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WHAT HAPPENED? An Ignite Talk CMC North, December 2014 Teri Ryan Blog:

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT HAPPENED? An Ignite Talk CMC North, December 2014 Teri Ryan Blog:"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT HAPPENED? An Ignite Talk CMC North, December 2014 Teri Ryan Twitter: @geometrywiz Blog:

2 The Napa Valley

3 My Napa Valley

4 High School vs. Elementary School Kids are taller in High School Kids are “cooler” in High School Kids are quieter in High School

5 What do you Notice? Elementary kids are excited, eager to share Elementary kids aren’t afraid to try something different Elementary kids love to “notice” I notice you can put stuff inside of it.

6 What do you Notice? Can’t you just tell us what we are going to do and how to do it? HUH? This is too hard! IDK

7 What do you Wonder? Elementary kids are full of questions. Can we make it bigger or smaller? How much stuff will it hold? What happens if we... ?

8 What do you Wonder? I wonder when this class will be over. I wonder why you are making this so hard and won’t just tell us what to do. I wonder what Jason is doing right now.

9 What I Notice There is a lot of excitement about learning at the elementary level. Kids start Kindergarten with inequities already clearly marked. Common classroom routines continue to enhance rather than eliminate these inequities.

10 What I Wonder Where do kids loose their natural drive to learn and explore? What causes kids to stop “wondering” and “noticing”? How do we encourage kids to continue to desire to learn and grow?

11 How Do We Change This?To This ?

12 What I Believe Kids of all ages love to learn. Learning comes in many types of different experiences. Our current teaching practices stifle the natural noticing and wondering of kids.

13 Why Do I Believe This Experience and Routines The MTBoS Classroom routines that allow all students to have a voice and choice. Math and Number Talks, which allow all students to think, reason and hear the reasoning of others. I’ve Seen This

14 We Have a Lot of Work to Do

15 Things to Strive Toward Common goals for all students in all schools and grade level classes. Conversations across grade levels about student learning and progress. Strong Professional Learning Communities both at school sites and across the district.

16 Awareness is Important

17 My Dream High School kids as excited about learning as they were in elementary school. All kids believe they have the ability and the right to an equitable education. All kids believe in themselves and their ability to succeed at whatever they desire.

18 Possibilities High school students love to explore and play just like elementary level kids. Creative learning and teaching takes time, but brings it’s own rewards. Giving students choice in how they learn can improve engagement and learning.

19 In Elementary Classes I See …

20 In High School I Want to See...

21 Our Current Reality Approximately 70% of our K-5 students are proficient in grade level math. (7200 students total) Less that 10% of our 9-12 students are proficient in grade level math. (4800 students total)

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