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Learning styles and needs

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1 Learning styles and needs

2 Turn in your article response.
Article Response Due Sit in one of the seats in the circle. Sit across from someone. When given the signal either the INNER or OUTER person will have 2-3 minutes to discuss with their partner the following: What was your article about? Give a brief summary What did you think about the topic? How did you connect? When time is called, thank your partner and then listen to find out which way to rotate. Turn in your article response. Monday

3 Opener What were some of the barriers to learning and success you witnessed in the documentary 180 Days? Share with a partner

4 180 Days Again, as you watch…
Keep track of the barriers you see to both learning (student success) and teaching .

5 Socratic Seminar What are some critical issues facing teaching, learning and our education system today? What should/could we be addressing as a society in order to help young people succeed and have good choices in life?

6 Article/Film Response
Instead of finding another article this week, your response will be in regards to the first part of the series “180 Days.” Summarize the 1st episode What issues are highlighted in the documentary? What connections can you make between the documentary and what you see in your own educational experience? What do you think about the documentary?

7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Write about a time or a class in which you felt that the teacher genuinely cared about you and the other students. Consider the following: What do you remember about the physical environment? Decorations? Room arrangement? What was the teacher’s attitude toward the students? How was it conveyed? To what extent did the students know each other and work together? What role did the teacher have in building those relationships? Monday, 10/20 Create a chart

8 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Now…answer the same question (remember Mr/Mrs. McGillicuddy) in which you felt uncomfortable, threatened or did not feel it was a positive experience. Consider the same questions: What do you remember about the physical environment? Decorations? Room arrangement? What was the teacher’s attitude toward the students? How was it conveyed? To what extent did the students know each other and work together? What role did the teacher have in building those relationships? Create another list

9 What’s the difference? What are the key differences between these two environments? “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” Take notes on each of the levels (note the specific order is different from what is listed here, be sure you understand how they work together) Physiological Safety Emotional Self-Esteem Self-Actualization

10 Classroom/School Hierarchy of Needs
With a partner or trio, create a Hierarchy of Needs poster that addresses the needs as you would see them in a school or classroom.

11 Reflection What needs were being met in the positive classroom experience? What about the other? How does Maslow’s Needs connect to the documentary 180 Days?

12 Learning Styles and Needs
How might knowing about different learning styles and preferences impact how a teacher designs a lesson? How do you learn best? Through lectures? Visuals? Doing something yourself? Describe a time when you really felt you learned how to do something. Thursday, 10/23

13 Learning Styles – Note taking
People learn in different ways – no one way is better than another. “Every person has a learning style – it’s as individual as a signature.” – Dr. Rita Dunn, Center for the Study of Learning and Teaching Styles 46% of the population favor Visual Learning 19% of the population favor Auditory Learning 35% favor Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning

14 What’s your learning preference?
Circle the number of the statements that are true for you. Use the Learning Style Grid to determine what is your learning preference. Reflection: What is your preferred learning style? Does this seem accurate? Are you surprised by your results?

15 Learning Retention Learning Retention is how you hang onto or remember what you’ve learned. Certain activities help you retain what you’ve learned more than other activities. Complete the blank pyramid. Which methods do you think allow for the greatest/least amount of retention?

16 Learning Pyramid

17 Reflection (put in Activity Log or Journal)
Discuss what you learned about yourself as a learner today. What about others? How might a teacher use this information? As you go through your day, pay attention to the different ways teachers employ strategies to help students learn and retain what they have learned.

18 Who thinks their strength is…
Math? Music? Reading & Writing? Building/Creating stuff? Speaking to groups? Thursday 10/23

19 Multiple Intelligence Grid
Watch the following video. Complete the top portion of your handout. “Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligence” Watch the following video. Take notes in the chart. What are the Multiple Intelligences? So which intelligences do you have???

20 Multiple Intelligences Inventory
Complete the Multiple Intelligences Inventory. Read through each statement under each category. Mark off the statements that seem most true for you. When you are done – Look at the categories where you have the most agreement. There will likely be more than one. Monday, 10/27

21 Activity Chart & Assignment
With a partner, complete the Activity Chart for Multiple Intelligences.

22 Learning Styles v. Multiple Intelligences
Learning Styles describe the ways someone prefers to concentrate, store and remember new or difficult information. Think of Learning Styles as more of the input of learning. Multiple Intelligence is a theory for understanding, assessing and developing people’s different intelligence factors (their learning strengths). Think of Multiple Intelligence as more of the output of learning.

23 School Day Reflection - Homework
As you go through a day, identify the ways in which you see your teachers address learning styles, preferences and intelligences. Be prepared to write about what you notice.

24 Opener What did you notice about your day? What evidence did you see that teachers were attempting to address different learning styles? Address multiple intelligences? Do you think schools cater to a specific intelligence(s)? Use your own experience and observations to help you answer these questions.

25 Writing Task Write the following (fill in the blank) with your preferred hand. My name is _______________. Write the sentence above, but use your NON-preferred hand. Possibly Tuesday, maybe Monday depending on time.

26 Our Brain… Has two regions…The Left and Right
Each region has different functions and just as we develop preferences for one hand over another…many individuals develop a preference for using one side of their brain over the other. The left region = more logical, analytical, verbal The right region = more creativity, intuition, and imagination

27 Analytical/Global Inventory
Select whether you are more like the items in Column A or Column B. If you are somewhere in the middle, then check in the middle. Column A = Left or Analytical Column B = Right or Global

28 Small Group Discussion
Global Students – Form a group. Analytic Students – Form a group. 1. As a group, discuss what you like and dislike about school. What activities do you prefer? What activities do you not enjoy? 2. Read “Global and Analytical Approaches to Teaching” together. 3. Create a “Guide for Teachers” regarding your learning preference style. What should they include more of and exclude? (This can be in the form of a poster or presentation on the iPad) 4. You will present to the rest of us.

29 What They are Likely to Say
Clues to Recognizing Analytic and Global Students: Find a partner. Eight of the statements in the envelope are typical of global students, and ten are typical of analytics. On the top of a piece of paper, create two columns - write “Analytic Students” or “Global Students” Identify which statements belong to which category and glue or tape each statement to the piece of paper.

30 Opener What would you like teachers and parents to know about your school day? What are the challenges you face during the day? What would your teachers and parents be surprised to know? Monday, 11/3

31 Educational Article Response
Read the article “Teacher spends two day as student and is shocked at what she learns” Annotate the article. Make Connections Ask questions Respond or talk back to the author

32 Written Response Write a one-page response to the article.
Summarize the article.  What is it about? What are the beliefs about education/teaching/schooling in the article? Do you agree with the author's beliefs? Do you have any connections to the issue/trend in the article? If so, what is it? How might the issue/trend presented impact the future of education?

33 Final Response – My Learning Preferences
We have discussed and looked at three different components to personal learning styles and needs: Processing Styles/Learning Styles (Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic) Multiple Intelligences Global v. Analytic Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Write a 2- page paper in which you discuss who you are as a learner and student in regards to your personal learning style and needs. What would be your ideal school experience based on who you are as a learner? What would help you be successful as a student? Your reflection should clearly demonstrate your understanding and knowledge Learning Styles, MI, Global and Analytic approaches to learning and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

34 Due Date – Thursday 11/6 This will be your final assignment for the 1st Quarter. Please make sure your 2-page response is typed or written in ink. It should be revised and edited – free of errors.

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