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Human Services What are the six perspectives in which the field of Human Services are derived?

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1 Woodside & McClam (2009). An Introduction to Human Services, 6th Edition. CA: Brooks/Cole

2 Human Services What are the six perspectives in which the field of Human Services are derived?

3 Human Services Themes and purposes of human services
Interdisciplinary nature of human services The Helping relationship Management principles Professional roles Professional activities

4 CH 1 An Introduction to Human Services
The definition of human services is derived from six perspectives. These perspectives summarize the principles that guide the delivery of human services. They come from scholars and prominent leaders in the field. Understanding and integrating these diverse perspectives will help you formulate a definition of human services. Woodside & McClam (2009)

5 Human Services Describe the themes and purposes of human services.

6 Themes & Purposes of Human Services
These themes and purposes have emerged over the past five decades. These themes include: Concerns with problems in living Increase in problems in our modern world The need for self-sufficiency The goals for social care, social control, and rehabilitation. Woodside & McClam (2009)

7 Human Services What is meant by “Problems in Living?”

8 Problems in living Human services has developed in response to the needs of individuals, groups, or communities for assistance to live better lives. Some problems in living include adolescent rebellion, parenthood, mid-life crises, caring for aging parents, and death and dying. Others arise in connection with family and community; these may include relating to children, parents, and spouses; maintaining progress in education; adapting to a new culture and language, and sustaining work performance. An important aspect of problems in living is individuals encountering difficulty in interacting with their environment. Human services addresses problems in living, with a focus on both the individual or group and the situation or event (Woodside & McClam , 2009).

9 Human Services Define “Growing Problems in the Modern World.”

10 Growing Problems in the Modern World
Human services has emerged in response to the growth in human problems in the modern world. A growing number of people feel alienated and isolated from their neighbors and communities. Individuals worry and stress about meeting their basic needs. Illiteracy, a lack of employable skills, and unemployment rates and low wages add to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, particularly in the technology age. There are also concerns about overpopulation, malnutrition, the environment, nuclear war, terrorism, genocide, and religious and social conflict, gas and energy prices, the housing market, failing financial institutions, etc. An effective system will help those in need of addressing such issues. Woodside & McClam (2009).

11 Human Services What is meant by “Self-sufficiency?”

12 Self-Sufficiency A key to successful service delivery is providing clients with the opportunity and support to be self-sufficient. Economic self-sufficiency strengthens an individual’s self-esteem. It is important to empower clients to make decisions and assume responsibility for their actions. Clients are encouraged to be independent and gain control of their own lives as soon as they are able. They gain belief in themselves or the efficacy to make the changes needed to be self-sufficient (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

13 Human Service What is the difference between “Social Care, Social Control, and Rehabilitation?”

14 Social Care, Social Control, & Rehabilitation
Social care is assisting clients in meeting their social needs, with the focus on those who cannot care for themselves (elderly, children, victims of crime, disasters, or crisis). Social control differs from social care in two fundamental ways: who receives the services and under what conditions they receive them. Most recipients of social control are able to care for themselves but have either failed to do so or have done so in a manner that violates society’s norms for appropriate behavior. The purpose of such services is to monitor or restrict clients’ independence for a specific time because of law violation (those in the criminal justice system). Rehabilitation is the task of returning an individual to a prior level of functioning (veterans, those with physical disabilities, victims of trauma) (Woodside & McClam , 2009).

15 Human Services Name the three disciplines that inform the interdisciplinary nature of human services and define each.

16 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Human Services
The three primary academic disciplines that provide an integration of knowledge are sociology, psychology, and anthropology. Each discipline brings a unique perspective to the understanding of the nature of the individual, families, and groups of people. They focus upon the context of the environment in which daily living occurs and the interaction between the two (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

17 Sociology Examines the ways in which human societies influence the people who live in these societies. Sociology assesses the individual and the broader culture, and tries to account for and understand the differences within human culture. It helps human service professionals understand elements of life that affect living, such as family structure, family roles, gender, race, and poverty. Woodside & McClam, 2009).

18 Psychology Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior.
It embraces all aspects of the human experience – from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. It examines how people think, feel, and behave and explores why they think, feel, and behave. Psychology analyzes behavior and mental processes from the physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic perspectives (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

19 Anthropology Anthropology studies the cultural, physical, and social development of humans and the variation in their customs and beliefs. They study culture in its broadest sense. They may study groups who live in remote areas of the globe or individuals in the mainstream culture in diverse settings. They may work in the business environment studying such topics as the culture of work, employee relations, and human resources. In this context, they are learning about employee problems on the job by learning about employee perceptions and behavior. By integrating disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and anthropology, human services professionals can attain knowledge of individuals, an understanding of society and its relationship to individuals and families, and the culture in which people live . This allows them to relate to their clients more effectively (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

20 Relationship Between Client & Helper
The delivery of human services involves both the client and the helper. Clients are active participants in many different systems that influence their circumstances. Services must be delivered with an understanding of the client’s culture and with the client’s participation. Helpers must attempt to see situations through the client’s eyes. Professionals must also function as educators and help clients to develop certain skills to increase their intellectual, emotional, and behavioral options. Clients should be treated as thinking, feeling, and acting human beings who are capable of change (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

21 Human Services Name and define the three management principles related to service delivery in human services organizations?

22 Management Principles
Three principles characterize service delivery: networking to develop a human service umbrella/ bridge, forming teams and partnerships, and using case management. Human services is not a single service delivery system but a complex web of helping agencies and organizations. It encompasses several services but is not limited to child, youth, and family services; corrections; mental health; public health; crisis intervention; and education. An effective service delivery system includes increased communication, cooperation, and collaboration among helpers and agencies. Scarce resources has altered service delivery philosophy by limiting services, tightening eligibility criteria, and focusing on short-term interventions (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

23 Management Principles
“Networking” is linking human service agencies. It is building bridges between agencies, organizations, and services. “Teamwork” principles include: The customer is central to the planning & delivery of services. Members of teams must work together cooperatively. Continual communication between team members. Shared responsibility, authority, and accountability. Partnerships are formed when two or more human service organizations agree to work together toward a common goal. The goal of “case management” is to teach those who need assistance to manage their own lives & to support them when expertise is needed or a crisis occurs (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

24 Roles Services are provided in a variety of settings. Helpers need a broad-based education and willingness to adapt to changing roles and circumstances. The generalist has the knowledge, values, and skills to perform several job functions in various environments. They use both micro and macro perspectives. The micro system is represented by the individuals in the client’s environment and might include family, friends, teachers, coworkers, and individuals within the human service delivery system. The macro system is represented by the organizations, agencies, communities, and neighborhood locations where clients interact (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

25 Roles Volunteers contribute considerable staff power within the human service sector. They are valuable resources, particularly in times of decreased funding. They personalize services, can be good advocates, and brings new skills and interests and a high level of enthusiasm to an agency setting. Self-help groups consist of laypeople from all walks of life who come together to create a mutual support system to meet their own needs. Members share a common problem, they consider themselves peers, and they organize separately from human services organizations. Such groups raise consciousness, secure political rights, and provide support for behavior changes. Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD) (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

26 Activities The professional activities of human service helpers are often discussed in professional literature and are defined by the helper’s relationship with clients and other professionals, academic training, ethical standards, continuing education, and measured competence (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

27 CH 2 History of Helping Who was responsible for the poor and needy before and during the Middle Ages?

28 CH 2 History of Helping Before the Middle Ages, feudal lords had assumed responsibility for care of the sick and poor on their lands. Needy people received aid from human service institutions such as orphanages, Church, and later the government. Hospitals not only provided medical assistance but fed and housed tired travelers, orphans, elderly, and the poor. Insane asylums were established in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries but did not provide effective treatment (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

29 History of Helping What factors created the need for the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601? Why was this law so important relative to human services?

30 History of Helping Relief for the poor was the responsibility of the Church during the Middle Ages. The care of the poor by the Church altered as the nature and incidence of poverty changed with socioeconomic conditions. The decline of feudalism, the growth of commerce, and the beginning of industrialization made it necessary to find new ways of assisting those in need. A new type of economy and employment needs of the industrial revolution affected numbers of poor people (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

31 History The growth of commerce encouraged the development of a money economy, based on capital investment, credit, interest, rent, and wages. This system was very different from a rural economy, which depended on the bartering of goods and services. The poor could no longer survive by bartering, they had little money for basic needs. In England, the pressures of the poor in cities created the need for a large-scale attack on poverty and prompted the passage of the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1601 (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

32 Elizabethan Poor Law Provided a clear definition of the “poor” and articulated services that they were to receive. This legislation was critical in the history of human services. It guided social welfare practices in England and the United States for the next 350 years by specifying who was to provide services to those in need. More significantly, this legislation acknowledged that the state had a responsibility to relieve need and suffering and that the disadvantaged not only deserved assistance but also had a legal right to it (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

33 History of Helping Name and define the social philosophies that contributed to the belief that poverty was the fault of the individual.

34 The 19th Century By the Early 1800’s the belief that the needy deserved governmental public assistance changed in the U.S. Poverty was viewed as the fault of the individual, and public aid was thought to cause and encourage poverty. The belief that being poor was a crime manifested in the Poor Law Reform Bill of Its purpose was to limit the expansion of services provided to the poor. The social philosophies of individualism, the work ethic, economic liassez-faire, and Social Darwinism promoted further changes in attitudes toward the needy (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

35 Social Philosophies Individualism- the individual was held solely responsible for his/her life's circumstances. Laissez – faire – an economic concept that focused on societal rather than individual responsibility. This philosophy opposed the provision of any human services as a right of the individual. Social Darwinism – The philosophy that the natural order of life was that the strong survive and the unfit, not being able to meet their own needs, would perish (Woodside & McClam, 2008).

36 Social Philosophies The aforementioned philosophies encouraged the belief that nothing could be done about the situation of the working class and the poor, who faced long work hours, low wages, child labor, and unhealthy work conditions. These prevailing belief systems discouraged providing services and limited services to those who desperately needed assistance. As welfare problems grew, the private sector was unable to meet increasing demands. In spite of the prevailing philosophies there was a growing demand for public agencies to assume more responsibilities for the poor. By the 1850’s, specialized institutions had been established for persons with mental illness, juvenile delinquents, the deaf and blind, and criminals. These institutions were established on the belief that reform, rehabilitation, and education were possible (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

37 Early 20th Centuries During this period of social reform, the first seeds of the mental health movement were formed, and federal legislation provided broad government support for many Americans. The early 1990’s, sometimes called the sociological era, continued the period of social reform. Two significant events or changes affected the history of helping and human services. The development of a new profession, the social work (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

38 20th Century The basis for the the new profession of social workers was the belief that such people needed specific skills, knowledge, and understanding to work effectively with the poor. The development of this profession is significant; it represents the beginning of the professionalization of human services. Later in this century, the fields of welfare, mental health, child guidance, and probation also became professionalized. The reexamination of the causes of poverty also took place (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

39 20th Century A group called the “muckrakers” actively criticized the wealthy, accusing them of moral decay, cheating, and bribery. They exposed unfair business, government, and labor practices. They supported the idea that poverty was caused by social and economic conditions, and not by the individual. The “muckrakers” proposed that improvements in housing and working conditions could help eliminate poverty (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

40 History of Helping What impact did President Franklin D. Roosevelt have on human services?

41 Increased Federal Involvement
The Great Depression was marked by vast unemployment, failing business ventures, and the collapse of banks. President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal legislation that fundamentally changed the federal government’s role in providing human services, focusing on two goals. The first goal was to provide short-term aid to those who were unemployed The Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were but two of the work relief programs implemented. The second focus was the enactment of the Social Security Act of 1935 as protection against future economic hardships (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

42 Social Security Act The (SSA) was the cornerstone of the present American social welfare system and was passed in response to the need for human services. It translated into action the belief that Americans had the right to protection from economic instability. Federal government assumed responsibility for the economic security of its citizens. It expanded welfare activities & improved their standards by establishing a new alignment of responsibility in public welfare. The policy of federal aid or grants to states began, thus closing the door on the “poor law reform bill” principle of responsibility. The act provided assistance in the areas of social insurance, public assistance, & health and welfare services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

43 Mid –20th Century An important step in the provision of services to those with mental illness was the passage of the National Mental Health Act of This act created a Mental Hygiene Division within the U.S. Public Health Service and a center for information and research, which later became the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH). This agency played a critical role in the human service movement. The Mental Health Study Act of 1955 acknowledged personnel shortages in mental health. The Community Health Centers Act of 1963 established the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH). NIMH was directed to set requirements and regulations for the establishments of community mental health centers (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

44 History of Helping How did President Lyndon Johnson impact human services?

45 President Lyndon Johnson
President Lyndon Johnson declared a war on poverty in 1965. Such programs as the Job Corps, College Work Study, and Head Start were created to combat the war of poverty by providing ways for the poor to improve their economic conditions. Johnson also promoted the rights of the poor. The voting rights act of 1965 abolished the literacy tests that had been used to deny uneducated people the right to vote, and the Affirmative Action Order of 1968 and the Office of Economic Opportunity improved employment opportunities for minorities. The president approved the amendments of Medicare & Medicaid to the Social Security Act, on July 30, 1965 (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

46 Human Services Movement
Since the 1960’s the human services movement has experienced unprecedented growth, evidenced by the increased number of training programs, increased size of the mental health delivery system, and the development of the human services administration at the federal level. In 1966, the first human service educational program was established at Purdue University, a two-year associate degree program that focused on the training of entry-level mental health workers (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

47 Human Services Movement
A movement toward professionalism in the field of human services emerged. Two organizations were influential in this area. Both the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) and the Council for Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE), are still active today. Such organizations regulate a profession or its workers, facilitate communication among its members, or foster excellence in research or services within the profession. They were established in the 1970’s (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

48 History of Helping How did Presidents Nixon and Reagan impact human services? What was the impact of Proposition 13 on human services?

49 Late 20th Century President Nixon had a more conservative approach to human services. Both a decline in federal spending and different ways of managing human service programs were two important changes. Nixon’s New Federalism called for individuals to assume responsibility for their own situation, Power, resources, and influence began to flow back to the states and local communities. The emphasis was on the development of self-help programs and the provision of services by the private sector (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

50 Dismantling Welfare From the 1930’s to the 1980’s , the government’s social policy was to assume responsibility for citizens who could not provide a reasonable quality of life for themselves. Proposition 13 was an amendment to the state constitution. The goal of the legislation was to amend the property tax structure. This resulted in less money for services, including social services. The passage of Proposition 13 was an early sign of the changing attitude of the American public toward government spending for human services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

51 President Reagan Ronald Reagan was elected on a platform that called for establishing new priorities in human services, slashing government spending, and reducing the government’s involvement in human services. One of his priorities was to return the administration of human services to the individual states, communities, and private sources He terminated a number of social programs and drastically cut spending on others. Those affected included “childcare, school lunch & other nutrition programs, food stamps, subsidized housing, energy assistance, family planning, public and mental health services, alcohol and drug abuse counseling, legal aid, and others. A result of Reagan’s policies expanded the number of nonprofit & private agencies in human services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

52 History of Helping What impact did Presidents George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush Jr. have on human services?

53 Welfare The most significant human service legislation from George Bush Sr. was the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was passed in 1990. It was designed to to get people with disabilities into the workforce who were kept out by discrimination and other barriers. Most of his policies focused on foreign policies and a lack of attention to domestic issues (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

54 Welfare A declining economy, the growing gap between the rich and poor, and the need for welfare reform all contributed to Bill Clinton’s 1992 election. Clinton reformed the welfare system by proposing a new law that emphasized training, education, short-term support, and personal responsibility. Welfare reform has decreased the number of families on welfare, and increased the number of families who are employed (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

55 Legislative Changes in the 21st- Century
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) was passed to provide outpatient prescription drug benefits for individuals on Medicare, Part D. This plan replaces Medicaid as a source of drug coverage. President George W. Bush initiated an effort to bring faith-based agencies and organizations into partnership with the federal government by creating the White House Office of Faith-based and Community Initiative – Center for Faith-based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI). Its purpose is to more effectively use faith-based and community-based organizations toward providing human services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

56 Ch 3 Human Services Today
One way to describe the broadening scope of human services today is to think about where services are delivered. Services continue to be delivered in agencies or institutional settings; but with growing emphasis on making services accessible and comprehensive, service delivery in nontraditional settings has increased. Rural services, industrial and military settings, and schools are just a few environments where service delivery is taking place (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

57 Institutional & Community-Based
There is a trend in mental health toward downsizing institutions & increasing the number of community-based services. The goal of community-based mental health care is to enable clients to interact with their environments in the least restrictive setting in which they can function. The focus of treatment has become health & wellness instead of illness. Much of human service work is case management; The human service worker acts as a planner, consultant, & liaison between the relevant agencies and the client (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

58 Community-based Community-based care in corrections is designed to take individuals from prisons and local jails and place them in the community within supervised, planned programs. School-based services provide an array of integrated support services in schools that children, youth, and families require. It melds quality education with support services. Other examples of nontraditional settings are malls, funeral homes, and hospitals. The diversity of settings will likely increase (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

59 Rural areas Since the 1970’s, interest in providing services to rural areas has increased. Those who are living in rural poverty and those who are not disadvantaged may experience similar problems that require the help of social service agencies and helping professionals, such as mental illness, family conflicts, and physical limitations. Many who live in rural areas find a number of difficulties and barriers in obtaining services. Shortages in trained health care & helping professionals, the large geographic distances between clients and providers, the cost of services, the maintenance of confidentiality, & the coordination of care are all problematic in rural areas( Woodside & McClam, 2009).

60 Industry and Military Today’s employers recognize that workers who are physically and psychologically well are more productive employees. Industry has learned to recognize signals that may indicate a need for assistance such as tardiness, absenteeism, ineffective performance, and an inability to cooperate and communicate with others. Industry’s initial interest in human services began when drug and alcohol abuse among employees showed alarming increase. The federal government established the Hughes Act in 1970 and created the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It was significant in the field of human services because it established an approach that was different from the treatment for people with mental illness (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

61 Industry and Military Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) derived from this act. Meeting basic human needs in the military is different from accomplishing the same in a civilian setting, partly because of of the atmosphere of discipline and commitment to the organization. The military offers a number of support services including an employee assistance program, readjustment counseling, advocacy programs, and family support services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

62 Managed Care In the past decade, managed care has had a profound effect on the delivery of human services. Managed care organizations administer a large percentage of the group health insurance, mental health care, child-care, corrections, and other social services. Managed care is a term used to describe a set of tools or methods designed to manage resources and deliver human services, especially in the areas of health care and mental health. It developed from the public’s demand for accountability (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

63 Managed Care Although the American public was concerned about the cost of health care in the 1980’s, today there is a growing concern about managed care and its responsibility for the deterioration of care. Managed care influences the delivery of services to clients within the social service network with external reviews, standards of good practice, and a continuum of care. The external review is used in several ways to monitor and communicate to service providers what they can provide and still receive financial coverage for providing (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

64 Managed Care A guiding principle for managed care review is to approve the lowest level of care that will meet the client’s need. Another component of the external review is related to good quality services. Quality care may include fair treatment of the client, smooth access of services, meeting the client’s expectations, fair response to client grievances, and client satisfaction. Continuous review creates a periodic dialogue between the service providers and the managed care personnel about the status of client and effectiveness of the services (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

65 Managed Care Because managed care emphasizes appropriate services for clients and matching services to specific outcomes, it establishes standards of best practices for meeting specific client needs. The continuum of care describes an integrated system of settings, services, professionals, and levels of care and services (Woodside & McClam, 2009)

66 Trends The growth and change of the elderly population in America rank among the most important demographic developments of the 20th century and continues their importance in the 21st century. This development will have serious implications for the next 50 years. This growing group will have increasing education levels, including more minority elderly, and include more women than men. The most vulnerable are older single women with low incomes, baby boomers with less education, and minority groups with low economic status (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

67 Trends Those aged 85 and older are also at risk. Because of gains in life expectancy, medical advances, and improved health and lifestyles, the 85 and older population is the fastest growing age group in the U.S. Some of this group will be troubled by poor health, dependency, and the inability to perform simple tasks. Addressing issues associated with physical, social, mental, and emotional decline means providing support to aging clients and their family Woodside & McClam, 2009).

68 Trends There are changing demographics in the U.S. and the world.
Diversity may include age, color, disabilities, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation. Human service professionals must understand the world view of those being served. Each person has a world view that affects thoughts, decision making, lifestyle, and behavior; it also includes attitudes, values, and opinions. It affects how we see each other and ourselves. Professionals must be aware of their own world view, become effective cross-culturally, and be sensitive to the world view of their clients (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

69 CH 4 Models of Human Service Delivery
There are three models that represent different orientations in service delivery: the medical model, the public health model, and the human service model. All three models are used to deliver services today, and depending on the problem, an integration of all three models may be most effective. Each model of service delivery has certain philosophical assumptions that guides its practice. These assumptions reflect beliefs about causes of the problem, treatment, and the role of the professional (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

70 Medical Model Based on an orientation developed by the medical profession; it assumes that mental disorders are diseases or illnesses that impair an individual’s ability to function. The disease or illness, in the case of mental disorders, has an organic basis and responds to medical interventions such as medication, laboratory studies, and physical therapies. The patient often receives treatment from a physician in a hospital or medical clinic. This model sees the person needing help as sick or ill, not healthy. Symptoms – diagnosis – treatment – cure (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

71 Public Health Model Resembles the medical model in its diagnosis and treatment process, but the models differ in recipients of services and methodologies of treatment. Whereas the medical model emphasizes individuals, the public health model focuses on groups in the population who may be identified by geography (community, country, region, or state) types of problems (abuse, poverty, specific illness), or specific characteristics such as age (children, elderly). This model views mental disorders as the result of malfunctions or pressures created by the environment or society. The disorder is evaluated for its impact on both the individual and society. Preventing the problem through supporting activities such as the use of films, speakers, school programs, and pamphlets, all aimed at educating the population about the problem (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

72 The Human Services Model
Concerned with the interaction between the individual and the environment, stressing the need for balance between the two. It recognizes the other models but focuses on the interpersonal and environmental conflicts that may result from the problem (in this case, a mental disorder). Perhaps the reasons for the problem are a biochemical imbalance, faulty learning, influences of the social environment, etc… Treatment provides services to the individual and environment through work with the client and relevant institutions (Woodside & McClam, 2009).

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