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Barriers to Intercultural Communication Chapter 3 What is the difference between an ethnographical approach and a cultural approach to studying intercultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Barriers to Intercultural Communication Chapter 3 What is the difference between an ethnographical approach and a cultural approach to studying intercultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barriers to Intercultural Communication Chapter 3 What is the difference between an ethnographical approach and a cultural approach to studying intercultural communication? What are some common barriers that impede intercultural communication? What are some examples of barriers found in China and US intercultural communication?

2 Two Ways to Understanding Intercultural Communication: Ethnography and Cultural Ethnography “writing of culture” Requires an extended period of residence & study in a community Direct observation, reporting & evaluation of cultural behavior Observation in natural setting An analysis of cultural patterns to develop a theory of the rules for appropriate behavior

3 Cultural is the second way to understand intercultural communication The cultural approach seeks to develop an ideal personification of the culture, And then us it to explain the actions of individuals in the culture. Example: Aboriginal style = consensus

4 Six Barriers (stumbling block) to Intercultural Communication Anxiety Assuming Similarity Ethnocentrism Stereotypes Prejudice Nonverbal misinterpretations Language

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