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MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector 1. Intangible Heritage: Encourage ratification of 2003 Convention (2 SIDS out of 12 Member States) Promotion through.

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Presentation on theme: "MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector 1. Intangible Heritage: Encourage ratification of 2003 Convention (2 SIDS out of 12 Member States) Promotion through."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector 1. Intangible Heritage: Encourage ratification of 2003 Convention (2 SIDS out of 12 Member States) Promotion through 8 meetings in different regions of the world: meeting for the Pacific for May 2005 2. Cultural Diversity: Continuation of elaboration process of the Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions aiming for submission to General Conference in October 2005

2 3. Cultural Industries: Through the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity strengthening of cultural industries (cinema, music, publishing, etc.) by promoting respect for intellectual property rights and encouraging public-private partnerships In framework of Global Alliance (in cooperation with ILO and UNCTAD) implementation of Poverty Reduction Project in Trinidad & Tobago and Fiji; related projects in Cuba and Haiti MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector

3 4. Cultural Policies: Assistance in the development of cultural policies in SIDS, currently underway for the Comores (by Dar Es Salaam Field Office) 5. Cultural Heritage: Assistance to the Tsunami affected SIDS in restoration of cultural heritage and rehabilitation of cultural life Development of Museum partnerships in Indian Ocean SIDS General assistance to capacity building in the protection of cultural heritage MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector

4 6. World Heritage: Preparatory Assistance in the development of a potential transboundary World Heritage site linked to the Slave Route Special SIDS Programme by WHC & SC focused on Global Strategy and Sustainable Development Development of National World Heritage Strategy Workshops, at request of SIDS, to elaborate Tentative Lists and nominations to the World Heritage List Development of Pilot Projects to involve local communities in conservation management of World Heritage sites in SIDS MIM 2005: Follow-Up CULTURE Sector

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