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Effects of Natural Disasters

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1 Effects of Natural Disasters
Jayda Shamblee 706

2 Introduction Natural disasters can happen any time. But the true problem is do they form other major events. Each day the world is changing. Because of natural disasters people wonder what will happen next. Natural Disasters can make anything happen. From fires, to floods. Those are examples of major events. Natural disasters have causes and effects. A flood or drought is a cause for starvation and dehydration. In this Project I will show you how a natural disaster cause other geologic events

3 Problem/Question Can Earthquakes trigger other major geologic events?

4 Research: What is an earthquake?
a)lithosphere is the part of the The earth where most earthquakes occur. b) The lithosphere is not a continuous shell but is divided into different sections called plates. c) These plates are not stationary, but 'move' or 'glide' on top of the softer rock below, with speeds of around 2-10 cm per year. 3. When two plates meet or collide, we have a boundary. 4. What happens at this boundary is important. Usually one plate will bend beneath another plate at the boundary. As we are dealing with a generally solid rigid plate, we can expect tremendous stress, strain and tension as the plates bend, especially in the areas around the boundary of the plates. These stresses, strains and tensions produce stress and strain cracks on the plates, which are called faults. 5. When stress and strain on certain parts of the plates exceed the threshold that can be sustained by the elasticity of the rocks in that area, the plate ruptures, releasing strain energy which is called an earthquake. This energy is transmitted through the plates in the form of seismic waves, heat and sound. The amount of energy released will determine the magnitude or strength of the earthquake. 6. Energy is never created or destroyed. It is transferred when large amounts of energy are released.

5 Purpose: To see if a number of natural disasters will trigger another or other major events.

6 Hypothesis: If, a natural disaster happens,because the energy involved is so great. Then, it will result in a major event occurring somewhere else.

7 Materials Clay Popsicle sticks Cardboard Shredded construction paper
Rubber cement Model:

8 Data: Earthquakes can cause other major events for example: Tsunamis (energy balance released energy) Earthquake That triggered tsunami: Indian Ocean Earthquake 2004

9 Procedure Get a world Map.
Circle al fault lines in the ring of fire with a red marker. Show places that have had earthquakes. Mark the areas and date “events” that took place on or around that area Mark/Highlight those areas.

10 Experiment: Cycle Of Natural Disasters
Earthquake was on ring of fire. Tornado killed 10 people. Earthquake was on ring of fire

11 Results: Weather/ Damage from Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters reported and how the triggered events. Weather Fatalities in Natural Disasters Cause and effect: If a natural disaster a happens then it will start weather fatalities.

12 Conclusion: I learned that earthquakes or any natural disaster can lead to conditions that cause other major events to take place.For example, the Indian ocean earthquake caused a tsunami in But, natural disasters also destroy land and natural disasters can destroy and affect living things. My evidence shows this because a cycle of earth quakes and other natural disasters have happened in 2010.

13 Discussion: Q2:Have you ever experienced a natural disaster or know someone who has? A1: No A2:Yes Q1:How do natural disasters affect you? A1: Natural disasters don’t affect me they, scare my cats. A2: They don’t

14 Bibliography What is an earthquake? How does it occur? World Map Weather Fatalities Natural Disasters Reported Ring Of Fire Map

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