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Five Themes of Geography. Preview: write only in the white space provided.. NOT IN BOXES Describe where you live.

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Presentation on theme: "Five Themes of Geography. Preview: write only in the white space provided.. NOT IN BOXES Describe where you live."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Themes of Geography

2 Preview: write only in the white space provided.. NOT IN BOXES Describe where you live.

3 Location Location is the position of a place on the Earth’s surface Absolute location is the exact spot Relative location describes where it is in relation to features around it

4 Place Place describes the characteristics of a location that make it unique or different (landforms, plants, animals, language, weather patterns)

5 Human-Environment Interaction Human-Environment Interaction describes how people affect their natural surroundings and how their environment affects them Environmental factors that people cannot control (temperature and natural disasters)

6 Movement Explains how and why people, ideas, and goods move from place to place (political strife, war)

7 Regions Refers to areas of the Earth’s surface that have several common characteristics (land, natural resources, population)

8 Process: Now using location, place, and region, describe where you currently live. (absolute location…. Address) (place… landforms) (region… area of pa) 2403 Front Street Near Susquehanna River Central Pennsylvania

9 Word splash:  Choose Three or more of the terms from the words in the box to write a story using the 5 Themes of Geography. You may use words more than once. Be sure to be creative, but be specific, and use details as you tell your story. Use your imagination. DRAFT on front your story will continue on the back of this paper.

10 Five theme foldable Outside: LocationPlace Human Movement Regions Environment Interaction Five Themes

11 Five Foldable Outside LocationPlaceHuman Environme nt Interaction MovementRegions oFiveoThemeso Inside Top: Definition Example ___fold___ Bottom: Back: NAME and BLOCK

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