Prophecies from Jesus Turn in your Bible & mark for class tonight: -Deuteronomy 18 -Acts 3 -Hebrews 1.

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1 Prophecies from Jesus Turn in your Bible & mark for class tonight: -Deuteronomy 18 -Acts 3 -Hebrews 1

2 Prophecies from Jesus Introduction Introduction – There are many great men in the Bible who were prophets of God. – There is no greater Prophet than Jesus Christ Himself! Jesus was sent forth by God as His Prophet (Heb. 1:1-2). Jesus was sent forth by God as His Prophet (Heb. 1:1-2). – Moses foretold of the coming of God’s Great Prophet (Deut. 18:18-19) – Peter confirmed that Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of Moses’ great prophecy (Acts 3:19-26) – God established clear guidelines for determining the truthfulness and faithfulness of a prophet and his message (Deut. 18:21-22; Jer. 28:9). – These can and should be applied to the prophecies of Jesus, too.

3 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days – He would be betrayed Into the hands of men/sinners (Matt. 17:22; 26:45) Into the hands of men/sinners (Matt. 17:22; 26:45) To the chief priests and scribes (Matt. 20:18) To the chief priests and scribes (Matt. 20:18) By one of His own apostles/friends (Matt. 26:21, 47-50) By one of His own apostles/friends (Matt. 26:21, 47-50) – He would be rejected By the elders and chief priests and scribes (Luke 9:22) By the elders and chief priests and scribes (Luke 9:22) By all of His apostles (John 16:32; Matt. 26:31) By all of His apostles (John 16:32; Matt. 26:31) By one of His closest friends, Peter (Matt. 26:23; Mark 14:30) By one of His closest friends, Peter (Matt. 26:23; Mark 14:30) – He would be delivered To the Gentiles (Matt. 20:19) To the Gentiles (Matt. 20:19) Into the hands of sinful men (Luke 24:7) Into the hands of sinful men (Luke 24:7) To be mocked (Luke 18:32) To be mocked (Luke 18:32) To be scourged (Matt. 20:19) To be scourged (Matt. 20:19) To be spit upon (Mark 10:34) To be spit upon (Mark 10:34) To be insulted (Luke 18:32) To be insulted (Luke 18:32)

4 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days – He would suffer many things (Matt. 16:21; 17:12) – He would be condemned to death (Matt. 20:18) – He would be crucified (Mt. 20:19; 26:2; Lk. 24:7) – He would be raised from the dead Spoke of it from early in His ministry (John 2:19-22) Spoke of it from early in His ministry (John 2:19-22) Compared to Jonah (Matt. 12:39-40) Compared to Jonah (Matt. 12:39-40) Be raised up on the third day (Matt. 17:23; 20:29) Be raised up on the third day (Matt. 17:23; 20:29) Be raised and go to Galilee (Matt. 26:32; Mark 14:28) Be raised and go to Galilee (Matt. 26:32; Mark 14:28) – He would ascend into heaven Would be taken away (Matt. 9:15; Luke 5:35) Would be taken away (Matt. 9:15; Luke 5:35) Go back to the Father (John 7:33; 8:21; 16:7; 20:17) Go back to the Father (John 7:33; 8:21; 16:7; 20:17) Go to prepare a place (John 14:2-3) Go to prepare a place (John 14:2-3)

5 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days Events That Would Transpire in His Last Days – How many of these prophecies were fulfilled in the last days of Jesus’ life? Every single one of them! Every single one of them! Every single detail! Every single detail! Not one of them failed! Not one of them failed! – Jesus is the Great Prophet of God! – His words are true and come true…every time! – We can count on it!

6 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension – The Holy Spirit would come The Spirit of Truth would come (John 14:16-17, 26) The Spirit of Truth would come (John 14:16-17, 26) …Testify of Jesus (John 15:26) …Testify of Jesus (John 15:26) …Guide the apostles into all truth (John 16:7-14) …Guide the apostles into all truth (John 16:7-14) …Give the words they would need (Matt. 16:19; 18:18) …Give the words they would need (Matt. 16:19; 18:18) …Give power to do signs & miracles (Mk. 16:17-20; Lk. 24:49) …Give power to do signs & miracles (Mk. 16:17-20; Lk. 24:49) – The church/kingdom would come It was “at hand” (Matt. 4:17; Mark 1:5) It was “at hand” (Matt. 4:17; Mark 1:5) Build His indestructible church/kingdom (Matt. 16:18-19) Build His indestructible church/kingdom (Matt. 16:18-19) See the kingdom come with power (Mark 9:1; Matt. 16:28) See the kingdom come with power (Mark 9:1; Matt. 16:28) He would partake L.S. in the kingdom (Mt. 26:29; Lk. 22:18) He would partake L.S. in the kingdom (Mt. 26:29; Lk. 22:18) Repentance & remission of sins preached (Luke 24:47) Repentance & remission of sins preached (Luke 24:47)

7 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension – Persecution would come Disciples would be persecuted (John 15:20) Disciples would be persecuted (John 15:20) …Delivered up to councils & scourged (Matt. 10:17-18; 23:34) …Delivered up to councils & scourged (Matt. 10:17-18; 23:34) …Hated for Christ’s name sake (Matt. 10:22) …Hated for Christ’s name sake (Matt. 10:22) …Put out of the synagogues (John 16:2) …Put out of the synagogues (John 16:2) …Killed as a service to God (John 16:2) …Killed as a service to God (John 16:2) – Destruction of Jerusalem would come Destroyed & burned by the Romans, “His armies” (Mt. 22:7) Destroyed & burned by the Romans, “His armies” (Mt. 22:7) Surrounded, leveled, no stone left on another (Lk. 19:43-44) Surrounded, leveled, no stone left on another (Lk. 19:43-44) Suffer the worst tribulation ever (Matt. 24:1-34) Suffer the worst tribulation ever (Matt. 24:1-34)

8 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension Events That Would Transpire After His Ascension – How many of these prophecies were fulfilled in the days following Jesus’ ascension? Every single one of them! Every single one of them! Every single detail! Every single detail! Not one of them failed! Not one of them failed! – Jesus is the Great Prophet of God! – His words are true and come true…every time! – We can count on it!

9 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time – The Son of God will come again, a second time He promised He will come again (John 14:1-3) He promised He will come again (John 14:1-3) With His angels & with His reward (Matt. 16:27; John 14:3) With His angels & with His reward (Matt. 16:27; John 14:3) The hour will be unknown & unexpected (Matt. 24:36-51) The hour will be unknown & unexpected (Matt. 24:36-51) – The dead will be raised All of the dead will hear His voice (John 5:28) All of the dead will hear His voice (John 5:28) All of the dead will be raised (John 5:29; 6:40, 54) All of the dead will be raised (John 5:29; 6:40, 54) Life after death is guaranteed (Matt. 22:29-32; John 11:25) Life after death is guaranteed (Matt. 22:29-32; John 11:25) – The heavens & the earth will pass away (Matt. 24:35) – The day of judgment will come His words will be the standard (John 12:48) His words will be the standard (John 12:48) Every idle word will be judged (Matt. 12:36-37) Every idle word will be judged (Matt. 12:36-37) Every plant not planted by God will be uprooted (Matt. 15:13) Every plant not planted by God will be uprooted (Matt. 15:13) Everything that man has done will be judged (Matt. 25:14-30) Everything that man has done will be judged (Matt. 25:14-30) Everything man has not done that he should (Matt. 25:31-46) Everything man has not done that he should (Matt. 25:31-46)

10 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time – The eternity of the eternal will come Few will find the way to life (Matt. 7:14) Few will find the way to life (Matt. 7:14) – Rewarded according to their works (Matt. 16:27) – “Well done…Come, you blessed” (Matt. 25:23, 34) – Receive a hundredfold & inherit eternal life (Matt. 19:29) – Mansions prepared in the Father’s house (John 14:2-3) – The faithful of all ages will be there (Matt. 8:11) Many will find the way to destruction (Matt. 7:13) Many will find the way to destruction (Matt. 7:13) – Rewarded according to their works (Matt. 16:27) – “Wicked & lazy…Depart from Me, cursed” (Mt. 25:26, 41) – Delivered unto to the torturers (Matt. 18:34-35) – Fire not be quenched & worm never die (Mark 9:43-48) – Weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 25:30)

11 Prophecies from Jesus Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time Events That Would Transpire at the End of Time – How many of these prophecies do you expect will be fulfilled at the end of time? Every single one of them! Every single one of them! Every single detail! Every single detail! Not one of them will fail! Not one of them will fail! You know it! You know it! – Jesus is the Great Prophet of God! – His words are true and come true…every time! – We can count on it!

12 Prophecies from Jesus Conclusion Conclusion – God foretold that the Great Prophet that He would send would speak the words of God (Deut. 18:18). – Look at these words from Jesus, the Prophet: “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). “…The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak…” (John 12:48-50). “…The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak…” (John 12:48-50). – We can have full confidence in the words of every prophet of God & especially His Greatest Prophet! Every single one of Jesus’ prophecies about the events in His last days and shortly after His ascension came to pass. Every single one of Jesus’ prophecies about the events in His last days and shortly after His ascension came to pass. We can have full assurance that every prophecy of Jesus about the events at the end of time will come to pass. We can have full assurance that every prophecy of Jesus about the events at the end of time will come to pass.

13 Prophecies from Jesus Conclusion Conclusion – The reasonable response: “And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him” (Deut. 18:19). “And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him” (Deut. 18:19). “And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people” (Acts 3:23). “And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people” (Acts 3:23). We must hear and properly respond to the words of Jesus, the Prophet! We must hear and properly respond to the words of Jesus, the Prophet! – Here’s the real question: Are you ready? Are you ready for Jesus’ prophecy to be fulfilled and for Him to come again? Are you ready for Jesus’ prophecy to be fulfilled and for Him to come again?

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