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Health, Safety and Nutrition

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Presentation on theme: "Health, Safety and Nutrition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health, Safety and Nutrition
Chapter 1: Interrelationship of Health, Safety and Nutrition Chapter 2: Promoting Good Health

2 Chapter 1 & 2 Topics Chapter 1: The Interrelationship between Health, Safety and Nutrition Factors affecting health, safety and nutrition The teacher’s role Chapter 2: Promoting Good Health Health Promotion Areas of Health to Consider Health Topics to Teach

3 Factors Affecting Health
Culture Knowledge Nutrition Health Socio-Economic Status Health Environment and Life Style

4 Factors Affecting Safety
Culture Knowledge Nutrition Safety Socio-Economic Status Health Environment and Life Style

5 Factors Affecting Nutrition
Culture Knowledge Health Nutrition Socio-Economic Status Safety Environment and Life Style

6 What is the Interrelationship between Health, Safety and Nutrition?

7 Health Promotion Organizations
Healthy People 2010 Identifies and provides information to prevent health problems and encourages collaboration National Health and Safety Performance Standards for Child Care Provides detailed quality standards and procedures for children in organized care environments Healthy Child Care America Improves quality of educational programs, early care, and coordinates health care professionals with early education professionals

8 What is Health Promotion?
Recall when someone gave you a healthy message Recall when you noticed a role model for making healthy choices. Recall when you encouraged someone to make a healthier choice. Recall when you made a new healthy choice. … so what is health promotion?

9 The Teacher's Role Protect children from harm
Teach basic skills for life Follow licensing and legal regulations Collaborate with parents Have current information and resources Offer training and resources to parents Model healthy choices to children and parents

10 Teach the Basic Life Skills to Children and Parents
Physical Health Mental Health Social Health Emotional Health

11 Physical Health Teach children Teach parents Stay with your adult
Use your body safely Be kind to other people’s bodies Teach parents Child depends on you for physical safety Child proof the environment, use car seats Protect your child from harm at all times

12 Emotional Health Teach Children Teach Parents
To label, share and discuss their feelings To say “no” To ask for help Teach Parents To respond to child’s thinking and questions To explain actions as needed To seek help if they are overwhelmed

13 Social Health Teach Children Teach Parents How to make friends
How to be friendly How to take turns and share Identify when they need alone time Teach Parents Making and maintaining healthy relationships Maintaining social stability in the home Supporting healthy friendships between childhood friends

14 Mental Health Teach Children Teach Parents
To identify problems and seek solutions To cooperate with others To build strong relationships with other adults Teach Parents Be caring and responsive Give consistent, age-appropriate discipline Demonstrate resilient behaviors Give encouragement more than criticism

15 What To Teach Each Age and Stage
Physical Health Mental Health Social Health Resilient Children Infants Toddlers Preschool Children

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