AHP Leadership Programme High Level Proposed Programme Overview Thursday 8 th May 2014 Will Young Organisation Design Consultant / Deputy Head of Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "AHP Leadership Programme High Level Proposed Programme Overview Thursday 8 th May 2014 Will Young Organisation Design Consultant / Deputy Head of Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHP Leadership Programme High Level Proposed Programme Overview Thursday 8 th May 2014 Will Young Organisation Design Consultant / Deputy Head of Centre

2 AIM: To develop leadership capability and capacity within the AHP community OBJECTIVES:  To revitalise leaders by refocusing and enhancing personal resilience and impact skills;  To frame effective AHP leadership and professionalism in the context of current realities and challenging futures;  To develop a relevant vision of personal leadership, positioning personal career and development plans within a wider strategic agenda;  To improve the AHP leadership to operate corporately and as a high performing team that delivers against strategic outcomes  To develop networks and build a learning community across health and social care. Programme Aims & Objectives

3  Improving Health and Wellbeing Through Positive Partnerships: A Strategy for the Allied Health Professions (AHP) in Northern Ireland 2012-2017  Reports and Reviews  Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Report  Stakeholders  Healthcare Leadership Model  Attributes Framework (quality improvement) Informed by …

4  2 Programmes: Band 7 & Band 8a and above  Healthcare Leadership Model  Building a learning community of leaders  Evidence based  Leading Edge  Challenging  Corporate AHP Principles

5 Leadership in Context Building High Performing Teams Political Leader Transformational Leader Learning Community Development Menu 360 … Coaching … Mentoring … Learning Log … PDP … Supervision

6 Snapshots of Leadership Building a learning community Emotional Intelligence; self-awareness, self-confidence, self-control, self-knowledge Personal Authority and Impact Commitment to Personal Change Personal Resilence Module 1: Leadership in Context (2 days) Proposed Programme Outline

7 High Performing Teams: Build, create, sustain Team Engagement, building success, incremental gains, constructive conflict, behavioural code Role modelling, mutual respect and trust Engaging leadership and organisational performance Influencing without authority Professionalism Module 2: Building High Performing Teams (2 days) Proposed Programme Outline

8 Future HSC structure and culture The corporate AHP Political architecture; ‘Through the eyes’ Political astuteness and political influence, Strategic network development and connection The Stormont experience Module 3: The Political Leader (2 days) Proposed Programme Outline

9 Inspiring and influencing others to transform Quality Improvement Framework eHealth; maximising the use of technology Creativity & innovation; Thinking Differently Innovation and Spread Importance of research and design Experience Based Design; person centred practice & care Maximising resources for success Module 4: Transformational Leader (2 days) Proposed Programme Outline

10 Innovation Spread Sharing the learning across the community Module 5: Learning Community(1 day) Learning Log 360 and other diagnostics Mentoring Coaching PDP Supervision Leading Edge Speakers Knowledge Exchange Other Supports Proposed Programme Outline


12 AHP Leadership Programme High Level Proposed Programme Overview Thursday 8 th May 2014 Will Young Organisation Design Consultant / Deputy Head of Centre

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