Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession February 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession February 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession February 12, 2014

2  CSTP – Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession ◦ Katie Taylor, CSTP –  Auburn School District ◦ Rod Luke, Assistant Superintendent ◦ Nola Wilson, Assistant Principal - Auburn Riverside High School ◦ Debbie Allison, Science Teacher - Rainier Middle School ◦ Doug Gonzales – District Coordinator Learning Systems ◦ Andrew Monsen Teacher at Auburn Riverside High School

3  Learning Targets ◦ I can articulate how districts support a thriving teacher leadership program ◦ I can explain at least one way in which teacher leadership benefits a school district ◦ I can explain at least one way in which teacher leadership benefits a building ◦ I can identify one action a teacher leader could take

4 What does it mean to build up teachers as teacher leaders to help move a system forward? Why is it important to do that? Teacher Leadership Framework ATLA: Auburn Teacher Leadership Academy

5  250 or more teachers will participate; 200 as of current school year  More than 1/3 of our classroom teachers  Each year fifty teachers participate:  28 Elementary School  8 Middle School  14High School

6 Academy Addresses:  Framing Teacher Leadership & Leading Adults for Learning  Synthesizing Content and Problem Solving Dilemmas  Effective Facilitation for Teacher Leadership  Systems Thinking for Teacher Leaders  Leadership in Professional Learning Communities  Implementing Protocols  Instructional Alignment - Standards to Student Success  Strategies of Assessment for Learning  Analyzing Student Work in PLCs  Using Data to Inform Instructional Decisions

7 Teacher Leaders are Provided:  Time to interact with colleagues across our twenty-two schools  Opportunities, strategies and tools to continue as leaders within their school and our district  Focused time to meet and plan with their principal  Opportunity to apply for mini-grant

8  How have has ATLA influenced the operations of the district?  How has teacher leadership impacted student learning?

9  How has teacher leadership impacted the culture in your building?  How has that impacted student learning?

10  How did becoming a teacher leader change how you interacted with your colleagues?  How has your leadership work impacted students?  How has your becoming a teacher leader continued to impact your practice (beyond attending ATLA)?

11  Please indicate who you would like to direct your question to  Any questions that do not get addressed during this webinar will be followed-up with and summarized when the ppt is distributed

12  In the question box, please convey something in your learning that has shifted or clarified about teacher leadership today, using the reflection prompt: “I used to think_______ and now I think ____”

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