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Multi discipilinary team approach in Breast cancer (1) Fatih Agalar, MD, FACS, FEBS (hon) Prof of Surgery.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi discipilinary team approach in Breast cancer (1) Fatih Agalar, MD, FACS, FEBS (hon) Prof of Surgery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi discipilinary team approach in Breast cancer (1) Fatih Agalar, MD, FACS, FEBS (hon) Prof of Surgery

2 A multidiciplinary, team approach to breast cancer treatment Breast cancer is a complex and serious disease, and during the course of treatment the patient will encounter many different doctors. A patient is likely to either work with or be evaluated by: a radiologist, a surgeon, nurse, a radiation oncologist, Pathologist, clinical oncologist, geneticist and Plastic reconstructive surgeon The team may also include a counsellor, a psychologist, a physical therapist and a case manager.

3 Such an integrated approach to health care is known as multidisciplinary care. There is evidence that decisions made by a multidisciplinary team are more likely to be in accord with evidence-based guidelines than those made by individual clinicians. A large body of knowledge supports the view that health outcomes for breast cancer can be maximised through a specialist multidisciplinary team approach to treatment and ongoing care. Here in AMC all breast cancer cases are avaluated by a multidisciplinary team

4 Most breast cancer treatments involve surgery Therefore, the central role in breast cancer treatment falls upon the surgeon. In AMC we don’t act without a clear treatment plan, established in consultation with the all members of the team and also with the woman herself. We preserve the breast without hampering oncologic outcome in suitable cases. We and plastic surgeon colleagues perform lumpectomy, oncoplastic breast surgery or mastectomy, and immediate and delayed reconstructions as required.

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