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Why does population grow faster in some places than in others?

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Presentation on theme: "Why does population grow faster in some places than in others?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why does population grow faster in some places than in others?

2  Demographic: Think population  Transition: Think change  In order to understand this concept, you must be comfortable with this vocabulary:  CBR, CDR, NIR, Infant mortality, revolution


4  All places have seen changes in natural increase, fertility, and mortality rates  These occur at different times in different parts of the world  The DTM has four stages of population growth  No country today is Stage 1.  LDCs are in Stages 2 and 3  MDCs are in Stage 4

5  Early human societies to about 1750.  Birth rates and death rates were roughly equal  Infant mortality was high  Since CBR and CDR were about the same, natural increase was low

6  Population grew toward the end of Stage One because of the AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION, when humans used agriculture for the first time.

7  CDR drops dramatically  CBR remains about the same  Since CBR > CDR, population grows

8  Industrial Revolution  Europe, U.S., Canada  Being able to make products quickly led to greater wealth—being able to ensure supplies of food.  1750s-1800s  Medical Revolution  Africa, Asia, Latin America  Improved medical practices in Europe diffused to Africa, Asia, and Latin America  This cut down on tradition forms of death from disease  Mid 1900s

9  A country is in Stage 3 when the CBR and TFR start to drop rapidly.  The drop is a result of social customs, not technological changes.  People in Stage 3 countries are likely to live in cities and no longer need large families.

10  Stage 4 countries have CBRs that are nearly equal to CDRs.  NIR drops to near zero, a condition called ZERO POPULATION GROWTH (ZPG).  ZPG means that the TFR is around 2.1, the replacement rate

11  Women’s education and work  Fewer children for working women  First children are born later in life (after college), leaving less time to produce more.

12  Birth control and Family Planning  Use of contraceptives— including condoms and “the pill” help prevent pregnancy  More money and free time=attending events without children  Travel overseas  Attending plays and shows  Dining at restaurants




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