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Computer Processor Ruchelle Vincent Jhordaine Lindsay-Butler.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Processor Ruchelle Vincent Jhordaine Lindsay-Butler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Processor Ruchelle Vincent Jhordaine Lindsay-Butler

2 What is a computer processor A computer processor is the portion of a computer system that interprets and executes commands or instructions from the hardware and software components of the computer.

3 What is a computer processor It ensures that the computer's functions are running as required and is also instrumental in determining the computer's speed. Also known as the system unit, the processor acts as the 'brain' of the computer.

4 What is the main function of the processor The main function of the processor is to act as the brain of the computer. It also allows numerical exercises to be undertaken on the computer like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The processor also carries out the execution of instructions stored in memory.

5 ALU (Arithmetic and Logical unit): This unit of the CPU is capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations.

6 The main parts of the Processor ALU stands for Arithmetic/Logic Unit This is the part that executes the computer's commands. A command must be either a basic arithmetic operation: + - * / or one of the logical comparisons: > < = not =. Everything else has to be broken down into these few operations. Only one operation is done in each Machine Cycle. The ALU can only do one thing at a time but can work very, very fast.

7 Control Unit: This unit of the processor controls all the activities of the processor and also controls the input and output devices of the computer.

8 Memory Unit: A processor has its own memory inside it in the shape of small cells. Each memory cell is called a "REGISTER“, (registers are used to carry data temporarily ).



11 The CPU (pronounced as C-P-U) was first developed at Intel with the help of Ted Hoff in the early 1970's and is short for Central Processing Unit. The computer CPU is responsible for handling all instruction it receives from hardware and software running on the computer.

12 In the picture below, is an example of what the top and bottom of an Intel Pentium processor looks like.


14 The processor is placed and secured into a compatible CPU socket found on the motherboard, and because of the heat it produces it is covered with a heat sink to help keep it cool and running smoothly.

15 A computer's processor speed describes the maximum number of calculations per second the processor can perform, and is given in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). Generally, the larger the number, the faster and more powerful the processor. 1.Open System by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking System. 2.Under System, you can view the processor type and speed, as well as the number of processors installed, if your computer uses multiple processors. LETS LOCATE

16 Video

17 Click the correct answer 1.CPU stands for______. aa. Core packet unit b.b. picket unit c. c. Central processing unit dd. Central product unit

18 The CPU is called the ____________ of the computer a. a. Center bb. Top c.c. Flow dd. Brain


20 Sorry try again

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