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Presentation on theme: "KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT INFORMATION NIGHT June 8, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 U PDATED MATHEMATICS COURSE CONTENT FOR 2012-2013 AND BEYOND  MA common core implemented for fall 2012 in Race To The Top districts, (Natick is a RTTT district)  In mathematics, increased instruction in algebraic concepts, increased rigor of mathematics PreK-8  Significant changes for grades 7 and 8  More challenge for all students  New content allows students to have a comprehensive mathematics experience, no skipped content from any grade level  Completing grade 7 and 8 mathematics allows students to be better prepared for high school algebra honors  Grade 8 mathematics includes much of the content from algebra (75% algebraic concepts); levels the field in preparation for rigorous HS honors study  New honors algebra concepts include topics previously studied in HS algebra II 2

3 UPDATED GRADE 7 AND 8 COURSES, 2012 Grade 7 Accelerated (Compacted grade 7 curriculum and 2/3 of grade 8 curriculum) Standard (Grade 7 curriculum) Grade 8 Honors Algebra (Blend of Frameworks and Common Core – same as high school) 8 th grade math (Grade 8 Common Core curriculum) 3

4 U PDATED 2013 AND BEYOND G RADE 7 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Grade 7 mathematics Develop an understanding of and apply proportional relationships; develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers and work with expressions and linear equations; work with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and draw inferences about populations based on samples. Accelerated Grade 7 mathematics Develop a unified understanding of numbers, recognize fractions, decimals and percents as different representations of rational numbers; use linear equations and systems of linear equations to represent, analyze, and solve a variety of problems; compare data sets and use random sampling; solve problems involving the area and circumference of a circle and surface area of three-dimensional objects 4

5 U PDATED G RADE 8 MATHEMATICS AND H ONORS A LGEBRA COURSE Grade 8 mathematics In-depth study of linear relationships and equations, functions, the exploration of irrational numbers, geometric graphing with connections to algebra, statistics and the connection of linear relations with the representation of bivariate data. 75% more algebra will be evidenced in grade 8 mathematics Honors Algebra Honors Algebra course starts with more advanced topics and includes more in-depth work with linear functions, exponential functions and relationships; introduces quadratic relationships; and goes beyond the previous high school standards in statistics. Dips into some concepts from Algebra II 5

6 I NCREASED R IGOR G RADE 8 MATHEMATICS AND ALGEBRA STANDARDS  PreK-8 mathematics now includes a tight progression of rigorous skills and knowledge designed to provide a strong foundation for success in mathematics and in algebra understanding  Many of the algebra topics previously included in the current Honors Algebra course are now in the updated Grade 8 mathematics course, providing a solid foundation for grade 9 honors algebra  The updated Grade 8 mathematics course standards are of significantly higher rigor than the former Grade 8 standards.  Grade 8 mathematics standards address the foundations of algebra by including content that was previously part of the Honors Algebra course standards such as more in-depth study of linear relationships and equations, functions, and irrational numbers. 6

7 I NCREASED R IGOR H ONORS A LGEBRA S TANDARDS The updated Honors Algebra course builds on the updated Grade 8 standards and is more advanced than the current Algebra I course. The updated Honors Algebra (replacing existing Honors Algebra) course starts with more advanced topics and includes linear functions, exponential functions and relationships, introduces quadratic relationships, and goes beyond the previous high school standards in statistics and includes some topics previously taught in Algebra II. 7

8 SCHOOL YEAR 2012- 2013 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 GRADE 9 Grade 7 Standard Grade 8 mathematics (Common Core) Honors Algebra (Common Core) or Algebra Honors Algebra (Blend of Frameworks and Common Core) Honors Geometry or Geometry Grade 7 Accelerated Grade 8 mathematics(Common Core) Honors Algebra (Common Core) Honors Algebra (Blend of Frameworks and Common Core) Honors Geometry or Geometry 8

9 A CCELERATED M ATHEMATICS I N M IDDLE S CHOOL New “compacted” pathways for Grade 7, Grade 8, and the Honors Algebra course compress the material into an accelerated pathway for students in grades 7 and 8, allowing students to enter the Honors Geometry course in grade 9. Selection and placement of students into accelerated opportunities must be done carefully in order to ensure success. The compacted pathway is advanced work at an accelerated pace, creating challenge for these students who will study 8th grade standards and Honors Algebra standards in a compressed time frame that are significantly more rigorous than in the past. The DESE recommends that placement decisions be made based upon a common assessment to be reviewed by a team of stakeholders that includes teachers and instructional leadership. Natick has a comprehensive placement process in place: Iowa Algebra Readiness, MCAS, Teacher-created assessments, Teacher recommendation 9


11 S CHOOL Y EAR 2013 AND BEYOND G RADE 7 G RADE 8 G RADE 9 Grade 7 Mathematics (Common Core) Grade 8 Mathematics (Common Core) Honors Algebra (Common Core) or Algebra Grade 7 Accelerated Mathematics (Common Core) Algebra Honors (Common Core) Honors Geometry (Common Core) or Geometry 11

12 A CCELERATING IN HIGH SCHOOL 12 Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 Honors Algebra or Algebra Algebra II PrecalcCalculus Honors Geometry or Geometry Geomet ry Honors Geometry or Geometry or Acceleration Decision Points Middle SchoolHigh School

13 C ONCLUSION  New content for mathematics courses including algebraic understanding levels the playing field for middle school students  New courses content assures solid foundation of mathematics to ensure student success in high school mathematics and beyond  New courses support continued support of all students to be prepared for honors mathematics at high school  The percentage of students taking honors high school classes has increased, students are enrolling in honors classes and remaining in them  Placement process for high school is accurate and supports the learners,  Analysis of ASSISTments, MCAS, common assessments to identify areas of strength and remediation is ongoing and informs teacher and student progress 13

14 ALGEBRA I 2012-2013 (COMMON CORE/FRAMEWORKS) Connections to Algebra: Variables in Algebra, Equations and Inequalities, Tables and Graphs, Intro to Functions Solving Linear Equations : Solve Equations, Formulas and Functions, Rates, Ratios, and Percents, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Graphing Linear Equations and Functions: Scatterplots, Graph Linear Equations (Intercepts, Slope), Functions and Relations Writing Linear Equations: Slope-Intercept Form, Given Slope and a Point, Point-Slope Form, Given Two Points, Fit a Line to Data, Standard Form of a Linear Equation Systems of Linear Equations/ Inequalities: Solve Linear Systems: graphing, substitution, combination, Application of Linear Systems, Special Types of Linear Systems, Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities, Solve Linear and Quadratic system

15 ALGEBRA I 2012-2013 (COMMON CORE/FRAMEWORKS), CON’T Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities : Solve One- Step Linear Inequalities, Solve Multi-Step Linear Inequalities, Solve Absolute- Value Equations and Inequalities, Graph Linear Inequalities, Stem-and-Leaf Plots/Measures of Central Tendency, Box-and Whisker Plots Exponents and Exponential Functions: Multiplication Properties of Exponents, Exponential Growth Functions, Exponential Decay Functions, Rational Exponents Quadratic Equations and Functions: Solve Quadratic Equations by Finding Square Roots, by Graphing, by the Quadratic Formula Polynomials and Factoring: Add, Subtract, Multiply Polynomials, Special Products of Polynomials, Solve Polynomial Equations in Factored Form, Factoring Special Products, Factor Using the Distributive Property Radicals, etc. Completing the Square, Introduction to Logarithms and Trigonometry, Properties of Irrational Numbers


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