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DISCUSSION DIRECTOR In the first paragraph of the novel, how does Steinbeck introduce a motif of animals? He references rabbits here—we learn later in.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCUSSION DIRECTOR In the first paragraph of the novel, how does Steinbeck introduce a motif of animals? He references rabbits here—we learn later in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Mice and Men: exploring steinbeck’s American tragedy through literature circles

2 DISCUSSION DIRECTOR In the first paragraph of the novel, how does Steinbeck introduce a motif of animals? He references rabbits here—we learn later in this section that rabbits an important part of the dream that Lenny and George have of owning their own home and “living off the land”. The focus on animals creates a detailed setting of the Salinas River valley—the place where migrant farmers came to make a living during the Depression. Steinbeck pairs the “night tracks” of the animals with the path that the migrant “tramps” stomp over on their travels. Both the “mice and men” are on the move.

3 ILLUminator: Passage: Page 2, paragraph 3
This passage shows a contrast between the “sharp, strong” features of the smaller man, George, and his companion, Lenny, “a huge man, shapeless of face.” These characters are foils—one is described with words associated with intellectual dominance and the other as an intellectual inferior, despite his largeness. The passage creates a kind of comparison between Lenny and an a large beast. It is appropriate because he doesn’t use forethought—drinking from stagnant water that could make him sick, for example. He acts on impulse, much like the “bear” or animal to which he is compared.

4 Word watcher: On page 8, George takes beans out of his “bindle”
The bindle is a kind of pack carried by someone who generally is a migrant. The stereotype is a “hobo bag” on a stick, but the men in this novel carry a rolled up blanket in it so it would be carried on their shoulders. The men call themselves “bindle-stiffs” –a “stiff” is an average joe or regular guy. They don’t have much, just the packs on their back.

5 Summarizer/Background:
Many migrant workers experienced culture clash and were unwelcome in the towns in which they arrived. People looked down on them and felt they were taking their jobs. Many migrants lived in “ditchbank” camps—tents set up by the water. Since they lived as transients, they did not stay in one place for long— often work was seasonal.

6 OF MICE AND MEN Lit circle discussion 1:
Groups will meet for approximately a half hour. This will include time for each member of the group to present and lead his/her part of the discussion. Group members should take notes. Everyone in the group should follow along with the passages from the book. In your discussions, consider the events unfolding at the beginning of the story. Explore the setting (both time and place) of the novel, as well as the characters and conflicts (both internal and external) introduced. Evaluate the author’s use of techniques and motifs (patterns) in your discussions.

7 OF MICE AND MEN Lit circle discussion 2:
Groups will meet for approximately a half hour. This will include time for each member of the group to present and lead his/her part of the discussion. Group members should take notes. Everyone in the group should follow along with the passages from the book. DO NOT JUST COPY items from one another—DISCUSS the techniques and quotes. Discuss the events and conflicts unfolding in this section of the story. Consider the details that George reveals about his past with Lennie. Identify the symbolic elements of Candy’s dog. Evaluate the author’s depiction of characters whose opportunities are limited by race, age, gender, disability— how do the other characters respond to them and what is the author trying to show the audience?

8 OF MICE AND MEN Lit circle discussion 3:
Groups will meet for approximately a half hour. This will include time for each member of the group to present and lead his/her part of the discussion. Group members should take notes. Everyone in the group should follow along with the passages from the book. DO NOT JUST COPY items from one another—DISCUSS the techniques and quotes. NO Sparknote ideas or quotes! Discuss the build up of tension in this section of the story. Notice the details that reveal the loneliness and fear that pervades the lives of the characters—Crooks, Lennie, Candy and Curley’s wife. Identify the way in which even the most isolated and lonely individuals try to clutch on to hope in the form of power over others, nostalgia of the past or fantasy of the future. Consider Steinbeck’s social message to the audience.

9 OF MICE AND MEN Lit circle discussion 4:
Groups will meet for approximately a half hour. This will include time for each member of the group to present and lead his/her part of the discussion. Group members should take notes. Everyone in the group should follow along with the passages from the book. DO NOT JUST COPY items from one another—DISCUSS the techniques and quotes. Discuss out loud—all group members must contribute verbally. Discuss the climax and resolution of the final section of the story. What purpose does the final portrayal of Curly’s wife serve? Notice the details that shift the plot away from a realistic tone to Lennie’s fantasy. Consider why George felt it necessary to “euthanize” Lennie. Consider Steinbeck’s novel as a “modern tragedy” that uses elements of the traditional form—hubris, reversal of fortune, moment of realization and recognition (anagnorisis), and even a Chorus of sorts. Review the closing lines of the novel—what is the misinterpretation?

10 Characterization: In creating a realistic portrayal of the migrant farmer experience in California during the Depression, Steinbeck aims to represent different “types” on the ranch. He portrays the way that each individual ultimately is alone and disconnected from family life and a healthy, meaningful existence. Only George and Lennie have true friendship and dreams for the future. Evaluate how he characterizes the others on the ranch: As you read each passage, mark off any details that reveal character—direct characterization (description) and indirect characterization (what the character says or does, what others say about him, what he looks like, etc.) Then you will write a paragraph evaluating the character “type”.

11 WhAt is the connection between “Mice and Men”?
Title origin—Robert Burns’ poem: But, Mousie, thou art not alone, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o’ mice and men go often askew An’ leave us nought but grief an’ pain For promised joy.

12 Assignment for today: Argument and literary technique
Step 1: Take notes on the passage during the guided reading. Step 2: Create an argument on why Steinbeck’s style breaks from reality in the last chapter. Step 3: Build your argument into a clear paragraph with at least two smoothly-incorporated quotes.

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