should offer people.

7 Some people have a direct payment, so the person or someone on their behalf is given the money to choose care and support. Council can take this money out before it is paid to the person. Should people have a direct payment taken out before they get their money? Your thoughts?

8 Other charging People who live in extra care housing pay money for the services they have. Council are looking at having one charging policy for all community based social services. Should people living in extra care housing pay the same as others? Your thoughts?

9 Care Act starts April 2015, carers will be treated the same way as the people they care for. Carers can have a assessment and if they have eligible needs they can be charged. Cabinet recognise the valuable contribution carers make to support vulnerable people, and thinking they may not charge for providing this support. Your thoughts? Should the council offer support to carers without charging them? Should carers be charged for all or some services

10 Some people have enough money to pay for their own care (self funders) Care Act says if people can afford to pay for their care and support. They can ask the council to arrange their care on their behalf. Your thoughts? Preventative services Are not always free. Care Act states that services such as reablement or minor aid and adaptation must be provided free.

11 Walsall council is thinking about charging ∙ for community alarm ( maintenance and response combined) people over 80 get this free which is seen as not being fare People who are entitled to receive social care services this would depend on a assessment whether they can afford to pay. Personal support after 6 weeks of reablement for those not eligible. We could charge for other preventative social services. Your thoughts?

12 Aids and minor adaptations Must be provided free of charge, councils could charge for equipment that costs over £1000 Your thoughts? Should all equipment be free for all? Should the council look at charging for this type of equipment?

13 What next? Information from these meetings will be shared with everyone that it may affect. Cabinet will receive the report of what people said. Another meeting in early 2015

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