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Learning Coach Meeting May 17, 2013. Today’s Agenda  Sustaining the Learning Coach Program  Share an Experience  New Learning: Professional Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Coach Meeting May 17, 2013. Today’s Agenda  Sustaining the Learning Coach Program  Share an Experience  New Learning: Professional Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Coach Meeting May 17, 2013

2 Today’s Agenda  Sustaining the Learning Coach Program  Share an Experience  New Learning: Professional Learning Communities  Establishing our PLCs

3 Share a Meaningful Experience Criteria for a meaningful experience. The experience:  Is beneficial to others (others might learn an effective strategy, or a “what not to do”)  Helps explore your understanding of the role of a learning coach Tell which of the “commitment to inclusion” statements are championed through this experience, and articulate the alignment between the experience and the commitment statement.

4 PSD’s Commitments to Inclusion The idea of fixing students to the idea of improving environments Dependence on staff (teachers and EA’s) to a focus on independence “Special Ed” to ALL students being special A deficit model of thinking to a strength-based model of thinking Having high expectations for some to having high expectations for ALL Move from:

5 Professional Learning Communities o Why PLC s? o What is a PLC characterized by? o My experience this year with PLC work

6 Generate, Sort, Synthesize Purpose: Can be used to explore relationships between discrete pieces of information. Then the strategy can be used to organize the information into larger categorical or conceptual groupings. Groups at Work - Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman (p. 66)

7 Generate Ideas  Individually record some “education” topics YOU would like to learn more about.  Write each idea on a separate sticky note. E.g. Techniques for overcoming difficulties in the classroom Specific pedagogy to better engage students Collaborative learning practices Particular subject Assessment practices…

8 RoundRobin Sharing  Take turns sharing one idea at a time; articulate a bit so team members understand your intent  Place your sticky note on the sheet in the middle of the table once your idea has been shared.  Continue until all ideas are shared.

9 RoundRobin Sorting  Take turns moving sticky notes around so similar ideas are grouped together.  When it’s your turn, if you don’t agree with a previous move, then move the sticky note where you think it should go.  Continue this process until all ideas are sorted into groups, and everyone is in agreement that this is the correct categorization.

10 “Big Idea” Label o Assign half of the categories to each pair of shoulder-partners. o Work with shoulder partner to create a “big idea” label for each set of ideas you are assigned to. o Ask the other pair for help if you are unable to come up with “big idea” labels for any of your assigned categories.

11 Recording all the Big Ideas 2 Big Ideas Recording Sheets per team o Team members 1 and 3 each need a Big Idea Recording Sheet, o Team members 1 and 3 each record all the big ideas that your group generated. o Team members 1 and 3, each travel with your shoulder partner to all the other tables, adding any big ideas that you do not have on your sheet. o If there is a similar big idea, but it has been given a different label, add that label to your sheet (in brackets beside your label.) o Go back to your table.

12 Revising Big Ideas  Share, with your other 2 team mates, what you now have on your Big Idea sheet.  If your sheets differ, come to concensus as to what the big ideas should be (it may involve revisiting the other tables again…)  Designate one of the Big Idea sheets as the “Final Big Idea Sheet”, and make all revisions on it.  Revise existing Big Idea sticky note labels so they are same as the Big Ideas you have on the “Final” sheet.  Bring your “Final” sheet AND the cardboard with sticky notes to me.

13 Determine PLCs  On index card, individually record the top 3 “Big Ideas” you are interested in.  Stand beside ONE of those top 3.  Select another topic if necessary.

14 Begin to Build Your Team  Informal conversation  RoundRobin response to one of:  If you were a vending machine, of all the items you would dispense, which items would be rated as your top 3? Elaborate  If you were an acronym, what would your letters be and what would they stand for? Elaborate

15 Develop Your PLC Vision…  State why you exist – what is the purpose of this group? (mission)  What does your team hope to achieve by coming together? (vision)  What specific goals or achievements are you striving to meet? ( goals)

16 Next Learning Coach Meeting June 21, 2013 We will be asking you to share: o How, or in what area, you have professionally grown the most this year, with respect to your role as a learning coach? o How did this growth come about? o How do you know/demonstrate that you have grown in this way?

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