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Limerick Directions: watch the video read each slide

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1 Limerick Directions: watch the video read each slide
(3) complete assessment task

2 Limericks A limerick is a poem of five lines
The first, second, and fifth lines have three rhythmic beats and rhyme with one another. The third and fourth lines have two beats and rhyme with one another. A, A, B, B, A

3 Limericks are always light-hearted, humorous poems.
They often contain hyperbole, onomatopoeia, idioms, puns, and other figurative devices. The last line of a good limerick contains the PUNCH LINE or “heart of the joke.”

4 Limericks There once was a man with no hair.
He gave everyone quite a scare. He got some Rogaine, Grew out a mane, And now he resembles a bear!

5 Limerick About a Bee I wish that my room had a floor,
I don’t care so much for a door. But this walking around Without touching the ground Is getting to be quite a bore.

6 Another Limerick There once was a very small mouse
Who lived in a very small house, The ocean’s spray Washed it away, All that was left was her blouse!

7 You will create a limerick similar to this one…
There once was a man from Beijing. All his life he hoped to be King. So he put on a crown, Which quickly fell down. That small silly man from Beijing.

8 ASSESSMENT TASK Create your own Limerick by using the correct structure. (5 lines and AABBA rhyme scheme) Turn in -- the basket.

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