Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Chapter 31.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Chapter 31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Chapter 31

2 Break-In June 17, 1972 Democratic Committee Headquarters— Watergate building – Washintgon D.C.

3 Frank Willis Security guard at the Watergate building Discovered the taped doors that led to an investigation regarding a break-in at the Watergate building

4 Liddy Gordon & E. Howard Hunt Arrested for the break-in at the Watergate building Later connected to the Nixon campaign

5 Bob Woodard & Carl Bernstein Reporters that continued the journalism investigation about the break-in at Watergate

6 Nixon’s Reelection Most of the American public had not heard about the Watergate scandal at the time of the election Nixon won by a landslide

7 Senate Hearings In May 1973, the U.S. Senate decides to hold hearings about the Watergate investigation Richard Nixon demands that an outside source be hired to conduct the investigation – Archibald Cox is hired

8 John Dean Testimony reveals a cover-up scheme taking place in the Nixon administration No evidence

9 Discovery of Record Discovery that there has been recording taking place in the White House Nixon claims he should not have to release the material due to presidential privilege

10 Archibald Cox Outside prosecutor running Watergate investigation Demands the tapes be released

11 Saturday Night Massacre Nixon wants to get Cox fired Attorney General Elliot Richardson refuses to fire Cox, resigns Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelhaus refuses as well, resigns Cox is eventually fired This event draws public attention and sparks outrage

12 Impeachment Process House of Representatives begins discussing impeachment

13 Edited Tapes April 1974, Nixon releases edited transcripts of the tapes – Heavily edited

14 Supreme Court Order In July 1974, the Supreme Court rules that Nixon has to release the full tapes July 30, 1974, Nixon releases the tapes Tapes include conversations about the scandal itself

15 Nixon Advised to Resign Nixon catches wind that the House of Representatives and Congress are not in his favor in terms of impeachment proceedings

16 Nixon Resigns August 9, 1974 Nixon resigns as President of the United States

17 Presidential Pardon Gerald Ford gives Nixon a full pardon on September 8, 1974.

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