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iTrackR Ed PluralsPlurals Twitter Education Tweet what you learnt in your last lesson summarising in less than 140 characters Tweet what you learnt in.

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2 iTrackR Ed PluralsPlurals

3 Twitter Education Tweet what you learnt in your last lesson summarising in less than 140 characters Tweet what you learnt in your last lesson summarising in less than 140 characters

4 PluralsPlurals Learning Objectives: Reading:To identify spelling rules when changing nouns from singular to plural Writing: To apply spelling rules to improve sentences Task:Create and comment on forum

5 Plurals car becomes cars pencil becomes pencils Most plurals are formed by adding ‘s’ Nouns that end in a kind of hissing sound need ‘es’ fox = foxes witch = witches We say one glass but two glasses.

6 Nouns that end in -y change the to If a word ends in y with a consonant before it, change the y to ies A vowel is one of these: a e i o u anything else is a consonant A vowel is one of these: a e i o u anything else is a consonant lady (consonant before y) ladies (consonant before y) If a word ends in y with a vowel before it, then just add –s. If a word ends in y with a vowel before it, then just add –s. monkey (vowel before y) monkeys (vowel before y)

7 Nouns that end in -y Confused? Watch out! Names that end in ‘y’ just add ‘s’ for the plural We had lunch with the Murphys last week. Is there a simple way to know the plural of a noun? Only if you’re psychic. The rest of us are stuck with having to rely on the dictionary.

8 Words that end in -y city butterfly family donkey lady day puppy toy city butterfly family donkey lady day puppy toy Can you change these nouns into plurals ?

9 Nouns ending in f or fe Some nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ change to ‘v’ adding ‘es’ loaf = loaves elf = elves Remember that a few nouns ending ‘f’ do not follow this rule just add ‘s’ knife = knives two chiefs one chief

10 Nouns ending in f or fe Change these nouns into plurals cliff wolf half leaf life loaf thief wife dwarf chief (you can use a dictionary if you wish) Change these nouns into plurals cliff wolf half leaf life loaf thief wife dwarf chief (you can use a dictionary if you wish)

11 Nouns ending in -o... but there some odd ones out that you just need to remember For words ending in a vowel plus –o add –s Do I look scared? one piano = two pianos One scared tomato and three killer tomatoes.

12 Nouns ending in -o – tomato – potato – domino – stereo – cuckoo – hero – tomato – potato – domino – stereo – cuckoo – hero Change the following words into plurals:

13 Nouns with completely different plurals Sharks have really big teeth! Yum yum..two tasty men tooth/teeth man/men mouse/mice goose/geese These all change the vowel sound at the end.

14 Miss Marks The Examiner Mistakes to avoid...... A lot to remember and the only way to learn it all is to take those rules one at time... The exceptions are just as important. Don’t lose marks for bad spelling – learn them! Assessment criteria: Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life (Ww/L1.1) Write short texts composed for identifiable audience. (Wt/E3.1) Assessment criteria: Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life (Ww/L1.1) Write short texts composed for identifiable audience. (Wt/E3.1)

15 Using Plurals Task 1 Write your own message to the internet discussion forum, in which you give your own detailed views on the subject of using a mobile phone while driving – add some evidence (facts) to support your point. Discussion 1 It really makes mad when I see people talking on their mobiles while driving. How can they possibly concentrate on driving while chatting? Surely they are more likely to have an accident if they are on the phone? It’s illegal anyway! How dare they think their conversation is important enough to risk other people’s lives! Linda, Surrey Discussion 2 Linda, it is no more dangerous than eating a snack, changing channels on the radio or chatting to your passengers. Is there any evidence that using a mobile phone while driving increases the chance of an accident? Also, who has the right to tell me what to do in MY own car? John, London

16 Peer Assessment Look back through the writing. Write a list of all the things you thought your partner did really well. Include things linked to the objectives, but also include things that were not. Write a list of everything s/he did right. Give examples.

17 If you were to go back in time and start today’s lesson again, what would you change and why?

18 Review learning objectives: Reading:Were you able to identify some spelling rules when changing nouns from singular to plural? Writing: Were you able to apply some spelling rules to your sentences ? Review learning objectives: Reading:Were you able to identify some spelling rules when changing nouns from singular to plural? Writing: Were you able to apply some spelling rules to your sentences ? Plenary and Self Assessment Did you remember to complete yourself assessment ?

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