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Franz Boas and Exhibits “ In ethnography, all is individuality” The Limitations of the Museum Method in Anthropology and the End of the “Museum Era”

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Presentation on theme: "Franz Boas and Exhibits “ In ethnography, all is individuality” The Limitations of the Museum Method in Anthropology and the End of the “Museum Era”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Franz Boas and Exhibits “ In ethnography, all is individuality” The Limitations of the Museum Method in Anthropology and the End of the “Museum Era”

2 Franz Boas (1848-1942) father of American Anthropology Active during Anthropology’s “Museum Age” 1880-1920 Established the concept of cultures as diverse historical developments. Holistic and historic philosophies tied to training in geography and the German romantic tradition Boas 1895, U.S. National Museum

3 Deduction vs. Induction Classification is not explanation 1887 debate DeductionInduction From the general to the specific From the specific to the general Like causes produce like effects Unlike causes produce like effects Otis T. MasonFranz Boas U.S. National MuseumAmerican Museum TypologicalTribal EvolutionaryContextual ClassificationLife group FormMeaning UniversalismIndividuality

4 Typological vs. Life Group U.S. National Museum Life group, 1896 U.S. National Museum, Typological, 1890

5 Entertainment, Instruction, Research Boas curator at the American Museum 1896- 1905 Over 90% of visitors “do not want anything beyond entertainment” Visitor groups - children, school teachers, researchers Researcher’s justify large museums “for the advancement of science”

6 The Practice of Museum Exhibits Boas at American Museum, 1900 No storage rooms, natural lighting, cases, life groups the most demanding (time, materials, skill), attempted realism. Labels – “the ultimate limitation to the possibility of a museum anthropology”. Boas believe the exhibited artifact secondary to the monographic interpretation of a scientist

7 Cultural Relativism Contextual The human mind has been creative everywhere - Boas Evolution Advance of mankind from primitive to complex – American Museum President Jesup

8 Cultural Determinism Anthropology Behavior of all men determined by enculturation Culture as primary determinant of behavior not race Learned behavior paramount Pre-anthropological culture singular, anthropological culture plural Evolutionary theory (E.B.Tylor and Herbert Spencer) Culture in its evolutionary sense, progressive accumulation of human creativity. Customs then viewed negatively as lower evolutionary status. See Stocking p. 870, 872. Phenomenon of World’s Fairs as exemplary of evolutionary theses – ex. World’s Columbia Exposition (also called The Chicago World’s Fair) 1893, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the “New World.” Arguments for and against racial assumptions tied to material culture studies.

9 Web sources Fabulous Imperialism! - The 1893 Columbian Exposition The Smithsonian Institution at 50

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